The Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine has a rich history of research, scholarship and publication, encompassing the case reports and reviews in the early Digests, the more formally presented articles in the College of Osteopathy's first research journal, Osteopathic Medicine, and current publications in some of the medical and pharmacology fields' leading peer-reviewed journals.
The PCOM Scholarly Works repository is an archive for pre-publication drafts or final versions of research and editorial articles, abstracts, posters, book chapters, datasets, and unpublished works by faculty and staff at PCOM's Philadelphia, Georgia, and South Georgia campuses.
Submissions from 2002
Human gingival fibroblasts produce nitric oxide in response to proinflammatory cytokines, Farzaneh Daghigh, Ruth C. Borghaei, Ruth D. Thornton, and Joseph H. Bee
Anxiety disorders: An overview, Robert A. Ditomasso and Elizabeth A. Gosch
Anxiety disorders: An overview, Robert A. DiTomasso and Elizabeth A. Gosch
Clinical case presentation: The case of Sandra, Robert A. DiTomasso and Elizabeth A. Gosch
Comparative treatments for anxiety disorders, Robert A. DiTomasso and Elizabeth A. Gosch
Comparison of treatment approaches, Robert A. DiTomasso and Elizabeth A. Gosch
Advanced concepts in interventional spine care., Gerald E. Dworkin
Problem-solving approaches to treating anxiety disorders, Stephanie Felgoise, Arthur M. Nezu, and Christine Nezu
From telephone to office: Intake attendance as a function of appointment delay, David Festinger, R. Lamb, D. Marlowe, and K. Kirby
Status hearings in drug court: When more is less and less is more, David Festinger, D. Marlowe, P. Lee, K. Kirby, G. Bovasso, and A. McLellan
Response decision processes and externalizing behavior problems in adolescents, R. G. Fontaine, Virginia Burks Salzer, and K. A. Dodge
Modifying therapeutic homework for patients with personality disorders, A Freeman and Bradley M. Rosenfield
Dreams and the dream image: Using dreams in cognitive therapy, Arthur Freeman and Beverly White
Adjuncts to opioid therapy., Frederick J. Goldstein
STAT6 mediates interleukin-4 growth inhibition in human breast cancer cells, Jennifer L. Gooch, B. Christy, and D. Yee
Sirolimus-based immunosuppresive protocol for calcineurin sparing in liver transplantation, Thomas Heffron, Gregory Smallwood, L. Davis, E. Martinez, and A. C. Stieber
Autoimmune hepatitis following liver transplantation: Relationship to recurrent disease and steroid weaning, Thomas Heffron, Gregory Smallwood, B. Oakley, Todd Pillen, D. Welch, Enrique Martinez, Rene Romero, and A. C. Stieber
Liver transplant induction trial of daclizumab to spare calcineurin inhibition, Thomas Heffron, Gregory Smallwood, Todd Pillen, Laurel Davis, Enrique Martinez, Rene Romero, and A. C. Stieber
The virulence of mouse hepatitis virus strain A59 is not dependent on efficient spike protein cleavage and cell-to-cell fusion, Susan T. Hingley, Isabelle Leparc-Goffart, Suhun Seo, Jean C. Tsai, and Susan R. Weiss
Social adjustment of family members and significant others (FSOs) of drug users, C. Hudson, K. Kirby, M. Firely, David Festinger, and D. Marlowe
Attenuation of neutrophil-mediated myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury by a calpain inhibitor, Yasuhiko Ikeda, Lindon Young, and Allan M. Lefer
Vascular effects of poly-N-acetylglucosamine in isolated rat aortic rings, Yasuhiko Ikeda, Lindon Young, John N. Vournakis, and Allen M. Lefer
Stretch-induced calcium release in smooth muscle, G. Ji, Robert J. Barsotti, M. E. Feldman, and M. I. Kotlikoff
Chlamydia pneumoniae infection alters the junctional complex proteins of human brain microvascular endothelial cells, Angela MacIntyre, Christine J. Hammond, C. Scott Little, Denah M. Appelt, and Brian J. Balin
Sensitivity of Children's Behavior to Probabilistic Reward: Effects of a Decreasing-Ratio Lottery System on Math Performance, Brian K Martens, Scott P Ardoin, Alexandra M Hilt, Amanda L. Lannie, Carlos J Panahon, and Laurie A Wolfe
Student Perceptions about Participation in Community Service in Rural Northern Georgia, Carol A. Miller
Advantages Osteopathic Family Physicians Have in the Treatment of Low Back Pain, Alexander S. Nicholas and N. Oleski
Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment for Postoperative Pain, Alexander S. Nicholas and N. Oleski
