The Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine has a rich history of research, scholarship and publication, encompassing the case reports and reviews in the early Digests, the more formally presented articles in the College of Osteopathy's first research journal, Osteopathic Medicine, and current publications in some of the medical and pharmacology fields' leading peer-reviewed journals.
The PCOM Scholarly Works repository is an archive for pre-publication drafts or final versions of research and editorial articles, abstracts, posters, book chapters, datasets, and unpublished works by faculty and staff at PCOM's Philadelphia, Georgia, and South Georgia campuses.
Submissions from 2004
Unique domain anchoring of Src to synaptic NMDA receptors via the mitochondrial protein NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2, Jeffrey R. Gingrich, Kenneth A. Pelkey, Sami R. Fam, Yueqiao Huang, Ronald S. Petralia, Robert J. Wenthold, and Michael W. Salter
Isolation and characterization of hyaluronidase a "spreading factor" from Indian cobra (Naja naja) venom, K. S. Girish, Rangaiah Shashidharamurthy, T. V. Gowda, and K. Kemparaju
[contributions], Frederick J. Goldstein
Involvement of Calcineurin in Transforming Growth Factor-ß-mediated Regulation of Extracellular Matrix Accumulation, Jennifer L. Gooch, Y. Gorin, B. X. Zhang, and H. E. Abboud
Differential expression of calcineurin A isoforms in the diabetic kidney, Jennifer L. Gooch, P. E. Pargola, R. L. Guler, H. E. Abboud, and J. L. Barnes
Calcineurin A-α but not A-ß is required for normal kidney development and function, Jennifer L. Gooch, J. J. Toro, R. L. Guler, and J. L. Barnes
Left ventricular mitogen activated protein kinase signaling following polymicrobial sepsis during streptozotocin-induced hyperglycemia, A. Gupta, S. Brahmbhatt, and Avadhesh C. Sharma
Despite minimal hemodynamic alterations endotoxemia modulates NOS and p38-MAPK phosphorylation via metalloendopeptidases, A. Gupta and Avadhesh C. Sharma
Calcium signaling in dendrite development, Lori Redmond Hardy
A role for Tbx5 in proepicardial cell migration during cardiogenesis, Cathy J. Hatcher, Nata Diman, Minsu Kim, David Pennisi, Yan Song, Marsha M. Goldstien, Takashi Mikawa, and Craig T. Basson
Interleukin-4 suppresses IL-1-induced expression of matrix metalloproteinase-3 in human gingival fibroblasts, K. Jenkins and M. Javadi
Neutron crystallographic study on rubredoxin from Pyrococcus furiosus by BIX-3, a single-crystal diffractometer for biomacromolecules, K. Kurihara, I. Tanaka, T. Chatake, M. W. Adams, Francis E. Jenney Jr., N. Moiseeva, R. Bau, and N. Niimura
Effects of Task Difficulty and Type of Contingency on Students' Allocation of Responding to Math Worksheets, Amanda L. Lannie and Brian K Martens
Chlamydia pneumoniae induces Alzheimer-like amyloid plaques in brains of BALB/c mice, C. Scott Little, Christine J. Hammond, Brian J. Balin, and Denah M. Appelt
W3Y single mutant of rubredoxin from Pyrococcus furiosus: a preliminary time-of-flight neutron study., X. Li, P. Langan, R. Bau, I. Tsyba, Francis E. Jenney Jr., Michael W. Adams, and B. P. Schoenborn
Activation Kinetics of Skinned Cardiac Muscle by Laser Photolysis of Nitrophenyl-EGTA, H. Martin, Marcus G. Bell, G. C. R. Ellis-Davies, and Robert J. Barsotti
Activation Kinetics of Skinned Cardiac Muscle by Laser Photolysis of Nitrophenyl-EGTA, Hunter Martin, Marcus G. Bell, Graham C. Ellis-Davis, and Robert J. Barsotti
Effects of sham air and cigarette smoke on A549 lung cells: Implications for iron-mediated oxidative damage, Jonathan J. Mayo, Pete Kohlhepp, Dianzheng Zhang, and Joy J. Winzerling
