The Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine has a rich history of research, scholarship and publication, encompassing the case reports and reviews in the early Digests, the more formally presented articles in the College of Osteopathy's first research journal, Osteopathic Medicine, and current publications in some of the medical and pharmacology fields' leading peer-reviewed journals.
The PCOM Scholarly Works repository is an archive for pre-publication drafts or final versions of research and editorial articles, abstracts, posters, book chapters, datasets, and unpublished works by faculty and staff at PCOM's Philadelphia, Georgia, and South Georgia campuses.
Submissions from 1998
Differences in the immune response during the acute phase of E-55+ murine leukemia virus infection in progressor BALB and long term nonprogressor C57BL mice., Vily Panoutsakopoulou, C. Scott Little PhD, Thomas G. Sieck, Elizabeth P. Blankenhorn, and Kenneth J. Blank
Cartilage formation in a hollow fiber bioreactor studied by proton magnetic resonance microscopy, K. Potter, J. J. Butler, Christopher S. Adams, K. W. Fishbein, E. W. Mcfarland, W. E. Horton, and R. G. Spencer
The predictive validity of parent and teacher reports of ADHD symptoms, Thomas J. Power, Brian J. Doherty, Susan Panichelli-Mindel, James L. Karustis, Ricaro B. Eiraldi, Arthur D. Anastopoulos, and George J. DuPaul
The Neuropathology of Chromosome 17-linked Autosomal Dominant Parkinsonism-Dementia (Pallo-ponto-nigral Degeneration), L.A. Reed, M.L. Schmidt, Z.K. Wszolek, Brian J. Balin, V. Soontornniyomkij, V. M. Lee, and T. J. Trojanowski
Renal osteodystrophy with leontiasis ossea deformity, J. M. Reidy, K. Motamedi, D. Berens, M. Haar, and Theodore P. Mauer
The Taskforce 200 Survey on Medical Education in Sleep and Sleep Disorders, R. Rosen, M. Mahowald, A. Chesson, K. Doghramji, R. Goldberg, M. Moline, R. Millman, Burton Mark, G. Zammit, and W. Dement
Estrogenic xenobiotics affect the intracellular activation signal in mitogen-induced human peripheral blood lymphocytes: Immunotoxicological impact, K. Sakabe, M. Okuma, M. Kazuno, T. Yamaguchi, T. Yoshida, H. Furuya, F. Kayama, Y. Suwa, W. Fujii, and Kerin L. Fresa
A differential response of diffuse brain injury on the concentrations of endothelin and nitric oxide in the plasma and brain regions in rats, Avadhesh C. Sharma, M. Misra, R. Prat, K. J. Alden, A. D. Sam II, V. Z. Markiv, M. Dujovny, and J. L. Ferguson
Effect of NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester on testicular blood flow and serum steroid hormones during sepsis, Avadhesh C. Sharma, A. D. Sam II, L. Y. Lee, D. B. Hales, W. R. Law, J. L. Ferguson, and H. B. Bosmann
Induction of microglial reaction and expression of nitric oxide synthase I in the nucleus dorsalis and red nucleus following lower thoracic spinal cord hemisection, Mei Xu, Yee-Kong Ng, and Seng-Kee Leong
Expression of a vitamin D-regulated gene (VDUP-1) in untreated- and MNU-treated rat mammary tissue, X. Yang, Lindon H. Young, and J. M. Voigt
Protein phosphorylation associated with epipodophyllotoxin-induced apoptosis of lymphoid cells: Role of a serine/threonine protein kinase, Xiaodan Ye, Neeta S. Mody, Susan T. Hingley, Frederick D. Coffman, Stanley Cohen, and Kerin Fresa
Submissions from 1997
The Association of Tissue Transglutaminase with Human Recombinant tau Results in the Formation of Insoluble Filamentous Structures, Denah M. Appelt and Brian J. Balin
Study reveals successful removal of unwanted hair with LPIR laser, Coyle Connolly and Laurence Paolini
