The Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine has a rich history of research, scholarship and publication, encompassing the case reports and reviews in the early Digests, the more formally presented articles in the College of Osteopathy's first research journal, Osteopathic Medicine, and current publications in some of the medical and pharmacology fields' leading peer-reviewed journals.

The PCOM Scholarly Works repository is an archive for pre-publication drafts or final versions of research and editorial articles, abstracts, posters, book chapters, datasets, and unpublished works by faculty and staff at PCOM's Philadelphia, Georgia, and South Georgia campuses.


Submissions from 2007

Low Back Pain, Kendra McCamey and Paul Evans

Assessment of personality disorders in childhood, George McCloskey, Peter Kane, Carrie Champ Morera, Kathryn Gipe, and Amy McClaughlin

Phosphoinositide 3-kinase, Src, and Akt modulate acute ventilation-induced vascular permeability increases in mouse lungs, T. Miyahara, K. Hamanaka, D. S. Weber, D. A. Drake, Mircea Anghelescu, and J. C. Parker

Dysregulated metabotropic glutamate receptor-dependent translation of AMPA receptor and postsynaptic density-95 mRNAs at synapses in a mouse model of fragile X syndrome, R. S. Muddashetty, S. Keli, C. Gross, Mei Xu, and G. J. Bassell

HERG is protected from pharmacological block by a-1,2- glucosyltransferase function, T. Nakajima, K. Hayashi, P. Viswanathan, M. Kim, Mircea Anghelescu, K. A. Barksdale, W. Shuai, J. R. Balser, and S. Kuperschmidt

The Food and Drug Administration Office of Women's Health: Impact of science on regulatory policy, D. Obias-Manno, P. E. Scott, Joseph M. Kaczmarczyk, M. Miller, E. Pinnow, L. Lee-Bishop, M. Jones-London, K. Chapman, D. Kallgren, and K. Uhl

Development of the terminally differentiated state sensitizes epiphyseal chondrocytes to apoptosis through caspase-3 activation, B. Pucci, Christopher S. Adams, J. Fertala, B. C. Snyder, K. D. Mansfield, M. Tafani, T. Freeman, and I. M. Shapiro

In vitro and in vivo bactericidal effect of sol-gel/antibiotic thin films on fixation devices, S. Radin, V. Antoci Jr., N. Hickok, Christopher S. Adams, J. Parvizi, I. M. Shapiro, and P. Ducheyne

Enhanced effects of guggulsterone plus 1,25(OH)2D3 on 3T3-L1 adipocytes, Srujana Rayalam, Mary Anne Della-Fera, Suresh Ambati, Barbara Boyan, and Clifton A. Baile

Resveratrol potentiates genistein's antiadipogenic and proapoptotic effects in 3T3-L1 adipocytes, Srujana Rayalam, Mary Anne Della-Fera, J. Y. Yang, J. P. Hea, S. Ambati, and C. A. Baile

Resistance to combined ganciclovir and foscarnet therapy in a liver transplant recipient with possible dual-strain cytomegalovirus coinfection, John Rodriguez, Katherine Casper, Gregory Smallwood, Andrei Stieber, Carlos Fasola, Jennifer Lehneman, and Thomas Heffron

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants, Frederick Rotgers

Matrix regulation of skeletal cell apoptosis III: Mechanism of ion pair-induced apoptosis, R. Saunders, K. H. Szymczyk, I. M. Shapiro, and Christopher S. Adams

RGDS peptides immobilized on titanium alloy stimulate bone cell attachment, differentiation and confer resistance to apoptosis, A. G. Secchi, V. Grigoriou, I. M. Shapiro, E. A. Cavalcanti-Adam, R. J. Composto, P. Ducheyne, and Christopher S. Adams

Chondrocyte Hypertrophy and Apoptosis at the Cartilage-Bone Interface, I. M. Shapiro, Christopher S. Adams, V. Srinivas, and T. A. Freeman

Sepsis-induced myocardial dysfunction, Avadhesh C. Sharma

Analysis of competitive interaction of H and R allelic forms of CD32A with rabbit IgG immune-complex, Rangaiah Shashidharamurthy, A. Amano, D. Ezekwudo, and P. Selvaraj