Prevalence of depressive symptoms in patients being evaluated for liver transplantation, E. R. Norris, Gregory Smallwood, K. Connor, K. McDonell, Enrique Martinez, A. C. Stieber, and Thomas Heffron
Induction of peritoneal sepsis increases the susceptibility of isolated hearts to a calcium paradox-mediated injury, A. Omachi, Avadhesh C. Sharma, K. J. Alden, A. D. Sam, and J. L. Ferguson
Mitochondrial dysfunction due to oxidative mitochondrial DNA damage is reduced through cooperative actions of diverse proteins, Thomas W. O'Rourke, Nicole A. Doudican, Melinda Maris, Paul W. Doetsch, and Gerald S. Shadel
Electrostatic potential surfaces of 5-HT3R agonists suggest accessory cation-p site adjacent to agonist binding domain, Harish S. Parihar and Karen S. Kirschbaum
Use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors: Indications and complications, Richard A. Pascucci
Matrix regulation of skeletal cell apoptosis II: Role of arg-gly-asp-containing peptides, R. L. Perlot Jr., I. M. Shapiro, K. Mansfield, and Christopher S. Adams
Psychopharmacological treatment, Agnieszka Popiel, Lynn Montgomery, and Robert A. DiTomasso
Sepsis-induced depressed contractile function of isolated ventricular myocytes is due to altered calcium transient properties, J. Ren, B. H. Ren, and Avadhesh C. Sharma
Decompensation characterized by decreased perfusion of the heart and brain during hemorrhagic shock: Role of endothelin-1, Avadhesh C. Sharma, G. Singh, and A. Gulati
Variations in biochemical and pharmacological properties of Indian cobra (Naja naja naja) venom due to geographical distribution, Rangaiah Shashidharamurthy, D. K. Jagadeesha, K. S. Girish, and K. Kemparaju
Osteoporosis screening in an outpatient liver transplant clinic: Impact of primary immunosuppression, Gregory A. Smallwood, Julie M. Wickman, E. Martinez, A. C. Stieber, and T. G. Heffron
Hepatitis C treatment outcomes of African Americans following liver transplantation, Gregory Smallwood, G. Coffey, L. Davis, Enrique Martinez, A. C. Stieber, and Thomas Heffron
Can patients awaiting liver transplantation elicit an immune response to the hepatitis A vaccine?, Gregory Smallwood, C. T. Coloura, Enrique Martinez, A. C. Stieber, and Thomas Heffron
Mycophenolate's influence in the treatment of recurrent hepatitis C following liver transplantation, Gregory Smallwood, L. Davis, Enrique Martinez, A. C. Stieber, and Thomas Heffron
Renal sparing effects of mycophenolate when used in long-term liver transplant receipients, Gregory Smallwood, A. C. Stieber, L. Davis, Enrique Martinez, and Thomas Heffron
The osteopetrotic mutation toothless (tl) is a loss-of-function frameshift mutation in the rat Csf1 gene: Evidence of a crucial role for CSF-1 in osteoclastogenesis and endochondral ossification, Liesbeth Van Wesenbeeck, Paul R. Odgren, Carole A. MacKay, Marina D'Angelo, Fayez F. Safadi, Steven N. Popoff, Wim Van Hul, and Sandy C. Marks Jr.
Functional group interactions of a 5-HT3R antagonist, Padmavati Venkataraman, Prasad Joshi, Srinivasan P. Venkatachalan, Mani Mathalagi, Harish S. Parihar, Karen S. Kirschbaum, and Marvin K. Schulte
Medical Professionalism and the Role of State Medical Boards, Matthew Weinberg
The Right-to-Die Movement, Matthew D. Weinberg
Estrogen and vascular function, Richard E. White
Endothelium-independent effect of estrogen on Ca2+-activated K+ channels in human coronary artery smooth muscle cells, Richard E. White, Guichun Han, Melissa Maunz, Christiana Dimitropoulou, Abdalla M. El-Mowafy, Robert S. Barlow, John D. Catravas, Connie Snead, Gerald O. Carrier, and Shu Zhu
Managed care gatekeeping, emergency medicine coding, and insurance reimbursement outcomes for 980 emergency department visits from four states nationwide, G. O. Young, J. Ellis, John W. Becher Jr., C. Yeh, J. Kovar, and M. A. Levitt
Mg2+ efflux from the isolated perfused rabbit heart is mediated by two states of the ß1-adrenergic receptor, Lindon Young, Andrea Bercute-Dammann, and Margaret T. Weiss
Cloning and molecular characterization of two mosquito iron regulatory proteins, Dianzheng Zhang, G. Dimopoulos, A. Wolf, B. Minana, F. Kafatos, and Joy J. Winzerling
PGE2 action in human coronary artery smooth muscle: Role of potassium channels and signaling cross-talk, Shu Zhu, Guichun Han, and Richard E. White
Submissions from 2001
Sezary T Cell Activating Factor is a Chlamydia pneumoniae Associated Protein, J. Todd Abrams, Brian J. Balin, and Eric C. Vonderheid
Apoptosis and bone disease, Christopher S. Adams and W. E. Horton Jr.
