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Community Partner
Community Preceptors
Ronda Blackson, Gaudenzia, Inc.; Michelle Woltz, Gaudenzia, Inc.
Academic Preceptors
Pat Lannutti, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Philadelphia, PA
Physical Fitness and Activity, Mental Health, Cardiovascular Health, Oral Health, Substance Abuse
Recommended Citation
Kurtz, Alyssa, "You Are Your Brother and Sister’s Keeper: Gaudenzia, People With Hope" (2016). Bridging the Gaps Posters 2016. 1.

Project Goals and Objectives
Personal Statement
"Working at Gaudenzia has been an invaluable experience for me and one that will surely influence my future career in medicine. I have heard countless stories and connected with some of the most amazing people, who continue to smile and persevere after coming from imaginable trauma. From the community of People With Hope, I have seen inspiring examples of courage, kindness and determination that I will never forget. I will take what I have learned, remembering to always stay humble and why I pursued a career in the medical field. I am extremely grateful for the time I have spent at Gaudenzia and hope that my presence has impacted the members of the community as much as being a part of this community has impact me."