Repository Policies | DigitalCommons@PCOM, an electronic archive of scholarly and creative works of the PCOM Community


The DigitalCommons serves as a showcase for PCOM researchers and students, allowing them to permanently disseminate, publicize, and archive their work; it also preserves the history of PCOM and osteopathy by collecting works and records of historic interest.

PCOM DigitalCommons is produced with licensed software from the Berkeley Electronic Press (bepress).

I. Type of Content

Works in the repository should be scholarly, educational, and/or research-based and should merit long-term preservation and storage. Materials that can be uploaded into the repository include journal articles, working papers, technical reports, campus publications, university documents, conference papers, presentations, images, video and sound files, as well as full-text and abstracts of theses, dissertations, and other capstone projects. A list of preferred file types is located in the FAQ at

II. Repository Structure

The Digital Commons houses four categories of collections: faculty and staff publications, resident publications, student research, and history.

a. Faculty and Staff Publications

Faculty and staff publications are housed in the PCOM Scholarly Papers collection and in the Selected Works profile pages. The PCOM Scholarly Papers collection will contain records and full text of scholarly articles authored by PCOM faculty and staff. Selected Works profile pages contain records of these works as well as pre-PCOM works for individual faculty and staff.

a. Resident Publications and Student Research

Resident publications and presentations are housed in the Graduate Medical Education collection. Student capstone projects can be found at Student and resident posters presented at Research Day are gathered at

c. History

The History collections can be found at History collections gather materials from the PCOM Archives preserving the history of PCOM and of osteopathy.

III. Authorship

Works eligible for submission are those authored or co-authored by PCOM faculty, students, or staff. Full text will only be posted for works in which a PCOM author is first author or if the work is open access. Abstracts will be added regardless of author position.

IV. Collection Policy

Staff regularly update the Digital Commons and Selected Works profiles with new faculty, staff, and resident scholarly works; faculty and staff are also encouraged to contact Digital Commons staff to add new material or request editing access. Student capstone projects and Research Day posters are archived upon completion with permission from the student and their faculty advisor/primary investigator.

V. Copyright

Published works: Published works (journal articles, book chapters, etc.) are posted in the Digital Commons according to the copyright holder’s policies. Publisher polices are found on SHERPA/RoMEO and publisher websites.

Library staff makes all efforts to investigate publisher policies to ensure compliance and/to contact publishers as needed for permission prior to posting materials on DigitalCommons. Any materials posted in DigitalCommons reflect the publisher policies at the time of posting only.

Unpublished works: For previously unpublished scholarly or creative works, such as preprints, the right to download or print any portion of this material is granted by the copyright owner. The author/creator retains all proprietary rights, including copyright ownership. Refer to U.S.C. Title 17 for copyright matters.

Creative Commons: For works posted in PCOM Digital Commons that display a Creative Commons license in their record and/or on the work itself, the use of that work is governed by the terms of the license selected by the content creator. For more information about Creative Commons licenses, or to license your own work, please visit

VI. Access, Restriction, and Withdrawal

DigitalCommons records and downloads are freely accessible online. Access to the full text items can be restricted to readers on PCOM’s campuses upon request. Works may also be placed under embargo, with full text unavailable for view or download for a set period of time. Under special circumstances, authors may request that DigitalCommons remove a record. We will honor the author’s request provided that it does not conflict with university or departmental policies.

Authors may also provide an updated version for posting, but updates do not necessarily need to replace originally-posted papers. Posting updated versions alongside original versions is one way that DigitalCommons can allow authors to show the progress of their research, which can have pedagogical or intellectual value.

For questions, comments, and inquiries about PCOM DigitalCommons, contact