Apoptosis and Bone Disease, Christopher S. Adams and W. E. Horton
A novel mechanism of body mass regulation, Christopher S. Adams, A. I. Korytko, and J. L. Blank
Matrix regulation of skeletal cell apoptosis. Role of calcium and phosphate ions, Christopher S. Adams, K. Mansfield, R. L. Perlot, and I. M. Shapiro
Steroid withdrawal in liver transplant recipients, Rebecca Adams, Robin Chapman, and Gregory Smallwood
An in vivo model for investigating bilateral synaptic plasticity across CA3/CA1 synapses in guinea pig dorsal hippocampus, S. Chirwa, J. Mack, R. Park, K. Dennis, and Adwoa Aduonum
Authentic matrix vesicles contain active metalloproteases (MMP): A role for matrix vesicle-associated MMP-13 in activation of transforming growth factor-ß, Marina D'Angelo, Paul C. Billings, Maurizio Pacifici, Phoebe S. Leboy, and Thorsten Kirsch
Activation of transforming growth factor ß in chondrocytes undergoing endochondral ossification, Marina D'Angelo, David P. Sarment, Paul Billings, and Maurizio Pacifici
Sequence analysis of the S gene of recombinant MHV-2/A59 coronaviruses reveals three candidate mutations associated with demyelination and hepatitis, Jayasri Das Sarma, Li Fu, and Susan T. Hingley
Mouse hepatitis virus type-2 infection in mice: An experimental model system of acute meningitis and hepatitis, Jayasri Das Sarma, Li Fu, Susan T. Hingley, and Ehud Lavi
Continuous Integration of Skill, Attitude, and Knowledge Assessment across the Curriculum, Michael J. Deimling, William B. French, Christy Cox, David Ralph, Dennis Thompson, and Virgil Van Dusen
Interferon-α and ribavirin for the treatment of recurrent hepatitis C after liver transplantation, Michael de Vera, Gregory Smallwood, Kathia Rosado, Laurel Davis, Enrique Martinez, Shobha Sharma, Andrei Stieber, and Thomas Heffron
Angiotensin II relaxes microvessels via the AT2 receptor and Ca2+-activated K+ (BKCa) channels, Christiana Dimitropoulou, Richard E. White, Leslie Fuchs, Hanfang Zhang, John D. Catravas, and Gerald O. Carrier
Human cytosolic iron regulatory protein 1 contains a linear iron-sulfur cluster [12], Jurgen Gailer, Graham N. George, Ingrid J. Pickering, Roger C. Prince, Peter Koelhepp, Dianzheng Zhang, F. Ann Walker, and Joy J. Winzerling
The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association: Editorial, Katherine Galluzzi
Myod-positive Myoblasts Are Present in Mature Fetal Organs Lacking Skeletal Muscle, Jacquelyn Gerhart, Brian Bast, Christine Neely, Stephanie Iem, Paula Amegbe, Robert Niewenhuis, Steven Miklasz, Pei Feng Cheng, and Mindy George-Weinstein
Rx for pain control: OMT, Frederick J. Goldstein
Insulin-like Growth Factor-I Induces Renal Cell Hypertrophy via a Calcineurin-dependent Mechanism, Jennifer L. Gooch, Y. Tang, J. M. Ricono, and H. E. Abboud
The role of Notch and Rho GTPase signaling in the control of dendritic development, Lori Redmond Hardy and Anirvan Ghosh
Getting the T-box dose right, Cathy J. Hatcher and Craig T. Basson
TBX5 transcription factor regulates cell proliferation during cardiogenesis, Cathy J. Hatcher, Minsu Kim, Caroline S. Maha, Marsha M. Goldstein, Benjamin Wong, Takashi Mikawa, and Craig T. Basson
Single-dose induction with daclizumab immediately after liver transplantation in pediatric patients, Thomas Heffron, Todd Pillen, Gregory Smallwood, E. Martinez, M. E. de Vera, and Rene Romero
Daclizumab induction in liver transplant recipients, Thomas Heffron, Gregory Smallwood, M. E. de Vera, Laurel Davis, Enrique Martinez, and A. C. Stieber
CAKß/Pyk2 kinase is a signaling link for induction of long-term potentiation in CA1 hippocampus, Yueqiao Huang, Wei-Yang Lu, Declan W. Ali, Kenneth A. Pelkey, Graham M. Pitcher, You Ming Lu, Hiroshi Aoto, John C. Roder, Terukatsu Sasaki, and Michael W. Salter
