The Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine has a rich history of research, scholarship and publication, encompassing the case reports and reviews in the early Digests, the more formally presented articles in the College of Osteopathy's first research journal, Osteopathic Medicine, and current publications in some of the medical and pharmacology fields' leading peer-reviewed journals.
The PCOM Scholarly Works repository is an archive for pre-publication drafts or final versions of research and editorial articles, abstracts, posters, book chapters, datasets, and unpublished works by faculty and staff at PCOM's Philadelphia, Georgia, and South Georgia campuses.
Submissions from 1989
Effect of the somatostatin analogue SMS-201-995 on the adrenergic response to glucose ingestion in patients with postprandial hypotension, R. D. Hoeldtke, Gerald E. Dworkin, S. Gaspar, and B. C. Israel
Sympathotonic orthostatic hypotension: A report of four cases, R. D. Hoeldtke, Gerald E. Dworkin, S. Gaspar, and B. C. Israel
Fibrosarcoma of the nose and the paranasal sinuses, J. Olekszyk, V. Siliunas, Theodore P. Mauer, and R. Biondi
Adrenergic control of intrarenal arteries of rabbits, Mary P. Owen, M. C. Taphorn, and J. G. Walmsley
Anomalous origin of the left coronary artery, E. Placentra, Bruce Kornberg, and A. D'Alonzo
Intraabdominal adhesions: Intraoperative US, F. J. Suslavitch, N. A. Turner, P. S. King, and H. Keith Brown
Diagnosis and management of ventricular dysphonia, C. P. Von Hake, I. Ganzman, and Theodore P. Mauer
Submissions from 1988
Transcytosis of Protein through the Mammalian Cerebral Epithelium and Endothelium. I. Chorioid Plexus and the Blood-cerebrospinal Fluid Barrier, Brian J. Balin and Richard D. Broadwell
Combined transurethral electroresection and neodymium:YAG laser therapy for obstructing prostatism, Laurence Belkoff and Larry Finkelstein
Transcytotic Pathway for Blood-borne Protein Through the Blood-brain Barrier, Richard D. Broadwell, Brian J. Balin, and Michael Salcman
Teacher and observer ratings of children's social skills: Validation of the Social Skills Rating Scales, Stephen N. Elliott, Frank M. Gresham, Terry Freeman, and George McCloskey
Combinations of Monoclonal Antibodies Distinguish Mesenchymal, Myogenic, and Chondrogenic Precursors of the Developing Chick Embryo, Mindy George-Weinstein, Cindy Decker, and Alan Horwitz
Alternate technique for cul-de-sac insufflation for laparoscopy, Joseph M. Kaczmarczyk
Opioid-monoamine interactions in spinal antinociception: evidence for serotonin but not norepinephrine reciprocity, D. E. Kellstein, R. T. Malseed, and Frederick J. Goldstein
Effect of chronic treatment with tricyclic antidepressants upon antinociception induced by intrathecal injection of morphine and monoamines, D. E. Kellstein, R. T. Malseed, M. H. Ossipov, and Frederick J. Goldstein
Infectious disorders of the parotid gland., David H. Loughran and L G Smith
Developmental changes in diastolic ventricular interaction, Bohdan M. Minczak, M. R. Wolfson, W. P. Santamore, and T. H. Shaffer
Effects of intracellular free magnesium on calcium current in isolated cardiac myocytes, Richard E. White and H. C. Hartzell
Submissions from 1987
Lectin-Labeled Membrane is Transferred to the Golgi Complex in Mouse Pituitary Cells in vivo, Brian J. Balin and Richard D. Broadwell
Tubular Profiles do not form Transendothelial Channels through the Blood-brain Barrier, Brian J. Balin, Richard D. Broadwell, and Michael Salcman
Angioarchitecture of the CNS, Pituitary Gland, and Intracerebral Grafts Revealed with Peroxidase Cytochemistry, Richard D. Broadwell, Brian J. Balin, Harry M. Charlton, and Michael Salcman
Use of external muscle stimulation in a patient with unipolar DDD pacemaker, Gerald E. Dworkin, K. Vollision, and G. Herbison
The effect of rhamnolipid hemolysin of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on respiratory epithelium., Annette T. Hastie, Susan T. Hingley, M. L. Higgins, and Friedrich Kueppers
Isolation of Virio alginolyticus from a patient with chronic otitis media: Report of case and review of biochemical activity, J. J. Hasyn, Theodore P. Mauer, R. Warner, and C. Von Hake
Captopril therapy in heart failure, Bruce Kornberg
Burk's Behavior Rating Scales, George McCloskey
Denver Developmental Screening Test, George McCloskey
Hiske-Nebraska Test of Learning Aptitude, George McCloskey
Leiter International Performance Scale, George McCloskey
Test of Language Development, George McCloskey
Wide Range Achievement Test-Revised, George McCloskey
A somatic component to myocardial infarction, Alexander S. Nicholas, Domenic A. DiBias, W. Ehrenfeuchter, K. M. England, R. W. England, Charlotte H. Greene, D. Heilig, and M. Kirschbaum
