
Theses/Dissertations from 2018


Perception of Retained Kindergarten and First Grade Students: A Qualitative Study, Tina Mollett

Exploring the Predictive Values of Cognitive Distortions and Self-Esteem in Relation to Forgiveness, Nichol Moriatis


Examining Procedural Fidelity in School-Based Problem-Solving Teams within Elementary Schools, Catalina Ottinger-Ovens


Executive Functions Profiles of Individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder, Michael Ramsteck


Understanding the Thoughts and Attitudes of Female Students Who Participate in Single-gender Education, Alexandra Robinson Gilbert


All These Deadlines and I Don’t Know Where My Papers Are: A Direct Measure of Organizational Skills Training of 3rd, 4th and 5th Grade General Education Students, Deanna Jo Rumohr


The Influence of Quality of Education on a Regression-Based Method of Premorbid Estimated Intelligence, Elizabet Santana Marmon-Halm


Attitudes and Knowledge of Healthcare Providers Regarding Patients with Intellectual Disability and the Impact on Analogue Clinical Decision-Making, Alexandra Freed Santoro


Examining How Cardiologists Address Alcohol and Substance Use in Their Adolescent and Young Adult Patients Diagnosed with Cardiac Rhythm Disorders, Nicole Stewart


Using Dialectical Behavior Therapy to Improve School Performance of High School Students, Kelly R. Wayne


Gender Differences among Professional Football Fans: Serious Leisure, Emotional Expressivity, and Cognitive Distortions, Megan E. Wolensky


The Effect of Age at Diagnosis on Neuropsychological Functioning for Survivors of Pediatric Brain Tumors Treated with Proton Radiation Therapy, Christina Zebrowski

Theses/Dissertations from 2017


The Influence of Patient-Practitioner Orientation on Practitioners’ Self-Perception of Adhering to a Motivational Interviewing Style of Communication in Medical Settings, Brian Ashenfelter

Enhancing Educators Awareness of Learning Preferences: A Pilot Study, Corryn Bailey-Ludwig


Exploring the Relationships Between Pornography Consumption, Relationship Satisfaction, Relationship Beliefs, and Masculinity, Benjamin Ryan Barnes Jr.

Does ADHD Symptom Severity Mediate the Relationship Between Executive Functioning and Social Skills?, Christina Barrera


Therapists' Attitudes to Using Spiritual and Religious Interventions with Orthodox Jewish Clients, Schmuel Brachfeld


The Ability of the Brain to Adapt to Temporal Lobe Epilepsy in the Context of Hemispheric Dominance for Language, Kathleen A. Breslin


The Attitudes, Level of Interest, and Knowledge Held by Physicians and Psychologists Toward Integrated Healthcare Practices and the Patient-Centered Medical Home Model, Mark Cassano


Raising a Child with a Disability: Coping Mechanisms and Support Needs, Noelle Cauda-Laufer


Impact of Concussion on Youth: Pediatric Perspectives of Recovery Related to Learning, Emotional Health, Social Life, and School, Ruta Clair


Primary Care Physicians’ Ability to Detect PTSD, John Michael Della Porta


The Role of Cognitive Distortions in Predicting Mental Toughness in Athletes, Courtney Dougherty


Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis & Frontotemporal Impairment: A Qualitative Study of the Caregiving Experience, Michelle Dube


Differences Between Trauma Experience, Perceived Stress, and Effort Testing in Patients with Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures and Epilepsy, Anthony Fatzinger Jr.


Stress, Coping, and Academic Self-Efficacy in First-Generation College Students, Samantha Fitz-Gerald


The Impact of Treatment Beliefs, Caregiver Participation, and Treatment Adherence on Treatment Outcome in Childhood Mental Illness, Alexandra Gallagher


Availability for Learning:Effects of Mindfulness Meditation on Student Cognitive Abilities, Alexander Harne


Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury and the Effect on Academic And Psychosocial Functioning in School Aged Children: A Pilot Study, Mary Ellen Henigan


Therapist Knowledge, Attitudes Toward, and Experiences with Social Media Use in Treating Adolescent Females, Kristin Hess


Measuring Aggressive Behavior Perceptions, Tammarra Jones


Mental Health Attitudes and Stigma among Medical Students: An Evaluation of the Student Mental Health Initiative, Jennifer Hess Kengeter


Assessing Outcomes: Evaluation of a Social Competency Program for Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Jessie L. Kessler


Executive Functions and Word Reading Fluency: A Brief Intervention With Economically Disadvantaged Secondary Students, Vanessa Kim


The Effects of Online Social Networking on Social Connectedness and Friendship Quality Among Adolescents, Christine Klinkhoff