PR-39, a proline/arginine-rich antimicrobial peptide, exerts cardioprotective effects in myocardial ischemia-reperfusion, Yasuhiko Ikeda, Lindon Young, Rosario Scalia, Christopher R. Ross, and Allan M. Lefer
Ureteral segment replacement using a circumferential small-intestinal submucosa xenogenic graft, Jamieson S. Jaffe, Phillip C. Ginsberg, Stephen J. Yanoshak, Louis E. Costa Jr., Francis N. Ogbolu, Christoper P. Moyer, Charlotte H. Greene, Leonard H. Finkelstein, and Richard C. Harkaway
Smad-Runx interactions during chondrocyte maturation., Phoebe S. Leboy, Giovi Grasso-Knight, Marina D'Angelo, Susan W. Volk, Jane V. Lian, Hitcham Drissi, Gary S. Stein, and Sherrill L. Adams
The effect of nicotine and haloperidol co-treatment on nicotinic receptor levels in the rat brain, Michael Lee, Charles R. Breese, Maryann L. Strook, and Sherry Leonard
Phosphate ions mediate chondrocyte apoptosis through a plasma membrane transporter mechanism, K. Mansfield, C. C. Teixeira, Christopher S. Adams, and I. M. Shapiro
Epoxyeicosatrienoic acid-induced relaxation is impaired in insulin resistance, Allison Miller, Christiana Dimitropoulou, Guichun Han, Richard E. White, D. W. Busija, and Gerald O. Carrier
Murine coronavirus spike protein determines the ability of the virus to replicate in the liver and cause hepatitis, Sonia Navas, Suhun Seo, Ming Chua, Jayasri Das Sarma, Ehud Lavi, Susan T. Hingley, and Susan R. Weiss
Pharmacoeconomic evaluation of a pharmacist-managed hypertension clinic, Mark P. Okamoto and Randy K. Nakahiro
5-HT3R binding of lerisetron: An interdisciplinary approach to drug-receptor interactions, Harish S. Parihar, Asha Suryanarayanan, Chun Ma, Prasad Joshi, Padma Venkataraman, Marvin K. Schulte, and Karen S. Kirschbaum
What is gross hematuria? Correlation of subjective and objective assessment, P. R. Peacock, H. L. Souto, G. E. Penner, W. C. Dalsey, John W. Becher Jr., and J. L. Kaplan
Innovative approaches to educating medical students for practice in a changing health care environment: The national UME-21 project, H. K. Rabinowitz, D. Babbott, S. Bastacky, J. M. Pascoe, K. K. Patel, K. L. Pye, J. Rodak Jr., Kenneth J. Veit, and D. L. Wood
Persistent hyperglycemia in pediatric liver transplant recipients, Rene Romero, K. Melde, Todd Pillen, Gregory Smallwood, and Thomas Heffron
Preemptive ganciclovir for CMV viremia in liver transplantation, Gregory Smallwood, M. E. de Vera, L. Davis, Enrique Martinez, A. C. Stieber, and Thomas Heffron
Considerations in children, Gregory Smallwood and Thomas Heffron
Correlates of employment: A cohort study, Robert C. Sterling, Edward Gottheil, Scott D. Glassman, S. P. Weinstein, Ronald D. Serota, and Alan Lundy
Medical ethics : applying theories and principles to the patient encounter, Matthew D. Weinberg
Caveolin-1 peptide exerts cardioprotective effects in myocardial ischemia-reperfusion via nitric oxide mechanism, Lindon Young, Yasuhiko Ikeda, and Allan M. Lefer
Protein kinase inhibition exerts cardioprotective effects in myocardial ischemia/reperfusion via inhibition of superoxide release, Lindon Young, Yasuhiko Ikeda, and Allan M. Lefer
Structural basis for thermostability in aporubredoxins from Pyrococcus furiosus and Clostridium pasteurianum, E. R. Zartler, Francis E. Jenney Jr., M. Terrell, M. K. Eidsness, Michael W. Adams, and J. H. Prestegard
Repression of Manduca sexta ferritin synthesis by IRP1/ire interaction, Dianzheng Zhang, D. W. Albert, Paul Kohlhepp, Daphne Pham, and Joy J. Winzerling
Manduca sexta IRP1: molecular characterization and in vivo response to iron, Dianzheng Zhang, Cara Ferris, Jurgen Gailer, Pete Kohlhepp, and Joy J. Winzerling
Submissions from 2000
Antibodies to HIV-1 gp41 recognize synthetic peptides of human IFN-a and IFN-ß, Yun Bai, Y. Zhao, Tianwei Yu, and Manfred P. Dierich