Theses/Dissertations from 2025
Burnout in Board-Certified Behavior Analysts, Casey J. Kane
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Sex Differences in Cognitive Distortions in Individuals with Fibromyalgia, Corey Adams
Relationship Between Cognitive Distortions and Burnout among Primary Care Physicians, Wilson Albarracin
Loss of Mooring and Acculturational Resilience: Understanding Resilience, Adversity, and Trauma among Female Muslim Arab Refugees in the United States: A Qualitative Study, Norah Fahad Aldawsari
Relationship Quality and Metacognitive Beliefs on Grief Outcomes of Bereaved Cancer Caregivers, Katelyn Anderson
Promoting Caregiver Mental Health Literacy: A Pilot Study of the Online Program “Mental Wellness at the Lake”, Erika Baylis
Assessment of Trauma in Youth with Intellectual Disabilities: Comparison of Research and Clinical Practice, Olga Joyce Bilardi
Determinants of Medical Cannabis Use for the Treatment of Anxiety: A Qualitative Study, Catherine Blasi
Examining Correlations Between Graphic Indicators in Projective Tests and Clinical Criteria of Ptsd in Children and Adolescents, Melissa Brennan
Transitioning from the Juvenile Justice System for Students with Disabilities, Michelle Cain
Parent Assessment of Children's Executive Capacities, Matthew J. Davis
Building Technology Breaks into Classroom Instruction to Reduce Media Multitasking and Increase Learning, Lisa DeCicco
Revisiting the Global Measures of Overall Neuropsychological Function and the Impact of Race-based Normative Data in Clinical and Forensic Populations, Zachary Thomas DiPasquale
Relationship Between School Connectedness and Actual Help-Seeking Behavior among Adolescents, Eric Dougherty
Role of Resilience, Quality of Life, and Social Problem-solving in Caregivers of Patients Living with Dementia, Emily Helene Fannick
Improving Care for Adults with Visual Impairment Through Interprofessional Education, Marissa L. Ferrito
Healthcare Providers’ Willingness to Prescribe Buprenorphine to Adolescents and Young Adults with Opioid Use Disorder, Nicole M. Fusco
Supporting Teachers in Supporting Students: Facilitating a Successful School Reintegration Post Psychiatric Hospitalization, Alicia J. Gialanella
The Relationship Between Impulsivity, Avoidance, and Overly Positive Maladaptive Thinking in Adults with ADHD, Morgan Hagner
Prolonged Grief: The Predictive Value of Cognitive Distortions, Depression, and Anxiety, Michael Kastelnik
School Refusal, Anxiety, and Executive Functioning in Adolescents, Marissa Kimmel
The Use of Problematic Behaviors as Predictors of Suicidal Ideations and Attempts in Adolescent Psychiatric Inpatients, Jessica LaMont-George
Social Problem-Solving, Stress, Social Support as Predictors of Distress among First-Generation Students, Marisa Leib
The Effect of State Anxiety on Working Memory Updating, Alexandra L. Mastrangelo
Predictors of Utilization of Preventive Gynecologic Health Services among Women Veterans, Jennifer Lynn Milore
The Invisible Load of Motherhood: Exploring Parental Stress Differences among Caucasian and African American Mothers, Angena Mombrun
Screen Time and Problematic Behavior: Piloting a Family- Based Intervention, Naomi Morissette
The Experience of Social Connectedness among Adolescent Cancer Patients, Jennifer H. Nack
School Psychologists Supporting Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Families Through the Evaluation Process, Jacqueline A. Oluoch
The Relationship Between Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Sluggish Cognitive Tempo, Anna Podrasky
Exploring Forensic Psychologist, Psychiatrists and Lawyers Perceptions on Incorrigibility and Juvenile Resentencing, Tyeca Reviere
An Examination of an Online Program for Parents with Anxious Adolescents, Tracy Sciulli
Nonmedical Prescription Stimulant Use, Mood, and Quality of Life among Graduate Students, Anastasia Skliros
The Relationship Between Burnout and Cognitive Distortions for Clinicians Working with Sex Offenders, Emily Stover
“Learning to Read with the Magic Seeds”: A Pilot Test of a Parent Shared Reading Program, Mary Jean Strong
PTSD, Chaos, and Subjective Executive Dysfunction, and Its Impact on QOL, Emmy Y. Velazquez Santiago
Brief Observation of Social Communication Change to Evaluate Change in Autism Symptoms as a Treatment Response in a Semistructured Play Assessment, Camilla Woodard
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Prevention in Schools: Examining School Personnel’s Attitudes and Knowledge of Mandated Reporting, Aigner J. Allen
The Impact of Gender Minority Stress on Eating Pathology and Body Checking Behaviors in Transgender and Non-Binary Adults, Klaudia Bialy
Critical Literacy: Meeting Twenty-first Century Literacy Demands for Adolescent Learners, Molly Blew
Intuitions Across the Theistic-Atheistic Spectrum: A Convergence of Social Psychology and Experimental Philosophy Research Paradigms, Janessa R. Brown
Assessing the Quality of Life in Spousal Caregivers of Kidney Dialysis Patients, Mallory Christman
The Clinical Utility of a Short Form Version for the Rey Complex Figure Test (RCFT) in Identifying Visual Memory Impairments with Older Adults, Adam D. Christmann
Examining Social Media Use, Connectedness, and Depression in Graduate Students, Marisa Gretz