Region-specific neutralization of Indian cobra (Naja naja) venom by polyclonal antibody raised against the eastern regional venom: A comparative study of the venoms from three different geographical distributions, Rangaiah Shashidharamurthy and K. Kemparaju


Interleukin-4 Inhibition of Interleukin-1-Induced Expression of Matrix Metalloproteinase-3 (MMP-3) is Independent of Lipoxygenase and PPARgamma Activation in Human Gingival Fibroblasts, Denise Stewart, Masoud Javadi, Mariah Chambers, Chad Gunsolly, Grzegorz Gorski, and Ruth C. Borghaei

An Analysis of the Relationship between Irrational Beliefs and Automatic Thoughts in Predicting Distress, A. Szentagotai and Arthur Freeman

Observation of terahertz vibrations in Pyrococcus furiosus rubredoxin via impulsive coherent vibrational spectroscopy and nuclear resonance vibrational spectroscopy - interpretation by molecular mechanics, M. L. Tan, A. R. Bizzarri, Y. Xiao, S. Cannistraro, T. Ichiye, C. Manzoni, G. Cerullo, M. W. Adams, Francis E. Jenney Jr., and S. P. Cramer


Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and Chlamydophila (Chlamydia) pneumoniae promote Ab 1-42 amyloid processing in murine astrocytes linking an infectious process to Alzheimer's disease, Laura R. Triplett, Adam L. Dore, Kevin S. Kralik, Brian J. Balin, Susan T. Hingley, and Denah M. Appelt

Dispersion interactions govern the strong thermal stability of a protein, Jiří Vondrášek, T. Kubař, Francis E. Jenney Jr., Michael W. Adams, Milan Kožíšek, Jiří Černý, Vladimír Sklenář, and Pavel Hobza

Stability of caffeic acid phenethyl ester and its fluorinated derivative in rat plasma, Xinyu Wang, Phillip D. Bowman, Sean M. Kerwin, and Salomon Stavchansky

PF0610, a novel winged helix-turn-helix variant possessing a rubredoxin-like Zn ribbon motif from the hyperthermophilic archaeon, Pyrococcus furiosus, X. Wang, H. Lee, F. J. Sugar, Francis E. Jenney Jr., Michael W. Adams, and J. H. Prestegard

Working with adult survivors of sexual and physical abuse, Beverly White

Hormone replacement therapy and cardiovascular function: Evidence for dual and opposite effects of estrogen on vascular reactivity, Richard E. White

Enhanced pro-apoptotic and anti-adipogenic effects of genistein plus guggulsterone in 3T3-L1 adipocytes, Jeongyeh Yang, Mary Anne Della-Fera, Srujana Rayalam, Suresh Ambati, and Clifton A. Baile

Effect of xanthohumol and isoxanthohumol on 3T3-L1 cell apoptosis and adipogenesis, Jeongyeh Yang, Mary Anne Della-Fera, Srujana Rayalam, and Clifton A. Baile

A Critical Role for the Co-Repressor N-CoR in Erythroid Differentiation and Heme Synthesis, Dianzheng Zhang, Ellen Cho, and Jiemin Wong

An enhancer mutant of Arabidopsis salt overly sensitive 3 mediates both ion homeostasis and the oxidative stress response, J. Zhu, X. Fu, Y. Koo, J. Zhu, Francis E. Jenney Jr, Michael W. Adams, Y. Zhu, H. Shi, S. Yub, and et al.

Submissions from 2006

Improving the oral efficacy of recombinant granulocyte colony-stimulating factor and transferrin fusion protein by spacer optimization, Yun Bai and Wei-Chiang Shen

Cyclic nucleotide and protein kinase signaling in hypertensive pulmonary arterial smooth muscle, Scott A. Barman, Shu Zhu, and Richard E. White

Protein kinase signaling in hypertensive pulmonary arterial smooth muscle, Scott A. Barman, Shu Zhu, and Richard E. White

The National Report Card on the State of Emergency Medicine, John W. Becher

Kinetics of cardiac thin-filament activation probed by fluorescence polarization of rhodamine-labeled troponin C in skinned guinea pig trabeculae, Marcus G. Bell, E. B. Lankford, G. E. Gonye, G. C. R. Ellis-Davies, D. A. Martyn, M. Regnier, and Robert J. Barsotti