Functional Characterization of Na(+)/(H+) Exchangers in Primary Cultures of Prairie Dog Gallbladder, S.C. Narin, E.H. Park, R. Ramakrishnan, R. Garcia, J. N. Diven, Brian J. Balin, and Christine J. Hammond
NMDA receptors are movin' in, Yi Nong, Yueqiao Huang, and Michael W. Salter
Frank Stinchfield award: Titanium surface with biologic activity against infection, J. Parvizi, E. Wickstrom, A. R. Zeiger, Christopher S. Adams, I. M. Shapiro, J. J. Purtill, P. F. Sharkey, W. J. Hozack, R. H. Rothman, and N. J. Hickok
The UME-21 Project: Connecting Medical Education and Medical Practice, J. M. Pascoe, D. Babbott, K. L. Pye, H. V. Rabinowitz, Kenneth J. Veit, and D. L. Wood
Gö 6983 Exerts Cardioprotective Effects in Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion, Ellen E. Peterman, Philip Taormina II, Margaret Harvey, and Lindon Young
Cross-bridge versus thin filament contributions to the level and rate of force development in cardiac muscle, M. Regnier, H. Martin, Robert J. Barsotti, A. J. Rivera, D. A. Martyn, and E. Clemmens
Role of small intestine submucosa (SIS) as a nerve conduit: preliminary report, Ryan M. Smith, Christina Wiedl, Paul Chubb, and Charlotte H. Greene
Ionizing radiation sensitizes bone cells to apoptosis, K. H. Szymczyk, I. M. Shapiro, and Christopher S. Adams
Regeneration of uterine horn using porcine small intestine submucosa grafts in rabbits, Jon W. Taveau, Michele Tartaglia, Dana Buchanan, Bret Smith, George Koenig, Kevin Thomfohrde, Bruce Stouch, Saul Jeck, and Charlotte H. Greene
Structural genomics of Pyrococcus furiosus: X-ray crystallography reveals 3D domain swapping in rubrerythrin, W. Tempel, Z. Liu, F. D. Schubot, A. Shah, M. V. Weinberg, Francis E. Jenney Jr., W. B. Arendall III, M. W. Adams, J. S. Richardson, and J. P. Rose
Regulation of the p300 HAT domain via a novel activation loop, Paul R. Thompson, Dongxia Wang, Marcella Fulco, Natalia Pediconi, Dianzheng Zhang, Woojin An, Qingyuan Ge, Robert R. Roeder, Jiemin Wong, and Massimo Levrero
Effect of surface activated poly(dimethylsiloxane) on fibronectin adsorption and cell function, G. K. Toworfe, R. J. Composto, Christopher S. Adams, I. M. Shapiro, and P. Ducheyne
Fibronectin adsorption on surface-activated poly(dimethylsiloxane) and its effect on cellular function, G. K. Toworfe, R. J. Composto, Christopher S. Adams, I. M. Shapiro, and P. Ducheyne
Backbone solution structures of proteins using residual dipolar couplings: Application to a novel structural genomics target, H. Valafar, K. L. Mayer, C. M. Bougault, P. D. LeBlond, Francis E. Jenney Jr., P. S. Brereton, Michael W. Adams, and J. H. Prestegard
Osteopathic medical education - 2004, Kenneth J. Veit
Resistance of Photoreceptors in the C57BL/6-c2j, C57BL/6j, and BALB/CJ Mouse Strains to Oxygen Stress: Evidence of an Oxygen Phenotype, Natalie Walsh, Arturo Bravo Nuevo, Scott Geller, and Jonathan Stone
Rubrerythrin from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus is a rubredoxin-dependent, iron-containing peroxidase, M. V. Weinberg, Francis E. Jenney Jr., X. Cui, and Michael W. Adams
Inhibiting long chain fatty Acyl CoA synthetase increases basal and agonist-stimulated NO synthesis in endothelium, Margaret T. Weiss, Jason L. Crumley, Lindon Young, and John N. Stallone
The Transepithelial Transport of a G-CSF-Transferrin Conjugate in Caco-2 Cells and Its Myelopoietic Effect in BDF1 Mice, Adam Widera, Yun Bai, and Wei-Chiang Shen