Association Between Trauma History and Body Image, Depression, Posttraumatic Stress, and Relationship Satisfaction in Postpartum Women, Kristen Hawk-Purcell
Perception of the Need for and Implementation of Mindfulness Programming in the Education Setting, Lindsay Kurtz
Adopting a Growth Mindset Approach to Interventions for Self-Regulation, Kelly A. Larson
Mental Health Professionals’ Perception of Medications for Opioid Use Disorder, Patrick M. Mullen
Parents Perception of Teletherapy Use in Children, Beenish Rashid
School Guidance Counselor Perceptions on Reintegrating Students to School after Mental Health Treatment, Maddie Roxandich
The Impact of Trauma on Exposure and Response Prevention (Ex/RP) Treatment Outcomes for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Lindsey Salerno
Exploration of the School Mindfulness Project on the Executive Functions of Elementary School Students, Jessica Brooke Savaiano
Participation in a Positive Education Curriculum and Symptoms of Anxiety in Students, Aleida Silva-Garcia
A Qualitative Examination of Satisfaction and Support in Weight-Loss Surgery Patients, Simone Sims-Reiley
Examining the Relationship Between Outcome Expectancies and Anxiety Severity in Patients Using Medical Marijuana, Paulina Syracuse
Closing the Gap: Culturally Competent Consultations in Schools, Kimmely Mechelle Williams
Attitudes of Providers and Researchers Toward Harm Reduction Strategies, Portia Womer
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Inventory of Cognitive Distortions: Validation of a Measure of Cognitive Distortions in a Forensic Sample, Eguono Voke Akpoduado
The COVID-19 Pandemic: Examining the Effects of Social Networking Sites on Anxiety and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms, Tiffany Araujo
Exploring the Association Between Female Infertility Stigma, Women’s Cognitions, and Coping Responses, Spencer Paige Brown
Are Narcissism and Entitlement Associated with Higher Rates of Violence and Unsuccessful Treatment Completion?, Melissa Chipollini
Complementary and Alternative Medicine Treatment-related Beliefs in Cannabidiol Users with Generalized Anxiety, Aleta A. Cohn
Do Law Enforcement Officers’ Attitudes and Knowledge Impact Their Likelihood of Administering Naloxone?, Nicole Alexis Gulkis
A Qualitative Study Exploring the Impact of Anxiety on the Sibling Relationship, Maria Hays
Motivational Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Dementia Prevention: A Pilot Study to Protect the Brain and Memory, Nicholas Hope
Sleep Quality, Weight Status, and Executive Functioning in Patients Presenting for Vocational Rehabilitation Evaluation, Justin D. Misterka
Demographic and Neurocognitive Predictive Factors Impacting on Expressed Vocational Interests, Tamar Runyan
Cognitive Distortions, Partisan Strength, and Authoritarianism: Exploring Potential Factors Contributing to the Current Partisan Divide, Brooke C. Singer
African American Women’s Perspectives on Mental Health, Kristine Smalls
Children’s Dental Fear and Anxiety: Parent Predictions, Perceptions, and Behaviors, Alana Summers-Plotno
Predicting ADHD Symptoms in Adults from Performance on Selected Neuropsychological Measures, Kara Taylor
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Preoperative Factors Associated with Weight Loss Following Bariatric Surgery, Abdul Shakoor Ahmed
Religiosity and Psychological Inflexibility on Grief Outcomes of the Suicide-Bereaved, Samantha Algauer
Pediatric Health Care Providers’ Perceptions and Knowledge of Caregiving Youth, Brianna Bliss
Predictors of Utilization of Care in a Community Outpatient Mental Health Sample, Matthew F. Bloom
The Relationship Between Locus of Control, Affective Disorders, and Weight Loss Expectations in Adults Seeking Bariatric Surgery, Rachel Brookland
Effects of Bilingualism on Executive Functioning in a Georgian-American Sample: A Latent Variables Approach. Preliminary Normative Data, Irma Campbell
Diabetes Training Camp: A Brief Intervention to Improve Self-Management and Physical Activity in Adults with Type 1 Diabetes, David Charny
Black Girls Work out Too! An Exploration of Physical Activity Behaviors of Black Women, Kimberley C. Desir
Executive Functioning in Persons Undergoing Hemodialysis, Alexandria DiGuiseppe
Prosocial Behaviors, Gross Motor Abilities, and Soccer Skill Acquisition of Preschool-Aged Children, Julia Gomes
Impact of a Video on Weight Bias in Medical Students, Russel Griffin
Predictors of Postdeployment Distress in Female Veterans, Shalonda C. Griffin
Resources for Higher Education Faculty: Development of The Growth Mindset Curriculum for College Instructors, Angela Gwathney
Protective and Risk Factors Associated with Posttraumatic Growth and Psychopathological Symptoms Following Trauma, Jessica Henninger
Psychosocial and Attributional Factors Associated with Weight Bias among Health Professional Trainees, Katherine Homa
A Qualitative Study of Burnout in Graduate Students Enrolled in Healthcare Programs, Kaylene Irizarry
Examining Physicians’ Attitudes and Knowledge Regarding Medical Marijuana, Philip Kaplan
Cognitive Mechanisms Underlying the Relationship Between Social Media Use and Depressive Symptoms, Mary Le