Self-Compassion, Body Image Dissatisfaction, and Negative Social Comparisons in Adolescents Utilizing Social Networking Sites, Brian Moran


Recovery Knowledge and Recovery-oriented Clinical Decision-Making among Mental Health Professionals Working with Clients with Serious Mental Illnesses, Kendrick Peer Mugnier


Perceived Self-Efficacy in Individuals with Moderate-to-Severe Brain Injury: The Effects of Rehabilitation Outcomes and Depression, Leena Patel


The Effects of Coping Styles and Perceived Stress on Clinical Outcomes in Individuals with Moderate to Severe Brain Injury in a Post-Acute Rehabilitation Program, Leslie Perez


The Relationship Between Campus Climate, Perceived Stigma, Perceived Social Support, and Students’ Decisions to Disclose Their Mental-health Problems on Campus, Erin M. Potts


An Analysis of the Self-Disclosure Practices of School-Based Mental Health Practitioners, Kristen Rudiger


Stigmatizing Beliefs and Attitudes Held by Students Toward Borderline Personality Disorder: Recovery Knowledge as a Moderator, Danyelle Salpietro

Revealing the Relationship between Neurocognitive and Functional Neuroimaging Findings in Concussed Adolescents: An Investigation of Working Memory, Math Fluency, and Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy, Noah Edward Sideman


The Relationship Between Self-Efficacy, Optimism, and Sensation Seeking in Predicting Self-reported Adherence to Health Behaviors, Kristine V. Spano


Exploring the Predictive Values of Self-evaluations and Cognitive Distortions in Relation to Childhood Anxiety Among Hispanic/Latino Youth, Cristina J. Sperrazza


Full-Day Kindergarten Program: Fostering Academic and Behavioral Gains for At Risk Students, Sarah Stefanakis


The Role and Implications of Executive Functions on Learning and Performing Math in High School Algebra I Students, Heather Lynn Rickmers Tacovsky


Coping Styles as Predictors of Alcohol Consumption with Undergraduate College Students Perceiving Stress, Shoshana S. Twersky


Health Habits, Coping Behaviors, and Perceived Social Support in Primary Care Physicians as a Function of Level of Burnout, Samantha A. Welsh


The Effect of Elaboration and Nonelaboration of Sign List Recall Tasks on Rate of Learning in Deaf Individuals, Robert Whitaker

Theses/Dissertations from 2016


Staff Knowledge and Attitudes Toward Recovery Principles Among Mental Health Professionals Who Work with Adult Psychiatric Inpatients, Hussain Alhashem


The Examination of Peer Support on Psychological and Academic Functioning in a Sample of Inner-City Latino Students, Carly Bosacker MA, MS


Correlates of the Perception of Recovery-Oriented Treatment in an Inpatient Setting, Beau Brendley


Getting an Early Start: Promoting the Growth Mindset in Kindergarten Children, Gina M. Cancelliere


The Influence of Perceived Relationship Quality with the Deceased, and Guilt, on Suicide Survivors' Grief Reactions, Nicole Carden Dishman


Exploring Perfectionism as a Cognitive Vulnerability to Psychological Distress: The Mediating Role of Cognitive Distortions, Jennifer Caso Tolliver


A Feasibility Study of a LQTS-Specific Workshop: Childrens' Problem-Solving Skills, Coping, Self-Efficacy, and Locus of Control, Katherine L. Corvi


A Retrospective Comparison of Adolescent Inpatients with Guardians Demonstrating Varied Levels of Involvement in Treatment, Jacquelyn D'Amico


The Effects of Perceived Coercion on Group Attendance, Participation in Groups, and Leaving Against Medical Advice in an Inpatient Psychiatric Facility, Joseph DiCondina


The Relationship Between “Feeling Fat” and Weight-Gain Feedback in a Non-Eating-Disordered Female Sample: Clinical Perfectionism As a Related Variable, Jenna DiLossi


Attachment and Social Competence of Children with a Mother Coping with Bipolar Disorder, Jennifer Forster


Relationship Satisfaction and Family Functioning: Mothers of Children with LQTS Versus a Control Group, Karen Gentis


Predicting Attitudes Towards Telemental Health Therapy Among U.S. Military Veterans, Rebekah L. Gingras


Neurologists’ Emotional Experiences in Caring for Individuals With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: An Exploratory Study, Ashley E.P. Hennessey


Perceptions and Attitudes of a Sample of Primary Care Patients Receiving Psychological Care from their PCP, Nadine Henzes Gowarty


A Culture that Fosters Concussions: Does Increased Education Lead to More Accurate Reporting of Concussions?, Michael Heptig