Lessons Learned - UME-21 Project, D. L. Wood, D. Babbott, J. M. Pascoe, K. L. Pye, H. K. Rabinowitz, and Kenneth J. Veit
Submissions from 2003
Estradiol relaxes rat aorta via endothelium-dependent and -independent mechanisms, G. Abou-Mohamed, A. Elmorakby, G. O. Carrier, J. D. Catraval, R. W. Caldwell, and Richard E. White
Response to 'does weight gain lead to weight loss?', Christopher S. Adams and J. L. Blank
Mechanisms by which extracellular matrix components induce osteoblast apoptosis, Christopher S. Adams and I. M. Shapiro
Chlamydia pneumoniae in the Pathogenesis of Alzheimer's Disease, Brian J. Balin PhD, Christine J. Hammond, C. Scott Little PhD, Amanda McIntyre, and Denah M. Appelt
Observation of Fe - H/D modes by nuclear resonant vibrational spectroscopy, U. Bergman, W. Sturhahn, D. E. Linn Jr., Francis E. Jenney, M. W. Adams, K. Rupnik, B. J. Hales, E. E. Alp, A. Mayse, and S. P. Kramer
Mitochondrial Deletions in Normal and Degenerating Rat Retina, Arturo Bravo Nuevo, Neal Williams, Scott Geller, and Jonathan Stone
The Small Bovine Amelogenin LRAP Fails to Rescue the Amelogenin Null Phenotype, E. Chen, Z. Yuan, J. T. Wright, S. P. Hong, Y. Li, P. M. Collier, B. Hall, Marina D'Angelo, S. Decker, and R. Piddington
VEGF expression in forestomach cancer and precancerous lesions in mice and investigation of chemoprophylaxis trail, Qian Chen, X. Lian, W. Zheng, B. Zhou, and X. Wu
Nitric oxide binding at the mononuclear active site of reduced Pyrococcus furiosus superoxide reductase, M. D. Clay, C. A. Cosper, Francis E. Jenney Jr., M. W. Adams, and M. K. Johnson
TBX5 nuclear localization is mediated by dual cooperative intramolecular signals, Anita Collavoli, Cathy J. Hacker, Jie He, Daniel Okin, Rahul Deo, and Craig T. Basson
A prospective trial of treating patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma in late stage by combined hyperfractionated radiotherapy and concurrent chemotherapy, H. Deng, X. Zhang, Qian Chen, and S Han
Peer Rejection and Social Information-Processing Factors in the Development of Aggressive Behavior Problems in Children, K. A. Dodge, J. E. Lansford, Virginia Burks Salzer, J. E. Bates, G. S. Pettit, R. Fontaine, and J. M. Price
Soft tissue techniques, W. C. Ehrenfeuchter, D. Heilig, and Alexander S. Nicholas
Malondialdehyde inhibits cardiac contractile function in ventricular myocytes via a p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase-dependent mechanism, D. V. Folden, A. Gupta, Avadhesh C. Sharma, S. Y. Li, J. T. Saari, and J. Ren
Training needed to dispel negative stereotype of elderly patients, Katherine Galluzzi
Calcineurin is activated in diabetes and is required for glomerular hypertrophy and ECM accumulation, Jennifer L. Gooch, J. L. Barnes, S. Garcia, and H. E. Abboud
Metalloendopeptidase inhibition regulates phosphorylation of p38-mitogen-activated protein kinase and nitric oxide synthase in heart after endotoxemia., A. Gupta and Avadhesh C. Sharma
Modeling development of the epicardium and coronary vasculature: In vitro veritas?, Cathy J. Hatcher and Craig T. Basson
Transcription factor cascades in congenital heart malformation, Cathy J. Hatcher, Nata Diman, Deborah A. McDermott, and Craig T. Basson
Biliary complications after pediatric liver transplantation revisited, Thomas Heffron, Todd Pillen, Gregory Smallwood, D. Redd, and Rene Romero
Pediatric liver transplantation with daclizumab induction therapy, Thomas Heffron, Todd Pillen, Gregory Smallwood, David Welch, Brad Oakley, and Rene Romero
Hepatic artery thrombosis in pediatric liver transplantation, Thomas Heffron, Todd Pillen, David Welch, Gregory Smallwood, Dougg Redd, and Rene Romero
