The Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine has a rich history of research, scholarship and publication, encompassing the case reports and reviews in the early Digests, the more formally presented articles in the College of Osteopathy's first research journal, Osteopathic Medicine, and current publications in some of the medical and pharmacology fields' leading peer-reviewed journals.

The PCOM Scholarly Works repository is an archive for pre-publication drafts or final versions of research and editorial articles, abstracts, posters, book chapters, datasets, and unpublished works by faculty and staff at PCOM's Philadelphia, Georgia, and South Georgia campuses.


Submissions from 2014


Alternative splicing in the variable domain of CaMKIIβ affects the level of F-actin association in developing neurons., Jun Zheng, Lori R. Hardy, Chengshi Xu, Jing Kuang, and Weijing Liao

Submissions from 2013

Biomaterials, Christopher S. Adams

Gallbladder disease: Pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment, S. Afamefuna and Shari N. Allen

Treatment of depression in patients on anticoagulation therapy: Antidepressant-warfarin drug interactions, Shari N. Allen, Samuel John, Jennifer Shannon, and Jenna Ferrara

Movie Review: My left foot, Shari N. Allen and Mebanga Ojong

Long-term survival and biomarker correlates of tasquinimod efficacy in a multicenter randomized study of men with minimally symptomatic metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer, A. J. Armstrong, M. Haggman, W. M. Stadler, J. R. Gingrich, V. Assikiss, J. Polikoff, J. E. Damber, Laurence Belkoff, A. Nordle, and G. Forsberg

Basis for resveratrol's potential prevention and treatment of obesity osteoporosis, Clifton A. Baile, Mary Anne Della-Fera, and Srujana Rayalam


Analysis of autophagy and inflammasome regulation in neuronal cells and monocytes infected with Chlamydia pneumoniae: Implications for Alzheimer’s disease, Brian J. Balin, Christine J. Hammond, Juliana Zoga, Ahmad B. Cader, Annette K. Slutter, Jonathan M. Anzman, Ian Kohler, Susan T. Hingley, and Denah M. Appelt

Combination Pharmacotherapy in the Treatment of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, Kimberly L. Barefield and Gregory V. Stajich

A Comparative Study of Cervical Hysteresis Characteristics after Various Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT) Modalities, Precious Barnes, Francisco Laboy, Lauren Noto-Bell, Veronica Ferencz MBA, Jeffrey A. Nelson, and Michael L. Kuchera

An open-label, long-term evaluation of the safety, efficacy and tolerability of avanafil in male patients with mild to severe erectile dysfunction, Laurence Belkoff, A. McCullough, I. Goldstein, L. Jones, C. H. Bowden, K. Didonato, B. Trask, and W. W. Day

Assessing impact of not attending lectures on osteopathic medical student performance: Brief survey of the literature and proposed future research, Murray R. Berkowitz

High-Level Specification of a Proposed Information Architecture for Support of a Bioterrorism Early-Warning System, Murray R. Berkowitz

New graduate medical education opportunities found - and lost, Murray R. Berkowitz


Public Health Considerations of Launching Nuclear Waste to the Sun, Murray R. Berkowitz

Regulation of liver growth by glypican 3, CD81, hedgehog, and hhex, Vishakha Bhave, Wendy Mars, Shashikiran Donthamsetty, Xiyue Zhang, Langzhu Tan, Jianhua Luo, William C. Bowen, and George K. Michalopoulos

The Digitization of Historical Artifacts in a Hospital Library, Skye Bickett


What Factors Contribute to or Inhibit Publishing Among Medical Librarians, Skye Bickett, Christine Willis, and Melissa Wright

Expression of membrane anchored cytokines and B7-1 alters tumor microenvironment and induces protective antitumor immunity in a murine breast cancer model, Erica N. Bozeman, Ashley Cimino-Mathews, Deepa K. Machiah, Jaina M. Patel, Arun Krishnamoorthy, Linda Tien, Rangaiah Shashidharamurthya, and Periasamy Selvaraj

A research primer: Basic guidelines for the novice researcher, Grace D. Brannan, Jane Z. Dumsha, and David P. Yens

