Theses/Dissertations from 2021
The Relationship Between Nostalgia, Life Meaningfulness, and Distress Tolerance Within a Chronic Pain Population, Samantha Lyon
Physical and Behavioral Factors and Their Influence on Psychosocial Functioning and Adherence in Women with Celiac Disease, Joclyn R. Malys
Does Public Stigma Towards People with Borderline Personality Disorder Differ among Mental Health Providers?, Katie Manganello
Risk and Protective Factors Associated with Psychosocial Functioning in 911 Operators and Dispatchers, Margarett Molina
Assessing Factors That Increase the Likelihood of Naloxone Administration, Samantha Nagy
Creating Sanctuary Schools for Students Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Kerri Newton
The Role and Implications of Executive Functions During the Transition to Middle School, Susan Niznik
The Moderating Effects of Parenting Practices on the Relationship Between Child Personality Traits and Academic Achievement, Jacquelyn Palladino
Evaluating Antecedents to Treatment Success in Juveniles with Sexually Problematic Behavior, Alexandra P. Pappas
The Effects of Child-adult Relationship Enhancement (Care) Training in Reducing Restraints and Staff Injuries, Pali Payne-Storey
Examining the Psychometric Properties of the Weekly Emotional and Functional Summary, Brittany Lynn Quimby
Examining the Dunning-Kruger Effect in Autism Knowledge, Information Sourcing, and Endorsement of Vaccination Policy, Alexandra Reed
An Examination of Internet Search Behavior and Completed Suicide Rates Across the United States, Marie Louise Rhoads
Gender Differences in Cognitive Distortions in Adults with ADHD, Laura Salciunas
The Map Reading Probe’s Effectiveness in Predicting Performance Within an RtIISystem, Richard J. Scherr Jr
Addressing Cultural Considerations of African Americans in Interdisciplinary Care, Ashley M. Smith
The Development of an Integrated Anger Management Protocol, Gerald W. Smith
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Does Knowing the Mental Health History of a Mass Shooter Heighten Stigma and Negative Attitudes Toward Mental Illness?, Lianna Artessa
Understanding the Comorbidity of Asthma and Anxiety in Childhood: Characteristics, Vulnerabilities, and Treatment Implications, Nicole Fleischer
School Psychologist Self-care Practices and Burnout Symptoms, Mary Jean Rainsford
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
The Effects of a Guided Imagery Intervention on the Working Memory of Primary Aged Students, Monica D. Addison-Walker
Assessing the Validity of the Quotient Adhd System and Its Value in a Comprehensive Diagnostic Assessment Battery for Adult ADHD, Hillary Ammon Scharf
A Review of the Use of Positive Reinforcement in Drug Courts, Katherine Bascom
Executive Capacities for Students Diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Learning Disability, Kate Boccella-Perras
Relationship Between Resilience Factors and Presence of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms and Posttraumatic Growth in Suicide Loss Survivors, Natalya Bogopolskaya
Attitudes and Knowledge about Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) among Family Medicine Physicians and IBS Patients, Shana Brown-Lieberson
Adaptive Skills Training and Quality of Life of Young Adults with Autism, Reggie Candio
The Role of Social Comparisons in Perceived Parental Competence, Mental Health, and Relationship Satisfaction, Sarah T. Caverly
Exploring Relationships Between Parenting Style, Perceived Stress, Coping Efficacy and Coping Strategies in Foster Parents, Jason Coleman
Messages of Meaning: African American Ethnic-racial Socialization Practices of Fathers and Paternal Definitions of Academic Success, Sharon Coley-Wilson
Working with Transgender and Gender-variant Youth: Teacher Knowledge, Attitudes, and Perceived Competence, Charla J. Curtis
Development of a Resource Guide for Parenting Children That Survive Pediatric Brain Injury, Maria Rosaria Di Donato
Do Teachers Participating in a Therapy Dog Program Perceive an Impact on Students’ Attitudes and Behaviors Toward Reading?, Jenna M. Dragani-Reagan
Impact of Cognitive Distortions and Perceived Stigmatization on Acceptance among Adults With Neurofibromatosis Type 1, Shanna C. Drinkwine
The IMPACT Program: Increasing Employability Skills of High School Students Through Adventure Based Learning, Titina Finch Brown
The Relationship Between Personal Values and Personality Traits in Inpatient Behavioral Patients, Chelsea M. Frank
Does Early Screening Predict Special Education Placement by Age Five?, Samuel Josef Friedman
Examining the Impact of Educational Modules on Self-care, Burnout, and Professional Impairment on Graduate And Medical Students, Samantha Giangrande
A Survey of Teacher Receptiveness Regarding Inclusive Education Within a New Jersey Urban School District, Tammy Hobbs-Ginsberg
Comparison of the Executive Function Profiles of Child and Adolescent Groups Diagnosed with ADHD and Matched Controls, Jenna Inglese
Sensory Processing Patterns and Emotion Regulation in Children Presenting with Externalizing Behaviors, Melanie Levitt
Describing the Impact of Low Socioeconomic Status on School Performance, Barry Linden Cropp II
Parental Availability as a Predictor of Academic Success among Students of a Private Residential School, Lesley Kubisiak Logan
Predictors of Stress in Caregivers of Family Members with Multiple Sclerosis, Lucy Lubinski
Teachers’ Perception of a Cooking Intervention to Increase Social Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Behavioral Disabilities, Jennifer Malik
Evaluation of a Picture Exchange Communication System Program for Children with Autism, Jessica Rachel Mark