Adult and pediatric liver transplantation for autoimmune hepatitis, Thomas Heffron, Gregory Smallwood, B. Oakley, Todd Pillen, D. Welch, K. Connor, Enrique Martinez, Rene Romero, and A. C. Stieber
Duct-to-duct biliary anastomosis for patients with sclerosing cholangitis undergoing liver transplantation, Thomas Heffron, Gregory Smallwood, T. Ramcharan, Laurel Davis, K. Connor, Enrique Martinez, and A. C. Stieber
Rosuvastatin, a new HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor, protects ischemic reperfused myocardium in normocholesterolemic rats, Yasuhiko Ikeda, Lindon Young, and Allan M. Lefer
Adenosine A1 antagonism attenuates atropine-resistant hypoxic bradycardia in rats, J. L. Kaplan, E. Gao, L. De Garavilla, M. Victain, Bohdan M. Minczak, and W. C. Dalsey
Clinical relapses of multiple sclerosis are associated with 'novel' valleys in natural killer cell functional activity, L. F. Kastrukoff, A. Lau, R. Wee, D. Zecchini, Richard E. White, and D. W. Paty
Severity of menopausal symptoms and use of both conventional and complementary/alternative therapies, N. L. Keenan, S. Marks, A. Fugh-Berman, D. Browne, Joseph M. Kaczmarczyk, and C. Hunter
Developmental Biology and Human Evolution, C Owen Lovejoy, Melanie A. McCollum, Philip L. Reno, and Burt A. Rosenman
Cartilage viability after repetitive loading: A preliminary report, E. Luchinetti, Christopher S. Adams, W. E. Horton Jr., and P. A. Torzilli
Chlamydia pneumoniae infection promotes the transmigration of monocytes through human brain endothelial cells, Angela MacIntyre, R. Abramov, Christine J. Hammond, A. P. Hudson, E. J. Arking, C. Scott Little, Denah M. Appelt, and Brian J. Balin
Induction of apoptosis in skeletal tissues: Phosphate-mediated chick chondrocyte apoptosis is calcium dependent, K. Mansfield, B. Pucci, Christopher S. Adams, and I. M. Shapiro
Drug policy by popular referendum: This, too, shall pass, D. Marlowe, A. Elwork, David Festinger, and A. McLellan
Day treatment for cocaine dependence: Incremental utility over outpatient counseling and voucher incentives, D. Marlowe, K. Kirby, David Festinger, E. Merikle, G. Tran, and J. Platt
Carryover Effects of Free Reinforcement on Children's Work Completion, Brian K Martens, Alexandra M Hilt, Laura R Needham, James R Sutterer, Carlos J Panahon, and Amanda L. Lannie
Psychosocial oncology, Arthur M. Nezu, Christine M. Nezu, Stephanie H. Felgoise, and Marni L. Zwick
Project Genesis: Assessing the Efficacy of Problem-Solving Therapy for Distressed Adult Cancer Patients, Arthur M. Nezu, Christine M. Nezu, Kelly S. McClure, Stephanie H. Felgoise, and Peter S. Houts
Presence of Chapman Reflex Points in Hospitalized Patients with Pneumonia, Alexander S. Nicholas
Glycine binding primes NMDA receptor internalization, Yi Nong, Yueqiao Huang, William Ju, Lorraine V. Kalia, Gholamreza Ahmadian, Yu Tian Wang, and Michael W. Salter
Evaluation of propofol infusion syndrome in pediatric intensive care, Mark P. Okamoto, Debra L. Kawaguchi, and Alpesh N. Amin
Sexual Dimorphism in Australopithecus afarensis Was Similar to That of Modern Humans, Philip L. Reno, Richard S Meindl, Melanie A McCollum, and C Owen Lovejoy
An Organ Culture System for the Study of the Nucleus Pulposus: Description of the System and Evaluation of the Cells, M. V. Risbud, M. W. Izzo, Christopher S. Adams, W. W. Arnold, A. S. Hillibrand, E. J. Vresilovic, A. R. Vaccaro, T. J. Albert, and I. M. Shapiro
Peripheral eosinophilia and eosinophilic gastroenteritis after pediatric liver transplantation, Rene Romero, Carlos R. Abramowsky, Todd Pillen, Gregory Smallwood, and Thomas Heffron