Sources of activator calcium for extrinsic vascular tone and nimodipine inhibition of that tone in proximal vs. distal rabbit ear arteries, Mary P. Owen, E. H. Joyce, and J. A. Bevan
Cardiac involvement in polymyositis: Report of case and review of literature, D. W. Rhodes and Richard A. Pascucci
Correlation of palpatory observations with the anatomic locus of acute myocardial infarction, H. O. Rosero, Charlotte H. Greene, and Domemic A. DiBias
Submissions from 1986
Enhancing effectiveness of paradoxical intention in treating travel restriction in agoraphobia, L. Michael Ascher, D. E. Schotte, and J. B. Grayson
Avenues for Entry of Peripherally Administered Protein to the Central Nervous System in Mouse, Rat, and Squirrel Monkey, Brian J. Balin, Richard D. Broadwell, Michael Salcman, and Magdy El-Kalliny
Calcium regulation in vascular smooth muscle: Is there a pattern to its variability within the arterial tree?, J. A. Bevan, R. D. Bevan, J. J. Hwa, Mary P. Owen, and F. M. Tayo
Phospholipase C Activity in Palate Mesenchyme Cells: Calcium and pH Requirements, Substrate Specificity, and Subcellular Localization, K P Chepenik, Mindy George-Weinstein, and R Caamano-Haigh
Cystoscopic laser surgery: An animal model, Leonard H. Finkelstein, Domenic A. DeBias, and Charlotte H. Greene
Isolation of cilia from porcine tracheal epithelium and extraction of dynein arms, Annette T. Hastie, David T. Dicker, Susan T. Hingley, Friedrich Kueppers, Michael L. Higgins, and George Weinbaurn
Rhamnolipid from Pseudomonas aeruginosa inactivates mammalian tracheal ciliary axonemes., Annette T. Hastie, Susan T. Hingley, M. L. Higgins, Friedrich Kueppers, and T. Shryock
Use of selective vs standard sheep blood agar for the diagnosis of hemolytic streptococcus group A pharyngitis, J. L. Haym, Robert A. DiTomasso, and S. Colameco
Disruption of respiratory cilia by proteases including those of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Susan T. Hingley, A. T. Hastie, Friedrich Kueppers, and M. L. Higgins
Effect of ciliostatic factors and Pseudomonas aeruginosa on rabbit respiratory cilia, Susan T. Hingley, A. T. Hastie, Friedrich Kueppers, M. L. Higgins, G. Weinbaum, and T. Shryock
Efficacy of the neodymium:YAG laser in vasovasostomy: A preliminary communication, Perry Weiner, Leonard Finkelstein, Charlotte H. Greene, and Domenic A. DiBias
Submissions from 1985
Local fibrinolysis for the treatment of massive pulmonary embolism: Efficacy of streptokinase infusion through pulmonary arterial catheter, J. E. Ambrose, Michael A. Venditto, and W. H. Dickerson
Paradoxical Intention, L. Michael Ascher
Paradoxical intention in behavior therapy: A review of the experimental literature, L. Michael Ascher
Empirical issues in paradox, L. Michael Ascher, M. Bowers, and D. E. Schotte
Endocytic and Exocytic Pathways of the Neuronal Secretory Process and Trans-Synaptic Transfer of Wheat Germ Agglutinin-Horseradish Peroxidase in vivo, Richard D. Broadwell and Brian J. Balin
Effects of dexamethasone on phospholipase activities in palate mesenchyme cells in vitro., K P Chepenik, Mindy George-Weinstein, and R M Greene
Posttraumatic syringomyelia, Gerald E. Dworkin and W. E. Staas Jr.
Psychological Functioning After Severe Closed Head Injury, David W. Ellis and Bruce S. Zahn
Electroresection followed by neodymium-YAG laser photocoagulation of the dog prostate for establishment of safety parameters, Leonard H. Finkelstein, Bruce Frantz, Lillian Longendorfer Hynes, Domenic A. DeBias, Charlotte H. Greene, and Frederick Monson
Role of natural killer cells in the mechanism of the antitumor effect of interferon on Moloney sarcoma virus-transformed cells, Kerin L. Fresa and D. M. Murasko
Phospholipase A Activities in Embryonic Palate Mesenchyme Cells in Vitro, Mindy George-Weinstein and K P. Chepenik
Rest-exercise radionuclide angiographic assessment of left ventricular function in chronic aortic regurgitation: Significance of serial studies in medically versus surgically treated groups, F. J. Lumia, R. M. MacMillan, P. A. Germon, Bruce Kornberg, J. Fernandez, and V. Maranhao
Clinical analysis of errors, George McCloskey
Mechanical and biochemical characterization of the contraction elicited by a calcium-independent myosin light chain kinase in chemically skinned smooth muscle, U. Mrwa, K. Güth, J. C. Rüegg, R. J. Paul, S. Boström, Robert Barsotti, and D. Hartshorne
Acetylcholine induced endothelial-dependent vasodilation increases as artery diameter decreases in the rabbit ear, Mary P. Owen and J. A. Bevan
Phentolamine-resistant neurogenic constriction occurs in small arteries at higher frequencies, Mary P. Owen, C. Quinn, and J. A. Bevan