Neural crest is involved in development of abnormal myocardial function, Simon J. Conway, Robert E. Godt, Cathy J. Hatcher, Linda Leatherbury, Vladimir V. Zolotouchnikov, Marco A.P. Brotto, Andrew J. Cobb, Margaret L. Kirby, and Tony L. Creazzo
Articular chondrocytes produce factors that inhibit maturation of sternal chondrocytes in serum-free agarose cultures: A TGF-ß independent process, Marina D'Angelo and Maurizio Pacifici
The internal open reading frame within the nucleocapsid gene of mouse hepatitis virus encodes a structural protein that is not essential for viral replication, Francois Fisher, Ding Peng, Susan T. Hingley, Susan R. Weiss, and Paul S. Masters
Hepatitis g virus co-infection in liver transplantation recipients with chronic hepatitis c and nonviral chronic liver disease, M. W. Fried, Y. E. Khudyakov, Gregory Smallwood, M. Cong, B. Nichols, E. Diaz, P. Siefert, K. Gutekunst, R. D. Gordon, and T. D. Boyer
Osteopathic Medical Component Missed in Treating Anterior Hip Pain, David B. Fuller
N-cadherin Promotes the Commitment and Differentiation of Skeletal Muscle Precursor Cells, Mindy George-Weinstein, Jacquelyn Gerhart, Jennifer Blitz, Eileen Simak, and Karen A. Knudsen
Safe passage: pain management, advance directives key to end-of-life care., Frederick J. Goldstein
Role of et and NO in resuscitative effect of diaspirin cross-linked hemoglobin after hemorrhage in rat, A. Gulati, A. P. Sen, Avadhesh C. Sharma, and G. Singh
Role of spinal σ1 and σ2 opioid receptors in the antinociception produced by microinjection of L-glutamate in the ventromedial medulla of the rat, D. L. Hammond, B. B. Donahue, and Peggy E. Stewart
Cues intrinsic to the spinal cord determine the pattern and timing of primary afferent growth, Lori Redmond Hardy, Huiwen Xie, Lea Ziskind-Conhaim, and Susan Hockfield
Differential glycosylation of Tractin and LeechCAM, two novel Ig superfamily members, regulates neurite extension and fascicle formation, Yueqiao Huang, John Jellies, Kristen M. Johansen, and Jørgen Johansen
Therapy for youths with anxiety disorders: A second randomized clinical trial, P. C. Kendall, E. Flannery-Schroeder, Susan Panichelli-Mindel, M. Southam-Gerow, A. Henin, and M. Warman
Exposure to child anxiety: Theory, research, and practice, P. C. Kendall, Susan Panichelli-Mindel, A. Sugarman, and S. A. Callahan
Maternal expectations and attributions about coping in anxious children, E. Kortlander, P. C. Kendall, and Susan Panichelli-Mindel
Altered pathogenesis of a mutant of the murine coronavirus MHV-A59 is associated with a Q159L amino acid substitution in the spike protein, Isabelle Leparc-Goffart, Susan T. Hingley, Ming Chua, Xinhe Jiang, Ehud Lavi, and Susan R. Weiss
Quality of life: A process view, Howard E. Leventhal and Stacey Cahn (neé Colman)
Information processing in a cerebellar granule cell, Huo Lu, R. W. Prior, and L. J. Larson-Prior
Breath-holding in healthy and pulmonary-compromised populations: Effects of hyperventilation and oxygen inspiration, B. Marks, D. G. Mitchell, and John P. Simelaro
Transurethral microwave hyperthermia in the treatment of chronic nonbacterial prostatitis, M P. Mene, P. C. Ginsburg, Larry Finkelstein, S. J. Manfrey, Laurence Belkoff, F. Ogbolu, and D. Osborne
Interleukin-1β increases airway epithelial cell mitogenesis partly by stimulating endothelin-1 production, C. G. Murlas, Avadhesh C. Sharma, A. Gulati, and F. Najmabadi
