The Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine has a rich history of research, scholarship and publication, encompassing the case reports and reviews in the early Digests, the more formally presented articles in the College of Osteopathy's first research journal, Osteopathic Medicine, and current publications in some of the medical and pharmacology fields' leading peer-reviewed journals.

The PCOM Scholarly Works repository is an archive for pre-publication drafts or final versions of research and editorial articles, abstracts, posters, book chapters, datasets, and unpublished works by faculty and staff at PCOM's Philadelphia, Georgia, and South Georgia campuses.


Submissions from 1982

Increased plasma levels and analgesic effect of morphine following desipramine pretreatment in rats, P. Mojaverian, Frederick J. Goldstein, M. H. Ossipov, and B. N. Swanson

Modulation of central etorphine analgesia by alpha-2 agonists in the cat, M. H. Ossipov, Frederick J. Goldstein, and R. T. Malseed

Augmentation of central and peripheral morphine analgesia by desipramine, M. H. Ossipov, R. T. Malseed, and Frederick J. Goldstein

Differential effects of LSD serotonin and l-tryptophan on visually evoked responses, J. R. Strahlendorf, Frederick J. Goldstein, G. V. Rossi, and R. T. Malseed

Therapist factor in the treatment of insomnia, R. M. Turner and L. Michael Ascher

Submissions from 1981

Employing paradoxical intention in the treatment of agoraphobia, L. Michael Ascher

An ultrastructural examination of dorsal root input to the sacral secondary visceral gray, Michael Nolan and H. Keith Brown

Selective neurotoxic action of capsaicin on glomerular C-type terminals in rat substantia gelatinosa, N. Palermo and H. Keith Brown

Isoniazid-induced serum sickness: Report of case, John P. Simelaro, J. Dale, and D. Guest

Pleural aspergillosis treated with intrapleural amphotericin B: report of case, John P. Simelaro, M. Ghen, and P. Ginsberg

Submissions from 1980

Characteristics of doctoral and nondoctoral school psychology programs: Their implications for the entry-level doctorate, J. L. French and George McCloskey

Case reports. Cavitary Hodgkin's disease., R. F. Johnson and John P. Simelaro

Calcium dependence of norepinephrine-induced vascular contraction in experimental diabetes, Mary P. Owen and G. O. Carrier

Evaluation of doxycycline in the treatment of acute sinusitis and bronchopulmonary disease, John P. Simelaro, M. Ghen, and P. Ginsberg

Intermittent mandatory ventilation and continuous positive airway pressure: Two inexpensive methods of delivery, John P. Simelaro, R. Greenberg, and J. Cannavo

Effect of erythrocytes of androgens on 2,3-diphosphoglycerate in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, John P. Simelaro, Michael Venditto, and M. Ghens

Psychometric analysis of the Willoughby Personality Schedule, R. M. Turner and Robert A. DiTomasso

The behavioral treatment of insomnia. A review and methodological analysis of the evidence, R. M. Turner and Robert A. DiTomasso

Submissions from 1979

Paradoxical intention in the treatment of urinary retention, L. Michael Ascher

Paradoxical intention and insomnia: an experimental investigation, L. Michael Ascher and R. M. Turner

Ultrastructure and quantitative synaptology of the sacral parasympathetic nucleus, H. Keith Brown

Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, surgery, and infection, W. M. Comiskey, Pat A. Lannutti, and M. L. Rosner

Characteristics of school psychology program directors and program production, J. L. French and George McCloskey

Evaluation of narcotic analgetic activity using a cat tail-flick procedure, Frederick J. Goldstein and R. T. Malseed

Enhancement of morphine analgesia by tricyclic antidepressants, R. T. Malseed and Frederick J. Goldstein

Dysfunction of the Innominate Complex, Alexander S. Nicholas

The use of HLA-B27 in rheumatic diseases., Richard A. Pascucci and N. A. Cummings

