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Community Partner
Community Preceptors
Laura Crandall, Food and Wellness Network; Kelly Sanford, Food and Wellness Network
Academic Preceptors
Pat Lannutti, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine; John Costa, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine; Denise Curran, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Philadelphia, PA
Physical Health, Mental Health, Emotional and Social Well-Being, Nutrition
Recommended Citation
Acosta, Melissa and Beck, Matthew, "Northeast Philadelphia Wellness and Client Engagement Research: Turning Points for Children: The Food and Wellness Network" (2016). Bridging the Gaps Posters 2016. 7.

Project Goals and Objectives
Our objectives as interns at The Food and Wellness Network involved implementing a health education program for the customers of the food pantry based on their interests. The goal was to learn more about the communities desires to learn more about…
Personal Statements
“Spending seven weeks at FAWN has been an immensely valuable and eye-opening experience. Growing up an hour north of Philadelphia, has kept me sheltered from so many aspects of both the city of Philadelphia and urban living in general. Getting the exposure that I have this summer to Frankford and Philadelphia and meeting the people that we have at the pantry is something that I will never forget. I learned more about Philly in my seven weeks at Frankford than I had in my 23 years of living in the suburbs. I definitely plan on using what I have learned about underserved communities as I go through my career and on to practice medicine.” -Matthew Beck
“In all honesty, I was really nervous about my first week at the Food and Wellness Network. I was already pretty intimidated by the fact that I am the only School Psychology major in the Bridging the Gaps program. Even though I was nervous, my experience at FAWN went better than I anticipated. I feel as though, we quickly assimilated ourselves into the environment. The volunteers and community are truly amazing, and people are very grateful for FAWN. We conducted an interest survey to see what people in the community were interested in learning about, and we found that many people were interested in learning about nutrition education, healthy eating, and mental health. This community may not have the opportunity to learning about these important topics, and I’m glad we’re shedding a light on some critical issues.” -Melissa Acosta