Kinetics of Cardiac Thin-Filament Activation Probed by Fluorescence Polarization of Rhodamine-Labeled Troponin C in Skinned Guinea Pig Trabeculae, Marcus G. Bell, Edward B. Lankford, Gregory E. Gonye, Graham C. R. Ellis-Davies, Donald A. Martyn, Michael Regnier, and Robert J. Barsotti

Effect of night vision goggles on performance of advanced life support skills by emergency personnel., Savoy Brummer, Edward T Dickinson, Frances S Shofer, James P. McCans, and C Crawford Mechem

PGI2 opens potassium channels in retinal pericytes by cyclic AMP-stimulated, cross-activation of PKG, Jason O. Burnette and Richard E. White

Influence of Route of Entry to a Physician Assistant Education Program on Selected Characteristics of Practices of Physician Assistants, John M. Cavenagh

Presynaptic a1 adrenergic receptors differentially regulate synaptic glutamate and GABA release to hypothalamic presympathetic neurons, Qian Chen, D. P. Li, and H. L. Pan

Regulation of synaptic input to hypothalamic presympathetic neurons by GABAB receptors, Qian Chen and H. L. Pan

Geometries and electronic structures of cyanide adducts of the non-heme iron active site of superoxide reductases: Vibrational and ENDOR studies, M D. Clay, T. Yang, Francis E. Jenney Jr., I. Y. Kung, C. A. Cosper, R. Krishnan, D. M. Kurtz Jr., M. W. Adams, B. M. Hoffman, and M. K. Johnson


Dermatological Atlas of Black Skin, Coyle Connolly and Joseph Bikowksi

Intracranial Nocardia recurrence during fluorinated quinolones therapy, K. Dahan, D. Kabbaj, Michael A. Venditto, M. Pastural, and M. Delahousse

Osteopathic Evaluation and Manipulative Treatment in Reducing the Morbidity of Otitis Media: A Pilot Study, Brian F. Degenhardt and Michael L. Kuchera

Secondary prevention services for clients who are low risk in drug court: A conceptual model, D. DeMatteo, D. Marlowe, and David Festinger

Psychiatric syndromes in adolescents with marijuana abuse and dependency in outpatient treatment, G. Diamond, Susan Panichelli-Mindel, D. Shera, M. Dennis, F. Tims, and J. Ungemack

A Novel Way to Engage Medical Students in Learning Gross Anatomy at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, Camille DiLullo

Anatomy in a New Curriculum: Facilitating the Learning of Gross Anatomy Using Web Access Streaming Dissection Videos, Camille DiLullo, Patrick Coughlin, Marina D'Angelo PhD, Michael McGuinness, Jesse Bandle, Eric M. Slotkin, Scott A. Shainker, Christopher Wenger, and Scott J. Berray

Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: Are there gender differences in school functioning?, George J. Dupaul, A. K. Jitendra, Katy E. Tresco, R. E. Vile Junod, R. J. Volpe, and J. G. Lutz

Consultation-based academic interventions for children with ADHD: Effects on reading and mathematics achievement, George J. DuPaul, A. K. Jitendra, R. J. Volpe, Katy E. Tresco, J. G. Lutz, R. E. Vile Junod, K. S. Cleary, Lizette M. Flammer-Rivera, and M. C. Mannella

Tuning caged calcium: Photolabile analogues of EGTA with improved optical and chelation properties, G. C. R. Ellis-Davies and Robert J. Barsotti

Cognitive Hypothesis Testing and Response to Intervention for Children with Reading Problems, Catherine A. Fiorello, James B. Hale, and Lindsey E. Snyder

Secreted ferritin: Mosquito defense against iron overload?, Dawn L. Geiser, Dianzheng Zhang, and Joy J. Winzerling

Chlamydophila (Chlamydia) pneumoniae in the Alzheimer's Brain, Hervé C. Gérard, Ute Dreses-Werringloer, Kristin S. Wildt, Srilekha Deka, Cynthia Oszust, Brian J. Balin, William H. Frey, Elizabeth Z. Bordayo, Judith A. Whittum-Hudson, and Alan P. Hudson

MyoD-Positive Epiblast Cells Regulate Skeletal Muscle Differentiation in the Embryo, Jacquelyn Gerhart, Justin Elder, Christine Neely, Jared Schure, Tage Kvist, Karen Knudsen, and Mindy George-Weinstein