Defining Treatment Response and Remission in Child Anxiety: Signal Detection Analysis Using the Pediatric Anxiety Rating Scale, Nicole E. Caporino, Douglas M. Brodman, Philip C. Kendall, Anne Marie Albano, Joel Sherrill, John Piacentini, Dara Sakolsky, Boris Birmaher, Scott N. Compton, Golda Ginsburg, Moira Rynn, James McCracken, Elizabeth A. Gosch, Courtney Pierce Keeton, John March, and John T. Walkup


Chlamydia pneumoniae infection of neuronal cells induces changes in calcium-associated gene expression consistent with Alzheimer’s disease, Christopher Andrew Cappellini, Ahmad B. Cader, Keith G. Williams, Juliana Zoga, and Susan T. Hingley

Office-Based Pulsed-Dye Laser Surgery for Laryngeal Lesions: A Retrospective Review, Aaron Centric, Amanda Hu, Yolanda D. Heman-Ackah, Venu Divi, and Robert T. Sataloff

IL-4 Inhibition of IL-1 Induced Matrix Metalloproteinase-3 (MMP-3) Expression in Human Fibroblasts Involves Decreased AP-1 Activation Via Negative Crosstalk Involving of Jun N-Terminal Kinase (JNK), Mariah Chambers, Garrett Kirkpatrick, Michel Evans, Grzegorz Gorski, Sara Foster, and Ruth C. Borghaei

A Review of Tuberculosis: Focus on Bedaquiline, Bonnie Chan, Tina M. Khadem, and Jack Brown


Keratin gene expression profiles after digit amputation in C57BL/6 vs. regenerative MRL mice imply an early regenerative keratinocyte activated-like state, Chia-ho Cheng, John Leferovich, Xiangming Zhang, Khamilia Bedelbaeva, Dmitri Gourevitch, Cathy J. Hatcher, Craig T. Basson, Ellen Heber-Katz, and Kenneth A. Marx

Comparison of smallpox vs. HIV/AIDS eradication strategies, Annie Chung and Murray R. Berkowitz

Tingitanius tenuimandibulus, a new platyrhinid batoid from the Turonian (Cretaceous) of Morocco and the cretaceous radiation of the Platyrhinidae, Kerin M. Claeson, Charlie J. Underwood, and David J. Ward

The Therapeutic Relationship in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Pharmacotherapy for Anxious Youth, Colleen M. Cummings, Nicole E. Caporino, Cara A. Settipani, Kendra L. Read, Scott N. Compton, John March, Joel Sherrill, John Piacentini, James McCracken, John T. Walkup, Golda Ginsburg, Anne Marie Albano, Moira Rynn, Boris Birmaher, Dara Sakolsky, Elizabeth A. Gosch, Courtney Pierce Keeton, and Philip C. Kendall

Specialty competencies in clinical psychology, Robert A. DiTomasso, Stacey C. Cahn, Susan Panichelli Mindel, and Roger K. McFillin

Primary care psychology, Robert A. DiTomasso, Barbara A. Golden, Stacey C. Cahn, and Amelia G. Gradwell

Role of PINCH and Its Partner Tumor Suppressor Rsu-1 in Regulating Liver Size and Tumorigenesis, Shashikiran Donthamsetty, Vishakha Bhave, Wendy M. Mars, William C. Bowen, Anne Orr, Meagan M. Haynes, Chuanyue Wu, and George K. Michalopoulos

Moving beyond BAC in DUI: Identifying who is at risk of recidivating Dugosh, Festinger, and Marlowe DUI recidivism, K. Dugosh, David Festinger, and D. Marlowe

Overview of: "Moving beyond BAC in DUI: Identifying who is at risk of recidivating", K. Dugosh, David Festinger, and D. Marlowe

Potential roles of adenosine deaminase-2 in diabetic retinopathy, N. M. Elsherbiny, M. Naime, S. Ahmad, A. M. Elsherbini, S. Mohammad, S. Fulzele, A. B. El-Remessy, M. M. Al-Gayyar, Richard E. White, and et al.