Predictability of Curriculum-based Reading Measures for Statewide Test Performance, Rebecca Sarah Mark
Stress, Cognitive Distortions, Engagement in Self-care, and Burnout in Psychology Graduate Students, Lauren Matturro
Burnout and Self-stigma of Seeking Psychological Help in Military Healthcare Providers, Odelia N. McFadden
Effects of Teacher Training on the Executive Skill Development of Pre-school Children, Leslie McIntosh
The Impact of Psychostimulants on the Executive Capacities of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Theresa C. McMahon
The Effect of Social Problem-solving, Health Anxiety, and Psychological Distress on Breast Cancer Genetic Testing Decisions in a Sample of Healthy Women, Alexandria Muench
Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy for Blind and Visually Impaired Adults: Acceptance, Problem-solving, and Cognitive Distortions, Collin D. Mullins
Student Participation in School Sponsored Extra-curricular Activities at the Elementary School Level and the Impact of Student Engagement, Kirsten D. Myers
Sleep, Communicative Ability, and Diet as Predictors of Aggression in Autism Spectrum Disorder, Rafat Omar
Girl Time: An Enrichment Program Fostering Social and Emotional Well-being among Kindergarten Girls, Irene A. Opuka
Predictors of Quality of Life in Lupus Patients: A Study of Coping, Cognitive Distortions, and Social Support, Kyle Osbourne
The Association Between Body Esteem and Post-operative Outcomes in Adult Weight-loss Surgery Patients, Jennifer Rohr Swetkowski
Long-term Use of Beta-blocker Medication in Pediatric Long QT Syndrome Patients: Neuropsychological Profiles, Kara J. Rudisill
The Relationship Between Witnessing Domestic Violence and Criminal Recidivism among Juvenile Sex Offenders, Shamyra Marie Shaw
The Relationship Between Cognitive Distortions, Self-compassion, and Insomnia Severity, Gabriel Stanziano
An Analysis of Teachers’ Judgements of Executive Capacities Between Male and Female Students, Carly Stranges
How African American Men from Challenging Backgrounds Beat the Odds and Graduated from College, Valisha Terry
The Impact Caregiving and Decision-making Has on Adult Sibling Relationships, Christina Vroman
Medical Students' Knowledge, Confidence, and Empathy Towards Dementia and Caregiver Stress, Courtney Williamson
Using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Techniques to Improve Socialization Skills for High School Students with High Functioning Autism, Erika D. Wood
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Instructing Students with Pediatric and Mental Health Conditions: Predictors of Teachers’ Self-efficacy, Rachel Allen
Testing the Efficacy of a Brief Psychoeducational Video On Improving Mental Health Literacy, Gregory Amatrudo
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as a Supplemental Treatment For Adolescents with Learning Disabilities, Peter John Arsenault
The Relationship Between Adverse Childhood Experiences And Executive Functions in High School Aged Students, Julia Barta
The Effects of Negative Body Image and Self-assessed Health on Health Behaviors in Adults, Danielle N. Beach
Effects of Fixed and Malleable Views of Intelligence And Attribution of Controllability on Teacher Affects, Gary Beard
Sluggish Cognitive Tempo in Latino Youth, Katie Binns Fabius
An Exploratory Study of Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms in Parents of Symptomatic Children with Long QT Syndrome, Leslie A. Buchter
Identifying the Effect of Preexisting Conditions on Low Neurocognitive Scores and Symptom Reporting of School-Age Athletes in Baseline Testing for Concussion Management, Jessica Mae Corrigan
The Relationship Between Executive Functioning and Treatment Outcomes among Juvenile Sex Offenders, Sarah Decker
What Type of Training Predicts Adherence to CBT-I Among Professionals Specializing in the Treatment of Insomnia?, Mark D. DelGuercio
Law Enforcement Decision Making with Suspects Who Are Mentally Ill: What Is Reasonable Use of Force?, Danielle Marianne Dorn
Student and Teacher Perceptions of the Relationship Between Self-Regulation Executive Functions and Playing Team Sports, Rebecca T. Edelsberg
Trauma Training in Educational Settings: Developing a Universal Approach Training Manual, Kerri A. Flatau
School Personnel’s Knowledge and Perception of School Refusal Behavior, Joshua M. Foy
Refining the Assessment of ADHD: The Relationship Between Self-Report and Observable Behavioral Symptoms, Bryan Gastelle
An Analysis of YouTube Content on African American Parenting In the Face of Community Violence, La-Rhonda Harmon
African American Pentecostal Clergy Members’ Perceptions Of Mental Health and Their Subsequent Referral Practices, Jasmine Harris
The Impact of an Endorsement of Free Will Versus Determinism on Judgment of Weight Management Behaviors, Jarrett W. Henderson
The Relationship Between Stress, Social Problem Solving, and Psychological Distress in Mothers of Daughters with Eating Disorders, Sarah M. Hittinger
Evaluating the Relationship Between Physician Characteristics and Opioid Knowledge and Use of Opioid And Non-opioid Chronic Pain Management Strategies, Erin Hopkins Stern
The Relationship Between Self-concept and Body Image in Females with Deleterious BRCA1/2 Mutations, Amanda M. Large
Adolescence and Cardiac Channelopathies: Predicting Engagement in High-Risk Behavior, Lauren Lucente
Identifying Subtypes of Schizophrenia Through Differential Neurocognitive and Symptomatic Profiles, Brielle A. Marino
School Staff Perceptions of a Trauma Informed Program on Improving Knowledge, Competence, and School Climate, Elizabeth Mikolajczyk