Pharmacological Aspects of Drug Abuse, G. V. Rossi and Frederick J. Goldstein
A Manual for House Staff on Pulmonary Service at PCOM, John P. Simelaro
Blood Gas and Ventilator Manual for House Staff on Pulmonary Service, John P. Simelaro
Pulmonary Function Manual, John P. Simelaro
Submissions from 1984
Further Studies of the Secretory Process in Hypothalamo neurohypophysial Neurons. An Analysis Using Immunochemistry, Wheat Germ Agglutinin-Peroxidase and Native Peroxidase, Richard D. Broadwell, Anne M. Cataldo, and Brian J. Balin
Endoscopic diagnosis and removal of a duodenal wall gastrinoma., William J. Gilhool
Comparison of three cognitive strategies in altering pain behaviors on a cold pressor task., R. M. Gilligan, L. Michael Ascher, J. Wolper, and C. Bochachevsky
Contrasting effects of acute vs. chronic tricyclic antidepressant treatment on central morphine analgesia, D. E. Kellstein, R. T. Malseed, and Frederick J. Goldstein
Paradoxical intention in the treatment of agoraphobia and other anxiety disorders, L. Michelson and L. Michael Ascher
Safety considerations and safety protocol for laser surgery, R. M. Mohr, B C. McDonnell, M. Unger, and Theodore P. Mauer
Primary afferent projections to the sacral secondary visceral gray: A quantitative electron microscopic examination in the cat, Michael Nolan and H. Keith Brown
Feline analgesia following central administration of opioids, M. H. Ossipov, Frederick J. Goldstein, and R. T. Malseed
Effect of α2 adrenergic agents upon central etorphine antinociception in the cat, M. H. Ossipov, R. T. Malseed, L. M. Eisenman, and Frederick J. Goldstein
Elevated theophylline blood levels from institution of nifedipine therapy, S. J. Parillo and Michael A. Venditto
Pyridoxine toxicity: Report of a case, A. Vasile, R. Goldberg, and Bruce Kornberg
The incidence of tricuspid valvular regurgitation in patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as determined by two-dimensional echocardiography, Michael Venditto, D. Pisano, John P. Simelaro, and W. Dickerson
Submissions from 1983
The initial assessment and care of the patient with multiple trauma, John W. Becher Jr.
A Blood-Brain Barrier? Yes and No., Richard D. Broadwell, Brian J. Balin, Michael Salcman, and R. S. Kaplan
Myosin light chain phosphorylation does not modulate cross-bridge cycling rate in mouse skeletal muscle, T. M. Butler, M. J. Siegman, S. U. Mooers, and Robert J. Barsotti
Hydrolysis of Phospholipids By Embryonic Palate Mesenchyme Cells, in Vitro., K. P. Chepenik and Mindy George-Weinstein
Factors influencing program selection among family practice residents, Robert A. DiTomasso, J. P. DiLauro, and S. T. Carter Jr.
Proliferation of Cells Undergoing Chondrogenesis in Vitro, Mindy George-Weinstein, K P Chepenik, and M H Schneiderman
Narcotic Analgesics, Frederick J. Goldstein
Protease production by Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from patients with cystic fibrosis, Annette T. Hastie, Susan T. Hingley, Friedrich Kueppers, M. L. Higgins, C. S. Tannenbaum, and George Weinbaum
S-T segment variants in young, adult, black women, Bruce Kornberg
When to Refer Your Patient for Heart Valve Replacement, Bruce Kornberg
Manipulating the explicit demand of paradoxical intention instructions, B. D. Ott, B. A. Levine, and L. Michael Ascher
Importance of 'cut-end' effects in in vitro artery segments, Mary P. Owen; D. A. Nay; R, D, Bevan; and J. A. Bevan
Adrenergic control in three artery segments of diminishing diameter in rabbit ear, Mary P. Owen, J. G. Walmsley, and M. F. Mason
Bacampicillin in the treatment of acute sinusitis and bronchopulmonary disease, John P. Simelaro, G. Henwood, and A. DeSalvo
Assessment of social anxiety: a controlled comparison among social phobics, obsessive-compulsives, agoraphobics, sexual disorders and simple phobies, R, M. Turner; D. Meles; and Robert A. DiTomasso
Medial morphometry and mechanics of sequential rabbit ear arteries and myograph ring segments., J. G. Walmsley, Mary P. Owen, and J. A. Bevan
Submissions from 1982
Flight 30 ... over the end!, John M. Cavenagh
Arachnoid cyst associated with psychological disturbance., S. Colameco and Robert A. DiTomasso
Patient self-monitoring of behavior., Robert A. DiTomasso and S. Colameco
Elevation in analgetic effect and plasma levels of morphine by desipramine in rats, Frederick J. Goldstein, P. Mojaverian, M. Ossipov, and B. N. Swanson
Comments on Super's observations, Edwin L. Herr, Roland H. Good, George McCloskey, and Anna D. Weitz
Secondary school curriculum and career behavior in young adults, Edwin L. Herr, Roland H. Good, George McCloskey, and Anna D. Weitz