A within-subject analysis of stimulus control therapy with severe sleep-onset insomnia, R. M. Turner and L. Michael Ascher

Controlled comparison of progressive relaxation, stimulus control, and paradoxical intention therapies for insomnia, R. M. Turner and L. Michael Ascher

Submissions from 1978

Use of paradoxical intention in a behavioral program for sleep onset insomnia, L. Michael Ascher and J. S. Efran

Detection of narcotic analgesic activity utilizing a cat tail flick procedure, Frederick J. Goldstein and R. T. Malseed

Palpation in Osteopathic Medicine, Alexander S. Nicholas

Submissions from 1977

The role of hypnosis in behavior therapy, L. Michael Ascher

Should fearful individuals be instructed to proceed quickly or cautiously?, J. S. Efran, L. Michael Ascher, R. E. Webb, and D. J. Moore

Potentiation of catecholamine inhibition of ganglionic transmission by Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol, Frederick J. Goldstein, E. Vernot, and H. K. Strahlendorf

Critical cardiac care, M. L. Rosner, W. M. Comiskey, Pat A. Lannutti, and R. I. Fuller

Arthrography of the ankle joint in the diagnosis of acute ankle sprains., Maxwell Stepanuk Jr.

Central antagonism of tyramine-induced systemic hypotension by mescaline, J. R. Strahlendorf and Frederick J. Goldstein

Differential effects of subcortical lysergic acid diethylamide and serotonin on visual cortical evoked potentials, J. R. Strahlendorf, Frederick J. Goldstein, G. V. Rossi, and R. T. Malseed

Submissions from 1976

High-pressure injection injuries to the hand: report of 18 cases., Maxwell Stepanuk Jr.

Submissions from 1975

Guided behavior rehearsal, L. Michael Ascher and D. Phillips

Doxepin and imipramine: Effect on catecholamine inhibition of ganglionic transmission, J. B. Tehrani, G. V. Rossi, and Frederick J. Goldstein

Effect of lithium and rubidium on the ganglionic inhibitory action of norepinephrine, J. B. Tehrani, G. V. Rossi, and Frederick J. Goldstein

Submissions from 1974

An experimental study of covert extinction, L. Michael Ascher and J. R. Cautela

Submissions from 1973

Continuing education via pharmatapes: digitalis I. A basic pharmacological review, Frederick J. Goldstein

Species variation in blood pressure responses to mescaline: Evidence of histamine release, R. F. Orzechowski and Frederick J. Goldstein

Submissions from 1972

Covert negative reinforcement: An experimental test, L. Michael Ascher and J. R. Cautela

Assessment of behavior theraphy institutes-I, L. Michael Ascher and J. Edwards

The effects of chronic exposure to carbon monoxide on the cardiovascular and hematologic systems in dogs with experimental myocardial infarction, Domenic A. DeBias, N. C. Birkhead, C. M. Banerjee, L. A. Kazal, R. R. Holburn, Charlotte H. Greene, W. V. Harrer, L. M. Rosenfeld, H. Menduke, and et al.

Continuing education via cassette tape. Pharmatapes., Frederick J. Goldstein

Marijuana II, Frederick J. Goldstein

Potentiation of monoaminergic activity in peripheral ganglia by tricyclic antidepressants, R. T. Malseed, G. V. Rossi, and Frederick J. Goldstein

Submissions from 1971

Marijuana--a pharmacological profile., Frederick J. Goldstein

Submissions from 1970

Drug abuse--an overview., Frederick J. Goldstein

Submissions from 1969

Modification of epinephrine-induced inhibition of transmission by tropolone and desipramine (desmethylimipramine) in the perfused superior cervical ganglion., Frederick J. Goldstein, F. B. Giller, and G. V. Rossi

Submissions from 1968

Blood volume alterations in response to gravitational, thermal, and chemical stress., R. T. Malseed and Frederick J. Goldstein

Submissions from 1966

Management of deafness in otitis media with effusion., Theodore P. Mauer