The rational-experiential information processing system model: It's implication for cognitive therapy, J. A. Salas-Auvert and Stephanie H. Felgoise
A mediational study of computer attitudes, experience, and training interests among people with severe mental illnesses, M. S. Salzer and Virginia Burks Salzer
Nonresponders of interferon/ribavirin treatment for recurrent hepatitis C following liver transplantation, Gregory Smallwood, L. Davis, K. Connor, Enrique Martinez, A. C. Stieber, and Thomas Heffron
Gelatinase activity in synovial fluid and synovium obtained from healthy and osteoarthritic joints of dogs, Susan W. Volk, Amy S. Kapatkin, Mark E. Haskins, Raquel M. Walton, and Marina D'Angelo
Religiousness is related to quality of life in patients with ALS, Susan M. Walsh, Barbara Bremer, Stephanie S. Felgoise, and Zachary Simmons
Presence of Chapman Reflex Points in Hospitalized Patients With Pneumonia, K. Washington, R. Mosiello, Michael Venditto, John P. Simelaro, P. Coughlin, W. Crow, and Alexander Nicholas
The H4b Minor Histocompatibility Antigen Is Caused by a Combination of Genetically Determined and Posttranslational Modifications, Rajwardhan Yadav, Yoshitaka Yoshimura, Alina Boestenau, Gregory J. Christianson, Wilfred U. Ajayi, Rangaiah Shashidharamurthy, Aleksandar K. Stanic, Derry C. Roopenian, and Sebastian Joyce
Submissions from 2002
Components of extracellular matrix regulate chondrocyte apoptosis, Christopher S. Adams, K. D. Mansfield, R. Rajpurohit, H. Tachibana, C. M. Teixera, and I. M. Shapiro
The fate of the terminally differentiated chondrocyte: Evidence for microenvironmental regulation of chondrocyte apoptosis, Christopher S. Adams and I. M. Shapiro
Superoxide reductase: Fact or fiction?, M. W. Adams, Francis E. Jenney Jr., M. D. Clay, and M. K. Johnson
Paradoxical intention, L. Michael Ascher
Sequential extracts of human bone show differing collagen synthetic rates., J. Babraj, D. J. Cuthbertson, P. Rickhuss, W. Meier-Augenstein, K. Smith, J. Bo, R. R. Wolfe, J. N. Gibson, Christopher S. Adams, and M. J. Rennie
Polarized fluorescence depletion reports orientation distribution and rotational dynamics of muscle cross-bridges, Marcus G. Bell, Robert E. Dale, Uulke A. Van Der Heide, and Yale E. Goldman
The transforming growth factor-β-inducible matrix protein βig-h3 interacts with fibronectin, P. C. Billings, J. Charles Whitbeck, Christopher S. Adams, W. R. Adams, A. J. Cohen, B. N. Engelsberg, P. S. Howard, and J. Rosenbloom
RGD peptides immobilized on a mechanically deformable surface promote osteoblast differentiation, E. A. Cavalcanti-Adam, I. M. Shapiro, R. J. Composto, E. J. Macarak, and Christopher S. Adams
A neutron crystallographic analysis of a rubredoxin mutant, T. Chatake, K. Kurihara, I. Tanaka, M. W. Adams, Francis E. Jenney Jr., I. Tsyba, R. Bau, and N. Niimura
Spectroscopic studies of Pyrococcus furiosus superoxide reductase: Implications for active-site structures and the catalytic mechanism, M. D. Clay, Francis E. Jenney Jr., P. L. Hagedoorn, G. N. George, M. W. Adams, and M. K. Johnson
Resonance Raman characterization of the mononuclear iron active-site vibrations and putative electron transport pathways in Pyrococcus furiosus superoxide reductase, M. D. Clay, Francis E. Jenney Jr., H. J. Noh, P. L. Hagedoorn, M. W. Adams, and M. K. Johnson
Mismatch of School Desks and Chairs by Ethnicity and Grade Level in Middle School, Lance M Cotton, Dennis G O'Connell, Phillip B. Palmer, and Marsha D Rutland