An emerging role for calcineurin Aα in the development and function of the kidney, Jennifer L. Gooch

Loss of calcineurin Aα results in altered trafficking of AQP2 and in nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, Jennifer L. Gooch, R. L. Guler, J. L. Barnes, and J. J. Toro

School-based interventions for anxiety disorders, Elizabeth A. Gosch and E. Flannery-Schroeder

Principles of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety Disorders in Children, Elizabeth A. Gosch, Ellen C. Flannery-Schroeder, C. F. Mauro, and Scott N. Compton

Implementation of IDEA: Integrating Response to Intervention and Cognitive Assessment Methods, James B. Hale, J. A. Naglieri, and K. A. Kavale

Antibiotic alters inflammation in the mouse brain during persistent Chlamydia pnemoniae infection, Christine J. Hammond, Christopher S. Little, N. Longo, C. Procacci, Denah M. Appelt, and Brian J. Balin

Estrogen receptor α mediates acute potassium channel stimulation in human coronary artery smooth muscle cells, Guichin Han, Xiuping Yu, Luo Lu, Shuyi Li, Handong Ma, Shu Zhu, Xiuyun Cui, and Richard E. White


Taking a bite out of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: Soy diet and disease, Cathy J. Hatcher and Craig T. Basson

Using the TBX5 transcription factor to grow and sculpt the heart, Cathy J. Hatcher and Deborah A. McDermott

Successful ABO-incompatible pediatric liver transplantation utilizing standard immunosuppression with selective postoperative plasmapheresis, Thomas Heffron, David Welch, Todd Pillen, Massimo Asolati, Gregory Smallwood, Phil Hagedorn, Chang Nam, and et al.

Cytoskeletal Components of an Invasion Machine-The Apical Complex of Toxoplasma gondii, Ke Hu, Jeff Johnson, Laurence Florens, Martin Fraunholz, Sapna Suravajjala, Camille DiLullo, John Yates, David S. Roos, and John M. Murray

The transcriptional repressor JHDM3A demethylates trimethyl histone H3 lysine 9 and lysine 36, Robert J. Klose, Kenichi Yamane, Yangjin Bae, Dianzheng Zhang, Hediye Erdjumnet-Bromage, Paul Tempst, Jiemin Wong, and Yi Zhang

Transcriptional and biochemical analysis of starch metabolism in the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus, H. Lee, K. R. Shockley, G. J. Schut, S. B. Connors, C. I. Montero, M. R. Johnson, C. Chou, S. L. Bridger, Francis E. Jenney Jr, and et al.

Upregulation of calpastatin in regenerating and developing rat liver: Role in resistance against hepatotoxicity, Pallavi B. Limaye, Vishakha Bhave, Prajakta S. Palkar, Udayan M. Apte, Sharmilee P. Sawant, Songtao Yu, John R. Latendresse, Janardan K. Reddy, and Harihara M. Mehendale

Matching judicial supervision to clients' risk status in drug court, D. Marlowe, David Festinger, P. Lee, K. Dugosh, and K. Benasutti

Structure determination of a new protein from backbone-centered NMR data and NMR-assisted structure prediction, K. L. Mayer, Y. Qu, S. Bansal, P. D. Leblond, Francis E. Jenney Jr., P. S. Brereton, M. W. Adams, Y. Xu, and J. H. Prestegard

Forensic Evidence. Preserving the Clinical Picture, James P. McCans

Risk Factors for Postpartum Depression: A Retrospective Investigation at 4-Weeks Postnatal and a Review of the Literature, Sarah J. Breese McCoy, J. Martin Beal, Stacia B. Miller Shipman, Mark E. Payton, and Gary H. Watson

Genetics of cardiac septation defects and their pre-implantation diagnosis., Deborah A. McDermott, Craig T. Basson, and Cathy J. Hatcher

The State of Arthritis in Pennsylvania, 2005, Eugene Mochan

The nitrodibenzofuran chromophore: A new caging group for ultra-efficient photolysis in living cells, A. Momotake, N. Lindegger, E. Niggli, Robert J. Barsotti, and G. C. R. Ellis-Davies

Current developments using emerging transdermal technologies in physical enhancement methods, A. Nanda, S. Nanda, and Naushad Ghilzai