Cytochrome c(y) of Rhodobacter capsulatus is attached to the cytoplasmic membrane by an uncleaved signal sequence-like anchor, H. Myllykallio, Francis E. Jenney Jr., C. R. Moomaw, C. A. Slaughter, and F. Daldal
DGLA discoordinately suppresses IL-1 induced metalloproteinase mRNA levels in human synovial fibroblasts, X. Ni, H. Borghaei, Ruth C. Borghaei, Ruth D. Thornton, E. A. Pease, William Laidlaw, and Eugene Mochan
Hypoxemia and recurrent epistaxis in an 81-year-old woman, Daniel J. Parenti, John P. Simelaro, and Michael Venditto
Splanchnic vascular control during sepsis and endotoxemia., A. D. Sam II, Avadhesh C. Sharma, W. R. Law, and J. L. Ferguson
Sepsis alters myocardial and plasma concentrations of endothelin and nitric oxide in rats, Avadhesh C. Sharma, S. J. Motew, S. Farias, K. J. Alden, H. B. Bosmann, W. R. Law, and J. L. Ferguson
A carboxy-terminal peptide of the α1-subunit of the dihydropyridine receptor inhibits Ca2+-release channels, Kenneth J. Slavik, J. P. Wang, B. Aghdasi, J. Z. Zhang, F. Mandel, N. Malouf, and S. L. Hamilton
Patient treatment choice and compliance: Data from a substance abuse treatment program, Robert C. Sterling, Edward Gottheil, Scott D. Glassman, S. P. Weinstein, and Ronald D. Serota
Specific testicular cellular localization and hormonal regulation of the PKIα and PKIß isoforms of the inhibitor protein of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase, S. M. Van Patten, L. F. Donaldson, Michael P. McGuinness, P. Kumar, A. Alizadeh, M. D. Griswold, and D. A. Walsh
Submissions from 1996
Analysis of Paired Helical Fragments Found in Alzheimer's Disease Using Freeze-Drying/Rotary Shadowing, Denah M. Appelt and Brian J. Balin
Localization of Transglutaminase in Hippocampal Neurons: Implications for Alzeimer's Disease, Denah M. Appelt, G.C. Kopen, L.J. Boyne, and Brian J. Balin
Myosin isoforms show different strokes for different blokes, Robert J. Barsotti, J. A. Dantzig, and Y. E. Goldman
Reliability of performance-based clinical skill assessment of emergency medicine residents, W. P. Burdick, M. F. Ben-David, L. Swisher, John W. Becher Jr., D. Magee, R. McNamara, and M. Zwanger
DSM-IV and internalizing disorders: Modifications, limitations, and utility, S. A. Callahan, Susan Panichelli-Mindel, and P. C. Kendall
Chemical modifcation and inactivation of rat liver arginase by N-bromosuccinimide: Reaction with his141, Farzaneh Daghigh, R. Christoper Cavalli, Dianne R. Soprano, and David E. Ash
Laser photolysis of caged calcium: Rates of calcium release by nitrophenyl-EGTA and DM-nitrophen, G. C. R. Ellis-Davies, J. H. Kaplan, and Robert J. Barsotti
Skeletal Myogenesis: The Preferred Pathway of Chick Embryo Epiblast Cells in Vitro, Mindy George-Weinstein, Jacquelyn Gerhart, Rebecca Reed, Joseph Flynn, Beth Callihan, Michele Mattiacci, Carolyn Miehle, Gerard Foti, James W. Lash, and Harold Weintraub
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Regulation of the Development of Myogenic Precursors of the Chick Embryo, Mindy George-Weinstein, Jacquelyn Gerhart, R. Reed, A. Steinberg, M. Mattiacci, H. Weintraub, and K. Knudsen
Role of endothelin in the cardiovascular effects of diaspirin crosslinked and stroma reduced hemoglobin, A. Gulati, Avadhesh C. Sharma, and G. Singh
The membrane-bound cytochrome cy of Rhodobacter capsulatus can serve as an electron donor to the photosynthetic reaction center of Rhodobacter sphaeroides, Francis E. Jenney Jr., R. C. Prince, and F. Daldal
Reproductive health hazards in the workplace: Guidelines for policy development and implementation, Joseph M. Kaczmarczyk and M. E. Paul
