The Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine has a rich history of research, scholarship and publication, encompassing the case reports and reviews in the early Digests, the more formally presented articles in the College of Osteopathy's first research journal, Osteopathic Medicine, and current publications in some of the medical and pharmacology fields' leading peer-reviewed journals.
The PCOM Scholarly Works repository is an archive for pre-publication drafts or final versions of research and editorial articles, abstracts, posters, book chapters, datasets, and unpublished works by faculty and staff at PCOM's Philadelphia, Georgia, and South Georgia campuses.
Submissions from 2011
Relationships Between High-Stakes Clinical Skills Exam Scores and Program Director Global Competency Ratings of First-Year Pediatric Residents, E. E. Langenau, G. Pugliano, and W. L. Roberts
Pass/fail patterns of candidates who failed COMLEX-USA level 2-PE because of misrepresentation of clinical findings on postencounter notes, E. E. Langenau and J. M. Sandella
The challenges for physicians of demonstrating continuing competence in the changing world of medical regulation: Osteopathic pediatrician case report, Erik E. Langenau and J. R. Gimpel
How soon can I play after a concussion?, Kate Laramie and Gretchen Fox
Increased Proteolysis, Myosin Depletion, and Atrophic AKT-FOXO Signaling in Human Diaphragm Disuse, Sanford Levine, Chhanda Biswas, Jamil Dierov, Robert J. Barsotti, Joseph B. Shrager, Taitan Nguyen, Seema Sonnad, John C. Kucharchzuk, Larry R. Kaiser, Sunil Singhal, and Murat T. Budak
Increased proteolysis, myosin depletion, and atrophic AKT-FOXO signaling in human diaphragm disuse, S. Levine, C. Biswas, J. Dierov, Robert J. Barsotti, J. B. Shrager, T. Nguyen, S. Sonnad, J. C. Kucharchzuk, L. R. Kaiser, and
HElp3 directly modulates the expression of HSP70 gene in HeLa cells via HAT activity, Fen Li, Jixian Ma, Yu Ma, Yanyan Hu, Shuhuan Tian, Richard E. White, and Guichun Han
Hepatocyte proliferation and hepatomegaly induced by phenobarbital and 1,4-bis [2-(3,5-dichloropyridyloxy)] benzene is suppressed in hepatocyte-targeted glypican 3 transgenic mice, Chihwen Lin, Wendy M. Mars, Shirish Paranjpe, Shashikiran Donthamsetty, Vishakha Bhave, Liangi Kang, Anne Orr, William C. Bowen, Aaron W. Bell, and George K. Michalopoulos
Natural competence in the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus facilitates genetic manipulation: Construction of markerless deletions of genes encoding the two cytoplasmic hydrogenases, G. L. Lipscomb, K. Stirrett, G. J. Schut, F. Yang, Francis E. Jenney Jr., R. A. Scott, M. W. Adams, and J. Westpheling
Identification of Heptapeptides Interacting with IFN-α-Sensitive CML cells, Jia Liu, Hanchun Chen, Zhou-zhou Rao, Md. Asaduzzaman Khan, Xin-Xing Wan, Ai-hua Xu, Nuo Zhang, and Dianzheng Zhang
Genetic Polymorphisms of Metabolic Enzymes-CYP1A1, CYP2D6, GSTM1, and GSTT1, and Gastric Carcinoma Susceptibility, Ya-Ping Luo, Hanchun Chen, Md. Asaduzzaman Khan, Fang-Zhi Chen, Xin-Xing Wan, Bo Tan, Fang-Dan Ou-Yang, and Dianzheng Zhang
Targeting dispositions for drug-involved offenders: A field trial of the Risk and Needs Triage (RANT)â„¢, D. Marlowe, David Festinger, and K. Dugosh
Matching consequences to behavior: Implications of failing to distinguish between noncompliance and nonresponsivity, J. Matejkowski, David Festinger, L. Benishek, and K. Dugosh
Feeding Mechanics and Dietary Implications in the Fossil Sloth Neocnus (Mammalia: Xenarthra: Megalonychidae) from Haiti, Robert McAfee
Rehabilitation of the Pelvis and the Sacroiliac Joint, Darren McAuley
Applying a multilevel interpretive framework with an emphasis on the assessment of executive functions, George McCloskey
Evaluating students with emotional and behavioral concerns, Barry L. McCurdy, Amanda L. Lannie, and Jennifer L. Jeffrey-Pearsall
Neuropsychology of auditory processing disorders, Mark R. McGowan, George McCloskey, Art Maerlender, and James Whitaker
Human-Specific Loss of Regulatory DNA and the Evolution of Human-Specific Traits, Cory Y McLean, Philip L. Reno, Alex A Pollen, Abraham I Bassan, Terence D Capellini, Catherine Guenther, Vahan B Indjeian, Xinhong Lim, Douglas B Menke, Bruce T Schaar, Aaron M Wenger, Gill Bejerano, and David M Kingsley
Detection, advice, and referral to services (DARTS) procedures among clients with public defenders, A Mericle, S. Belenko, and David Festinger
Dynamics of the [4Fe-4S] cluster in pyrococcus furiosus D14C ferredoxin via nuclear resonance vibrational and resonance raman spectroscopies, force field simulations, and density functional theory calculations, D. Mitra, V. Pelmenschikov, Y. Guo, D. A. Case, H. Wang, W. Dong, M. Tan, T. Ichiye, Francis E. Jenney Jr., and et al.