Heparin modulates the 99-loop of factor IXa: Effects on reactivity with isolated Kunitz-type inhibitor domains, P. F. Neuenschwander, S. R. Williamson, A. Nalian, and Kimberly J. Baker

Differential expression and transcriptional analysis of the α-2,3-sialyltransferase gene in pathogenic Neisseria spp., M. Packiam, Dawn M. Shell, S. V. Liu, Y. B. Liu, D. J. McGee, R. Srivastava, S. Seal, and R. F. Rest

Editorial introductions, Stanislas Pol, Gregory Smallwood, Emanuel Cavazzoni, and Annibale Donini


Single category and comparative measures of implicit social cognition, Stephen R. Poteau

Endosomal Proteolysis by Cathepsins is Necessary for Murine Coronavirus Mouse Hepatitis Virus Type 2 Spike-Mediated Entry, Zhaozhu Qiu, Susan T. Hingley, Graham Simmons, Christopher Yu, Jayasri Das Sarma, Paul Bates, and Susan R. Weiss

Rapid Ethanol Tolerance Mediated by Adaptations in Acute Tolerance in Inbred Mouse Strains, Richard A. Radcliffe, K. L. Floyd, and Michael Lee

Prediction of cis-QTLs in a pair of inbred mouse strains with the use of expression and haplotype data from public databases, Richard A. Radcliffe, Michael Lee, and Robert W. Williams

Expression and purification of feline thyrotropin (fTSH): Immunological detection and bioactivity of heterodimeric and yoked glycoproteins, Srujana Rayalam, L. D. Eizenstat, R. R. Davis, M. Hoenig, and D. C. Ferguson

Cloning and sequencing of feline thyrotropin (fTSH): Heterodimeric and yoked constructs, Srujana Rayalam, L. D. Eizenstat, M. Hoenig, and D. C. Ferguson

A neurotoxic phospholipase A2 variant: Isolation and characterization from eastern regional Indian cobra (Naja naja) venom, Rangaiah Shashidharamurthy and K. Kemparaju

The ALSSQOL: Balancing Physical and Nonphysical Factors in Assessing Quality of Life in ALS, Zachary Simmons, Stephanie H. Felgoise, Barbara A. Bremer, Susan M. Walsh, D. J. Hufford, Mark B. Bromberg, W. David, D. A. Forshew, Terry D. Heiman-Patterson, Eugene C. Lai, and Leo McCluskey

Immunosuppressive strategies to avoid complications: The Achilles' heel of transplantation, Gregory Smallwood

Active caspase-3 is required for osteoclast differentiation, K. H. Szymczyk, T. A. Freeman, Christopher S. Adams, V. Srinivas, and M. J. Steinbeck

Involvement of hydrogen peroxide in the differentiation and apoptosis of preosteoclastic cells exposed to arsenite, K. H. Szymczyk, B. A. Kerr, T. A. Freeman, Christopher S. Adams, and M. J. Steinbeck

Initial attachment of osteoblast-like cells on functionalized surfaces coated with calcium phosphate, G. K. Toworfe, R. J. Composto, Christopher S. Adams, I. M. Shapiro, and P. Ducheyne

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and scholastic achievement: A model of mediation via academic enablers, R. J. Volpe, George J. DuPaul, J. C. DiPerna, A. K. Jitendra, J. G. Lutz, Katy E. Tresco, and R. V. Junod

Evaluation of PDE4 inhibition for COPD., Desuo Wang and Xiangli Cui

Validation of HPLC analysis method of a novel antihypertensive agent MS23 in rat plasma, Ting Wang, Laura M. Fox, and Desuo Wang

High performance liquid chromatographic analysis of MS23 piperidine analog MSP001 in rat plasma, Ting Wang and Desuo Wang

Cytoprotective effect of caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) and catechol ring-fluorinated CAPE derivatives against menadione-induced oxidative stress in human endothelial cells, Xinyu Wang, Salomon Stavchansky, Phillip D. Bowman, and Sean M. Kerwin

Comparing the electronic properties of the low-spin cyano-ferric [Fe(N 4)(Cys)] active sites of superoxide reductase and P450cam using ENDOR spectroscopy and DFT calculations, T. Yang, R. L. McNaughton, M. D. Clay, Francis E. Jenney Jr., R. Krishnan, D. M. Kurtz Jr., Michael W. Adams, M. K. Johnson, and B. M. Hoffman