Rhodobacter capsulatus CycH: A bipartite gene product with pleiotropic effects on the biogenesis of structurally different c-type cytochromes, S. E. Lang, Francis E. Jenney Jr., and F. Daldal
Serotonergic modulation of evoked responses in turtle cerebellar Purkinje cells., Huo Lu and L J Larson-Prior
Assessment of coercive and noncoercive pressures to enter drug abuse treatment, D. Marlowe, K. Kirby, L. Bonieskie, D. Glass, L. Dodds, S. .. Husband, J. Platt, and David Festinger
Identification of Phosphorylated Sites in PHF-tau from Patients with Guam Amytrophic Lateral Sclerosis/Parkinsonism-Dementia Complex, M. Mawal-Dewan, M.L. Schmidt, Brian J. Balin, D.P. Perl, V. M. Lee, and John. Q. Trojanowski
Metastatic Sertoli cell carcinoma of the testis, M P. Mene, Larry Finkelstein, S. J. Manfrey, and Larry Belkoff
Heat-related deaths in Philadelphia - 1993, H. G. Mirchandani, Gregory McDonald, I. C. Hood, and C. Fonseca
Thoracic Somatic Dysfunction: a Case Report, Alexander S. Nicholas and G. Gross
Immunohistochemical detection of alpha2-adrenoceptor subtypes using subtype-specific antibodies in rabbit intrarenal resistance arteries, C. A. Patel, Mary P. Owen, and Jiang Gu
Immunohistochemical detection of alpha-adrenoceptor subtypes using subtype-specific antibodies in rabbit interlobular arteries, C. A. Patel, Mary P. Owen, and Jiang Gu
Manduca sexta hemolymph ferritin: CDNA sequence and mRNA expression, Daphne Q. Pham, Dianzheng Zhang, David H. Hufnagel, and Joy J. Winzerling
Neuroradiologic MR applications with multiparametric color composite display, W. E. Phillips and H. Keith Brown
Parent and child representations of social relationships: Linkages between families and peers, Virginia Burks Salzer and R. D. Parke
Steroid hormone alterations following induction of chronic intraperitoneal sepsis in male rats, Avadhesh C. Sharma, H. B. Bosmann, S. J. Motew, K. H. Hales, D. B. Hales, and J. L. Ferguson
Effect of Spent Wash Recycling on Fermentation of Corn Mashes, S. K. Soni, Avadhesh C. Sharma, and R. Soni
Overexpression of both RAR and RXR restores AP-1 repression in ovarian adenocarcinoma cells resistant to retinoic acid-dependent growth inhibition, D. R. Soprano, L. X. Chen, S. Wu, A. M. Donigan, Ruth C. Borghaei, and K. J. Soprano
Angiotensin II regulation of intracellular calcium in astroglia cultured from rat hypothalamus and brainstem., Desuo Wang, Jeffrey R. Martens, Philip Posner, Colin Sumners, and Craig H. Gelband
Cellular basis for the negative dromotropic effect of adenosine on rabbit single atrioventricular nodal cells., Desuo Wang, John C. Shryock, and Luiz Belardinelli
Interaction between ryanodine and neomycin binding sites on Ca2+ release channel from skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum, J. P. Wang; D. H, Needleman; A. B. Sheryshev; B. Aghdasi; Kenneth J. Slavik; S. Q. Liu; S. E. Pedersen; and S. L. Hamilton
Submissions from 1995
Modulation of topoisomerase activities by tumor necrosis factor, Z. Baloch, S. Cohen, Kerin L. Fresa, and F. D. Coffman
Loss of adenosine-induced negative inotropic effect in hyperexcited rabbit hearts: Relationship to PKC, C. Cano, Kenneth J. Slavik, and K. U. Malik
Hepatobiliary pruritus: what are effective treatments?, Coyle Connolly, G R Kantor, and H Menduke
Isolation and characterization of mosquito ferritin and cloning of a cDNA that encodes one subunit., Boris Dunkov, Dianzheng Zhang, Kyril Choumarov, Joy Winzerling, and John H. Law
Pretreatment dropout as a function of treatment delay and client variables, David Festinger, R. Lamb, M. Kountz, K. Kirby, and D. Marlowe