SIRT1 modulates aggregation and toxicity through deacetylation of the androgen receptor in cell models of SBMA, Heather L. Montie, Richard G. Pestell, and Diane E. Merry
Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV mediates distinct features of basal and activity-dependent dendrite complexity, T. Nagendran and Lori Redmond Hardy
Neurologically intact lumbar spine displaced fracture with ankylosing spondylitis, S. N. Patel, A. Turtz, A. Dixon, and Steven S. Yocom
Neurologically intact lumbar spine displaced fracture with ankylosing spondylitis, S. N. Patel, A. Turtz, A. Dixon, and Steven S. Yocom
Efficacy of a Methylphenidate Transdermal System Versus t.i.d. Methylphenidate in a Laboratory Setting, W. E. Pelham, J. G. Waxmonsky, J. Schentag, C. H. Ballow, C. J. Panahon, Elizabeth M. Gnagy, M. T. Hoffman, L. Burrows-MacLean, Katy E. Tresco, and et al.
IUD Use in HIV-Positive Women, Sheila M. Quinn and Courtney M. Schreiber
Assessment of Psychiatric Status and Personality Qualities, J. R. Ramsay, Bradley M. Rosenfield, and L. H. Harris
Synergism between resveratrol and other phytochemicals: Implications for obesity and osteoporosis, Srujana Rayalam, Mary Anne Della-Fera, and Clifton A. Baile
Emerging role of apelin as a therapeutic target in cancer: A patent review, Srujana Rayalam, Mary Anne Della-Fera, Thomas Kasser, William Warren, and Clifton A. Baile
Novel molecular targets for prevention of obesity and osteoporosis, Srujana Rayalam, Jeongyeh Yang, Mary Anne Della-Fera, and Clifton A. Baile
Gestational Diabetes Clinic for Indigent Latinos, Sara Wilson Reece
Gestational Diabetes Clinic in the Public Health Setting, Sara Wilson Reece
An investigation of construct validity of humanistic clinical skills on a medical licensure examination, W. L. Roberts, M. Solomon, and E. E. Langenau
Nonbranded or Branded Direct-to-Consumer Prescription Drug Advertising-Which is More Effective?, Brent L. Rollins, Karen King, George Zinkhan, and Matthew Perri
Estrogen signaling in microvascular arteries: Parturition reduces vasodilation by reducing 17ß-estradiol and nNOS, Crista R. Royal, Handong Ma, Richard Walker, and Richard E. White
Relationship between encounter time and candidate performance on COMLEX-USA level 2-PE, J. M. Sandella, W. L. Roberts, and E. E. Langenau
Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment of Isolated Chronic Sphenoidal Sinusitis in a Post-sinus Surgery Patient: A Case Report, Rani Shah and Murray R. Berkowitz
Making a career of school psychology, Diane Smallwood and Leigh D. Armistead
Shortness of breath and chest pain worsened by fruits and vegetables, Carrie S. Smith PA-C, Sara Haddow, and Carrie Nold
CRIP1a switches cannabinoid receptor agonist/antagonist-mediated protection from glutamate excitotoxicity, Brandon Stauffer, Kathleen Wallis, Steven Wilson, Michaela Egertovac, Maurice R. Elphick, Deborah L. Lewis, and Lori Redmond Hardy
Contemporary Interventions to Prevent and Reduce Community Violence Among African American Youth, Duane E. Thomas, Elizabeth M. Woodburn, Celine I. Thompson, and Stephen S. Leff
Building competency in cross-cultural school psychology, Yuma I. Tomes
Cultural Considerations in Educational Training: a look at Multicultural Learning Modules, Yuma Iannotti Tomes
Expression of GPR30, ERα and ERß in endometrium during window of implantation in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome: A pilot study, Aiming Wang, Lijuan Ji, Wei Shang, Min Li, Lei Chan, Richard E. White, and Guichun Han
ED Procedural Sedation of Elderly Patients: Is It Safe?, Christopher S Weaver, Kevin M Terrell, Robert A. Bassett, William Swiler, Beth Sandford, Sara Avery, and Anthony J Perkins
Management Strategies for Acne Vulgaris, Kristen M. Whitney and Chérie M. Ditre
Axonal localization of transgene mRNA in mature PNS and CNS neurons, D. E. Willis, Mei Xu, C. J. Donnelly, C. Tep, M. Kendall, and et al.