Oral Anatomy Laboratory Examinations in a Physical Therapy Program, Philip A. Fabrizio

Initial Combination Therapy for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Considerations for Metformin Plus Linagliptin, Jeffrey S. Freeman

Review of Insulin-Dependent and Insulin-Independent Agents for Treating Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Potential Role for Sodium-Glucose Co-Transporter 2 Inhibitors, Jeffrey S. Freeman

Review of insulin-dependent and insulin-independent agents for treating patients with type-2 Diabetes Mellitus and potential role for sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors, Jeffrey S. Freeman

Discovery and characterization of carbamothioylacrylamides as EP2 selective antagonists, Thota Ganesh, Jianxiong Jiang, Rangaiah Shashidharamurthy, and Ray Dingledine

How Closely Related are Allergic Rhinitis, Asthma, and Chronic Sinusitis?, Mahmoud Ghaderi

Motivational interviewing and recovery: Experiences of hope, meaning, and empowerment, Scott Glassman, Petra Kottsieper, Allan Zuckoff, and Elizabeth A. Gosch

The Effectiveness of Probiotics for Managing Diarrhoea in People with HIV Infection: A Critically Appraised Topic, Sean Guinane

Training on demand: A solution to clinical education through simulation, Sean Guinane and Laura A. Molloy

Nuclear resonance vibrational spectroscopy (NRVS) of rubredoxin and MoFe protein crystals, Y Guo, E. Brecht, K. Aznavour, J. C. Nix, Y. Xiao, H. Wang, S. J. George, R. Bau, Francis E. Jenney Jr., and et al.

Nuclear resonance vibrational spectroscopy (NRVS) of rubredoxin and MoFe protein crystals, Y. Guo, E. Brecht, K. Aznavour, J. C. Nix, Y. Xiao, H. Wang, S. J. George, R. Bau, Francis E. Jenney Jr., and et al.

GPER: A novel target for non-genomic estrogen action in the cardiovascular system, G. Han, F. Li, X. Xu, and Richard E. White


Matrigel modulates a stem cell phenotype and promotes tumor cell formation in a mantle cell lymphoma cell line, Abigail Hielscher, Timothy McGuire, Dennis Weisenburger, and John Graham Sharp


Hypoxia Affects the Structure of Breast Cancer Cell Derived Matrix to Support Angiogenic Responses of Endothelial Cells, Abigail Hielscher, Connie Qiu, Josh Porterfield, Quinton Smith, and Sharon Gerecht


A physical sciences network characterization of non-tumorigenic and metastatic cells, Abigail Hielscher, D. Wirtz, and et al.

A Virtual Phytosaur Endocast and its Implications for Sensory System Evolution in Archosaurs, Waymon L. Holloway, Kerin M. Claeson, and F. Robin O'Keefe

Problem-Based Pain Management, Eric Hsu, Charles Argoff, Katherine E. Galluzzi, Raphael Leo, and Andrew Dubin

CYP2A6, CYP1A1, and CYP2D6 polymorphisms in lung cancer patients from Central South China, Fengmao Huang, Hanchun Chen, Md. Asaduzzaman Khan, Fulan Yang, Xinxing Wan, Aihua Xu, Fangdan Ouyang, and Dianzheng Zhang


Effect of estrogen on manganese-induced toxicity on embryonic astrocytes, Tyler T. Huynh, Kimberly J. Baker, and Harold L. Komiskey

Age as a Predictor of Osteoporotic Fracture Compared with Current Risk-Prediction Models, Xuezhi Jiang, Lauren B. Westermann, Gabriella V. Galleo, John Demko, Kimberly A. Marakovits, and Peter F. Schnatz

e-Professionalism: a New Frontier in Medical Education., Joseph M Kaczmarczyk, Alice W. Chuang, Lorraine Dugoff, Jodi Abbott, Amie J. Cullimore, John Dalrymple, Katrina R. Davis, Nancy A. Hueppchen, Nadine T. Katz, Francis S. Nuthalapaty, Archana Pradhan, Abigail Wolf, and Petra M. Casey

Observation of the Fe-CN and Fe-CO vibrations in the active site of [NiFe] hydrogenase by nuclear resonance vibrational spectroscopy, S. Kamali, H. Wang, D. Mitra, H. Ogata, W. Lubitz, B. C. Manor, T. B. Rauchfuss, D. Byrne, Francis E. Jenney Jr., and et al.