Cooperative Group Play Social Skills Training for Children with Social, Emotional, and Behavior Challenges: Impact on Self-Esteem and Social Skills, Bridget Hirsch


Adolescent Attitudes Toward and Perceptions of Suicide, Stigma, and Help-Seeking Behavior, Julia M. Hollinger


Teacher Knowledge and Implementation of Evidence Based Interventions Prior to Referral for Special Education, Kathryn L. Hottenstein


Medical Students' Recognition of Patients' Behavioral Health Needs, Jason J. Jaegly


The Effects of Therapist Self-Disclosure of a Mental Health Condition on Client Perceptions of the Therapist, Samantha E. Kaufman


The Relationship Between Parental Rearing, Self-Efficacy and Resilience in the Development of a Coping Style, Hillary Koskinen Vescio

The Cognitive, Emotional, and Social Experiences of Mothers of Children with Anxiety Disorders, Ashley S. Kritzstein


Community Reentry, Mental-Health and Substance Abuse Treatment, and Stigmatization: A Qualitative Study of Ex-Offenders, Deborah Luckey

The Influence of Aging and Cognitive Functioning on Goal Completion for Individuals with Moderate to Severe Brain Injury, Morgan D. Marruso


Examining The Impact of a Coteaching Professional Development Training on Teachers and Their Students’ Achievement, Marielle Martino

Identifying Potential Risk Factors in Children of Anxious Caregivers, Maureen Masarik-Cantor


Effect of a Brain Based Learning Program on Students' Use and Recognition of Self-Advocacy Skills, Megan Maynard


Examination of Adherence, the Quality of the Physician/Patient Relationship, and Illness-Related Beliefs Among Adults with Long QT Syndrome, Maggie Monk


Use of a Neuropsychologically Based Performance Model to Account for Adult Variation in Cognitive Test-Retest Performance, Ryan M. Murphy

Changes in Negative Cognitions and Symptoms During Prolonged Exposure, Supportive Counseling, and Group Therapy in Female Sexual Assault Survivors with PTSD, Alicia N. Murray


Factors Affecting Athlete Adherence After Disqualificaiton from Competitive Sports, Aaron Myers


The Association of Cognitive Distortions, Problems with Self-Concept, Gender, and Age in Adults Diagnosed with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Danielle R. O'Brien


Medical Interns', Residents' and Attending Physicians' Attitudes Towards Integrative Medicine and Recommended Treatments for Patients with Psoriasis, Jennifer L. Pacyon


The Effects of a Trauma-Informed Care Training Program on Mental Health Professionals Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes with the SMI, Angelina Pelletier


A Feasibility Study of LQTS-Specific Problem-Solving Workshop: Parents' Problem-Solving Skills, Coping, Hope, and Worry, Elizabeth A. Phelps


Therapeutic Effectiveness, Stress, and Burnout in Mental Health Professionals, Christina Pimble


Cognitive and Noncognitive Measures as Predictors of Student Success at an Independent School, Sharron J. Russell


The Impact of Internet Social Networking on Young Women’s Mood and Body Image Satisfaction: An Experimental Design, Tara Scirrotto Drames


The Relationship Between Cognitive Distortions and ADHD After Accounting for Depression, Anxiety, and Personality Pathology, Amelia Serine


Behavior Speak: Does Use of Behavior Jargon Affect Teacher Acceptability of Positive Behavior Interventions?, Katie Shemanski


An Analysis of Teacher’s Judgements of Student’s Executive Functions and Percieved Academic Competency Across Age Groups, Evan Skolnik


School Psychologists’ Integrity of Treatment Integrity, Samantha Skolnik


The Use of Cognitive Behavior Group Therapy to Reduce Maladaptive Perfectionism and Improve Cognitive Flexibility in Anxious Latino Youth, Jeremy Tyler MS


The Relationship Between Self-Compassion, Sleep Quality, and Perceived Stress Among Undergraduate and Graduate Students, Michael Unger


Cognitive Distortions: Predictors of Medical Adherence and Health Behaviors Among Women at Risk for Breast Cancer, Amanda Viner

Elementary Student Perceptions of School Climate after Implementing a Multi-Cultural Curriculum in Kindergarten through Fifth Grades, Lauren D. Webb


Fathers of Children with Long QT Syndrome: Their Concerns and Ways of Coping, Jodi Yarnell


The Relationship Between Problem-Solving Ability/Eating Motivation and Perceived Quality of Life in Individuals Diagnosed with Celiac Disease, Vincenzo Zaccheo

Theses/Dissertations from 2015


Developing Executive Functions through Mindfulness Training in School-Aged Children, Ashley Black Adams