Paget disease of bone in a Jurassic dinosaur, Florian Witzmann, Kerin M. Claeson, Oliver Hampe, Frank Wieder, Andre Hilger, Ingo Manke, Manuel Niederhagen, Bruce M. Rothschild, and Patrick Asbach
Preclinical pharmacokinetics and metabolism of MNP001, a piperidine analog of 3-carbamyl compounds, Binfeng Xia, Desuo Wang, and Laura M. Fox
Analytical methods for heavy metals in herbal medicines, Xudong Yuan, Robert L. Chapman, and Zhiqian Wu
Recent advances of siRNA delivery by nanoparticles, Xudong Yuan, Sandy Naguib, and Zhiqian Wu
Capturing changes in gene expression dynamics by gene set differential coordination analysis, Tianwei Yu and Yun Bai
Improving gene expression data interpretation by finding latent factors that co-regulate gene modules with clinical factors, Tianwei Yu and Yun Bai
Activation of G protein-coupled estrogen receptor induces endotheliumindependent relaxation of coronary artery smooth muscle, Xuan Yu, Handong Ma, Scott A. Barman, Alexander T. Liu, Minga Sellers, John N. Stallone, Eric R. Prossnitz, Richard E. White, and Guichun Han
Bone Cell Autophagy is Regulated by Environmental Factors, Adam M. Zahm, Jolene Bohensky, Christopher S. Adams, Irving M. Shapiro, and Vickram Srinivas
Submissions from 2010
Central leptin versus ghrelin: Effects on bone marrow adiposity and gene expression, Suresh Ambati, Qiang Li, Srujana Rayalam, Diane L. Hartzell, Mary Anne Della-Fera, Mark W. Hamrick, and Clifton A. Baile
Phytochemicals and adipogenesis, Charlotte Andersen, Srujana Rayalam, Mary Anne Della-Fera, and Clifton A. Baile
Admitting allopathic physicians to osteopathic graduate medical education programs: The case for competency-based NMM/OMM training in OGME, Murray R. Berkowitz
Admitting international osteopathic physicians and osteopaths to osteopathic graduate medical education programs, Murray R. Berkowitz
Evidence does not grow stale with age, Murray R. Berkowitz
Holistic osteopathic approach reveals unusual etiology for vertigo with co-morbid headache: A case report, Murray R. Berkowitz
On the role of the glossary, Murray R. Berkowitz
Cancer vaccine development: Designing tumor cells for greater immunogenicity, Erica N. Bozeman, Rangaiah Shashidharamurthy, Simon A; Paulos, Ravi D. Palaniappan, Martin D'Souza, and Periasamy Selvaraj
Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma of the Mandible, Lana E. Brahmakulam and Bosco E. Noronha
Eating disorders in primary care: Assessment and treatment., Stacey C. Cahn and R. McFillin
The Role of Tetrahydrobiopterin and Dihydrobiopterin in Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury When Given at Reperfusion, Qian Chen, Elizabeth Eun Jung Kim, Katrina Elio, Christopher Zambrano, Samuel Krass, Jane Chun-Wen Teng, Helen Kay, Kerry-Anne Perkins, Sailesh Pershad, Sloane McGraw, Jeffrey Emrich, Jovan S. Adams, and Lindon H. Young
The potential clinical application of protein kinase C beta II peptide inhibitor or Gö 6983 in vascular endothelial dysfunction, Qian Chen, Brian Rueter, Samuel Krass, Christopher Zambrano, Shawn Thomas, Catherine Prince, Brandon Bell, Vincent Chai, Jeffery Emrich, and Lindon Young
Design of an in vivo cleavable disulfide linker in recombinant fusion proteins, Xiaoying Chen, Yun Bai, Jennifer L. Zaro, and Wei-Chiang Shen
Norepinephrine Induces Systolic Failure and Inhibits Antiapoptotic Genes in a Polymicrobial Septic Rat Model, Mani Chopra, Padmalaya Das, Honey Golden, David E. Dostal, Linley E. Watson, and Avadhesh C. Sharma
Caspase-3 Knock-Down Reverses Contractile Dysfunction Induced by Sepsis in Adult Rat Ventricular Myocytes, Mani Chopra, Padmalaya Das, and Avadhesh C. Sharma
Norepinephrine induces systolic failure and inhibits antiapoptotic genes in a polymicrobial septic rat model, M. Chopra, P. Das, H. Golden, D. E. Dostal, L. E. Watson, and Avadhesh C. Sharma
Caspase-3 knock-down reverses contractile dysfunction induced by sepsis in adult rat ventricular myocytes, M. Chopra, P. Das, and Avadhesh C. Sharma