Osteopathic manipulative treatment of pelvic dysfunction in a postpartum patient with co-morbid headaches: A case report, Rebecca Kant and Murray R. Berkowitz

Robotic-Assisted Giant Paraesophageal Hernia Repair and Nissen Fundoplication, Justin Karush and Inderpal S. Sarkaria

RhoB differentially controls Akt function in tumor cells and stromal endothelial cells during breast tumorigenesis., Shiva Kazerounian, Damien Gerald, Minzhou Huang, Y Rebecca Chin, Durga Udayakumar, Ningning Zheng, Rebekah K O'Donnell, Carole Perruzzi, Lee Mangiante, Jacob Pourat, Thuy L Phung, Arturo Bravo Nuevo, Sharon Shechter, Stephanie McNamara, James B Duhadaway, Olivier N Kocher, Lawrence F Brown, Alex Toker, George C Prendergast, and Laura E Benjamin

Regulatory effects of resveratrol on antioxidant enzymes: A mechanism of growth inhibition and apoptosis induction in cancer cells, Md. Assaduzzaman Khan, Hanchun Chen, Xinxing Wan, Mousumi Tania, Aihua Xu, Fangzhi Chen, and Dianzheng Zhang

Twist: A molecular target in cancer therapeutics, Md. Assaduzzaman Khan, Hanchun Chen, Dianzheng Zhang, and Junjiang Fu

Adenovirus 36, adiposity, and bone strength in late-adolescent females, Emma M. Laing, Ralph A. Tripp, Norman K. Pollock, Clifton A. Baile, Mary Anne Della-Fera, Srujana Rayalam, Stephen M. Tompkins, Deborah A. Keys, and Richard D. Lewis

The roles of LSD1-mediated epigenetic modifications in maintaining the pluripotency of bladder cancer stem cells, Weihua Lan and Dianzheng Zhang

The roles of LSD1-mediated epigenetic modifications in maintaining the pluripotency of bladder cancer stem cells, Weihua Lan, Dianzheng Zhang, and Jun Jiang

Treatment of Primary Hip Osteoarthritis for the Primary Care Physician and the Indications for Total Hip Arthroplasty, Mathew E. Levine, James Nace, Bhaveen H. Kapadia, Kimona Issa, Samik Banerjee, Jeffery J. Cherian, and Michael A. Mont


Activation of GPER Induces Differentiation and Inhibition of Coronary Artery Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation, F. Li, X. Yu, C. K. Szynarski, C. Meng, B. Zhou, R. Barhoumi, Richard E. White, C. L. Heaps, J. N. Stallone, and G. Han

AMPA Receptor antagonist NBQX attenuates later-life epileptic seizures and autistic-like social deficits following neonatal seizures, Jocelyn Lippman-Bell, S. N. Rakhade, P. M. Klein, M. Obeid, M. C. Jackson, A. Joseph, and F. E. Jensen


Nutritional Intervention Restores Muscle but Not Kidney Phenotypes in Adult Calcineurin Aα Null Mice, K. Madsen, R. N. Reddy, S. R. Price, C. R. Williams, and Jennifer L. Gooch

Outcomes after anterior cervical discectomy and fusion in professional athletes, J. C. Maroon, J. W. Bost, A. L. Petraglia, D. B. Lepere, J. Norwig, C. Amman, Michael Sampson, and M. El-Kadi

Psychopathology of auditory processing disorders, Mark R. McGowan, George McCloskey, Art Maerlender, and James Whitaker

Complications after Breast Augmentation, Nancy McLaughlin

Novel Coronavirus, Nancy McLaughlin


Helping Haiti's transportation issues: Increasing Haiti's medical liabilities., Nancy McLaughlin and Hannah Rogers

How to Reduce Surgical Site Infections in Orthopaedics: A Systematic Review, Nancy McLaughlin and Nicholas Rossi

Magnetic nanoparticle drug delivery systems for targeting tumor, Vicky V. Mody, Arthur Cox, Samit Shah, Ajay Singh, Wesley Bevins, and Harish S. Parihar


The Cell and Molecular Biology of Neurodegenerative Diseases: An Overview, Heather L. Montie and Thomas M. Durcan

Pazopanib versus sunitinib in metastatic renal-cell carcinoma, R. J. Motzer, T. E. Hutson, D. Cella, J. Reeves, R. Hawkind, J. Guo, P. Nathan, M. Staehler, Rocco J. Crescenzo, and et al.