Pharmacological Aspects of Substance Abuse, Frederick J. Goldstein
Preemptive analgesia: a research review., Frederick J. Goldstein
Endothelin ETA receptor antagonist, BQ-123, blocks the vasoconstriction induced by sarafotoxin 6b in the heart but not in other vascular beds, A. Gulati, Avadhesh C. Sharma, G. Robbie, and P. R. Saxena
Effect of diaspirin crosslinked and stroma-reduced hemoglobin on mean arterial pressure and endothelin-1 concentration in rats, A. Gulati, G. Singh, S. Rebello, and Avadhesh C. Sharma
Antinociception and σ-1 opioid receptors in the rat spinal cord: Studies with intrathecal 7-benzylidenenaltrexone, D. L. Hammond, Peggy E. Stewart, and L. Littell
Hepatitis mutants of mouse hepatitis virus strain A59, Susan T. Hingley, James L. Gombold, Ehud Lavi, and Susan R. Weiss
Membrane-associated cytochrome c(y) of Rhodobacter capsulatus is an electron carrier from the cytochrome bc1 complex to the cytochrome c oxidase during respiration, A. Hochkoeppler, Francis E. Jenney Jr., S. E. Lang, D. Zannoni, and F. Daldal
Cognitive-behavioral treatments, P. C. Kendall and Susan Panichelli-Mindel
Pharmacology: Drug Therapy and Nursing Considerations, R. T. Malseed, Frederick J. Goldstein, and N. Balkon
Yohimbine modulates diaspirin crosslinked hemoglobin-induced systemic hemodynamics and regional circulatory effects, Avadesh C. Sharma and A. Gulati
Role of NO mechanism in cardiovascular effects of diaspirin cross-linked hemoglobin in anesthetized rats, Avadhesh C. Sharma, G. Singh, and A. Gulati
Estrogen relaxes coronary arteries by opening BKCa channels through a cGMP-dependent mechanism, Richard E. White, David J. Darkow, and Jessica L. Falvo Lang
Submissions from 1994
Localization of the high and low affinity [3H]ryanodine binding sites on the skeletal muscle Ca2+ release channel, C. Callaway, A. Seryshev, J. P. Wang, Kenneth J. Slavik, C. Cantu III, Y. Wu, T. Jayaraman, A. R. Marks, and S. L. Hamilton
Comprehensive geriatric assessment: Applications for community-residing, elderly people with mental retardation/developmental disabilities, W. R. Carlsen, Katherine E. Galluzzi, L. F. Forman, and T. A. Cavalieri
Current issues in the selection and use of broad-spectrum antibiotics. Roundtable discussion., L. M. Cortez, C. Dempsey, John P. Simelaro, and R. Wilson
Inhibition of rat liver arginase by an intermediate in NO biosynthesis, N(G)-hydroxy-L-arginine: Implications for the regulation of nitric oxide biosynthesis by arginase, Farzaneh Daghigh, J. M. Fukoto, and D. E. Ash
TGFbeta1 regulation of collagen metabolism by embryonic palate mesenchymal cells, Marina D'Angelo, Jing-May Chen, Kenneth Ugen, and Robert M. Greene
Medical patients, Robert A. DiTomasso and Karel D. Kovnat
The cognitive theory of anxiety, Arthur Freeman and Robert A. DiTomasso
Maturation of Myogenic and Chondrogenic Cells in the Presomitic Mesoderm of the Chick Embryo, Mindy George-Weinstein, Jacquelyn Gerhart, Gerard J. Foti, and James W. Lash
Identification of peplomer cleavage site mutations arising during persistence of MHV-A59, James L. Gombold, Susan T. Hingley, and Susan R. Weiss
Healing of incisions in the tongue: A comparison of results with milliwatt carbon dioxide laser tissue welding versus suture repair, Charlotte H. Greene, Domenic A. DiBias, Maryanne J. Henderson, Rosemary Fair-Covely, Bryan Dorf, Alex L. Radin, and Wanda L. Young-Seidman
Prazosin blocks the pressor but not the regional circulatory effects of diaspirin crosslinked hemoglobin, A. Gulati and Avadhesh C. Sharma