To the point: Reviews in medical education- taking control of the hidden curriculum, A W. Chuang, F. Nuthalapty, P. M. Casey, Joseph M. Kaczmarczyk, A. J. Cullimore, J. L. Dalrymple, L. Dugoff, E. L. Espey, and M. Hammoud
First Mesozoic record of the stingray myliobatis wurnoensis from Mali and a phylogenetic analysis of myliobatidae incorporating dental characters, Kerin M. Claeson, Maureen A. O'Leary, Eric M. Roberts, Famory Sissoko, Mamadou Bouare, Leif Tapanila, David Goodwin, and Michael D. Gottfried
3D digital imaging of a concretion-preserved batoid (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii) from the Turonian (Upper Cretaceous) of Morocco, Kerin M. Claeson, David J. Ward, and Charlie J. Underwood
The consultation process in primary care, Travis A. Cos; Robert A. DiTomasso; Carla Cirilli; and Larry H, Finkelstein
Microbial Metalloproteomes Are Largely Uncharacterized, Aleksandar Cvetkovic, Angeli Lal Menon, Michael P. Thorgersen, Joseph W. Scott, Farris L. Poole, Francis E. Jenney, W. Andrew Lancaster, Jeremy L. Praissman, Saratchandra Shanmukh, Brian J. Vaccaro, Sunia A. Trauger, Ewa Kalisiak, Junefredo V. Apon, Gary Siuzdak, Steven M. Yannone, John A. Tainer, and Michael W. W. Adams
Type 2 diabetes, Robert A. DiTomasso, Patrick D. Boyle, Larry H. Finkelstein, and Harry J. Morris
Evidence-based models and interventions in primary care, Robert A. DiTomasso, Stacey C. Cahn, Carla Cirilli, and Eugene Mochan
Essential hypertension, Robert A. DiTomasso, Deborah Chiumento, and Harry J. Morris
Nonadherence in primary care, Robert A. DiTomasso, Deborah Chiumento, Marsha S. Singer, and Oliver Bullock
Cognitive-behavioral concepts of anxiety, Robert A. DiTomasso, Arthur Freeman, Raymond Carvajal, and Bruce Zahn
Conclusion: The future of cognitive-behavioral approaches in primary care, Robert A. DiTomasso, Barbara A. Golden, and Harry J. Morris
Handbook of cognitive behavioral approaches in primary care, Robert A. DiTomasso, Barbara A. Golden, and Harry J. Morris
Primary care: The biopsychosocial model and cognitive-behavioral approaches, Robert A. DiTomasso, Barbara A. Golden, Harry J. Morris, and Deborah Chiumento
The cognitive-behavioral clinician: Roles and functions and ethical challenges in primary care, Robert A. DiTomasso, Samuel Knapp, Barbara A. Golden, Harry J. Morris, and Kenneth J. Veit
Overview of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Philip A. Fabrizio, Starla Deaton, Jenna Kwasny, Sidney Lamb, and Nicole Pawlowski
Psychological Morbidity in ALS: The Importance of Psychological Assessment Beyond Depression Alone, Stephanie H. Felgoise, Beatrice H. Chakraborty, Elisabeth Bond, Jamie Rodriguez, Barbara A. Bremer, Susan M. Walsh, Eugene C. Lai, Leo McCluskey, and Zachary Simmons
Corrected feedback: A procedure to enhance recall of informed consent to research among substance abusing offenders, David Festinger, K. Dugosh, J. Croft, P. Arabia, and D. Marlowe
Lower back pain in rowers, Regina K. Fleming and Karen T. Snider
Treatment of depression in primary care medical practice, Arthur Freeman, Eileen Lightner, and Barbara A. Golden
A Physiologic and Pharmacological Basis for Implementation of Incretin Hormones in the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Jeffrey S. Freeman
Are Analogue Insulins Superior to Human Insulin in Clinical Practice?, Jeffrey S. Freeman
Managing Hyperglycemia in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Rationale for the Use of Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitors in Combination with Other Oral Antidiabetic Drugs, Jeffrey S. Freeman
New Therapeutic Options: Management Strategies to Optimize Glycemic Control, Jeffrey S. Freeman
The Increasing Epidemiology of Diabetes and Review of Current Treatment Algorithms, Jeffrey S. Freeman
Emanuel Swedenborg's influence on William G. Sutherland's cranial concept, David B. Fuller
Modern Care for Patients with Alzheimer Disease: Rationale for Early Intervention, Katherine E. Galluzzi, Denah M. Appelt, and Brian J. Balin
Immune complex-mediated enhancement of secondary antibody responses, Chelsey L. Goins, Craig P. Chappell, Rangaiah Shashidharamurthy, Periasamy Selvaraj, and Joshy Jacob