The 2012-2013 Influenza Epidemic and the Role of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine, Donna M. Mueller

Polymorphisms of DNA repair genes XPD, XRCC1, and OGG1, and lung adenocarcinoma susceptibility in Chinese population, Fangdan Ouyang, Fulan Yang, Hanchun Cheng, Md. Assduzzaman Khan, Fengmao Huang, Xinxing Wan, Aihua Xu, Xing Huang, Meijuan Zhou, and Dianzheng Zhang

Bacillus cereus, Harish S. Parihar

Differential regulation of calcineurin isoforms in transplant patients: A new look at an old problem, J. A. Pena, L. Titus, J. Jackson, A. D. Kirk, and Jennifer L. Gooch

Therapist factors and outcomes in CBT for anxiety in youth, Jennifer L. Podell, Philip C. Kendall, Elizabeth A. Gosch, Scott N. Compton, John S. March, Anne-Marie Albano, Moira A. Rynn, John T. Walkup, Joel T. Sherrill, and et al.

Peroxynitrite mediates testosterone-induced vasorelaxation of microvascular resistance vessels, Yashoda Puttabyatappa, John N. Stallone, Adviye Ergul, Azza B. El-Remessy, Sanjiv Kumar, Stephen Black, Maribeth Johnson, Mary Owen, and Richard E. White

Peroxynitrite mediates testosterone-induced vasodilation of microvascular resistance vessels, Y. Puttabyatappa, J. N. Stallone, A. Ergul, A. B. El-Remessy, S. Kumar, S. Black, M. Johnson, M. P. Owen, and Richard E. White


Multifacted Role of TNF-α During the Pathogenesis of Rheumatoid Arthritis, Mula Ramanjaneya and Rangaiah Shashidharamurthy


Pediatric Obesity Class: Teaching Kids How to Live Healthy Lifestyle, Sara Wilson Reece


Implementation of Active Learning Components into an OTC Course, Sara Wilson Reece and Nicole Phipps

Metapodial or Phalanx? An Evolutionary and Developmental Perspective on the Homology of the First Ray's Proximal Segment, Philip L. Reno, Walter E Horton, and C Owen Lovejoy


A Penile Spine/Vibrissa Enhancer Sequence Is Missing in Modern and Extinct Humans but Is Retained in Multiple Primates with Penile Spines and Sensory Vibrissae, Philip L. Reno, Cory Y McLean, Jasmine E Hines, Terence D Capellini, Gill Bejerano, and David M Kingsley

Reconstructing Paleodiet in Ground Sloths (Mammalia, Xenarthra) Using Dental Microwear Analysis, Nicholas A. Resar, Jeremy L. Green, and Robert McAfee

Metastatic Brain Tumors: Current Therapeutic Options and Historical Perspective, Mark Rivkin and Richard B. Kanoff

Metastatic Brain Tumors: Current Therapeutic Options and Historical Perspective, Mark Rivkin and Richard B. Kanoff

Pharmaceutical Marketing, Brent Rollins and Matthew Perri

Formulation and optimization of desogestrel transdermal contraceptive patch using crystallization studies, Vishal Sachdeva, Yun Bai, Agis Kydonieus, and Ajay Banga

Accuracy and Reproducibility of Seven Brands of Small-Volume Syringes Used for Intraocular Drug Delivery, Kapil M. Sampat, Jeremy D. Wolfe, Mona K. Shah, and Sunir J. Garg

An educational tool for teaching medication history taking to pharmacy students., Karen R. Sando, Jennifer Elliott, Melonie L. Stanton, and Randell Doty

Allyl Alcohol, S. P. Sawant, Harish S. Parihar, and H. M. Mehendale

Anabolic Steroids, S. P. Sawant, Harish S. Parihar, and H. M. Mehendale

British Anti-Lewisite (BAL), S. P. Sawant, Harish S. Parihar, and H. M. Mehendale