Targeting dispositions for drug-involved offenders: A field trial of the Risk and Needs Triage (RANT)â„¢

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Purpose: This field trial examined the process of assigning drug-involved offenders to dispositions based on their criminogenic risks and needs. Methods: Probation officers administered the Risk and Needs Triage (RANT)™ to 627 felony drug and property offenders at the pre-trial stage or shortly after sentencing to probation. The RANT™ was evaluated for internal scale consistency, factor structure, and predictive validity for re-arrest and re-conviction rates within 12. months of case disposition. Exploratory analyses examined whether recidivism was lower for participants who were assigned to an appropriate disposition given their assessment results. Results: The RANT™ demonstrated acceptable internal consistency and factorial validity, and significantly predicted re-arrest and re-conviction rates within 12. months of case disposition. There was no racial or gender bias in the prediction of recidivism. Non-significant trends favored better outcomes for participants who were assigned to the indicated dispositions. Conclusions: The results lend support for the RANT™ as a dispositional triage tool for drug-involved defendants and probationers at or near the point of arrest. The results also lend tentative support to the hypothesis that outcomes might be better if drug-involved offenders were matched to appropriate dispositions based on their risk-and-need profiles. Directions for future research are discussed. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.

Publication Title

Journal of Criminal Justice



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This article was published in Journal of Criminal Justice, Volume 39, Issue 3, Pages 253-260.

The published version is available at

Copyright © 2011.

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