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Community Partner

EducationWorks, WalkSafePHL

Community Preceptors

Joseph Brand

Academic Preceptors

Oliver Bullock, DO, Ronald Allen, MHA


Philadelphia, PA


Chronic Disease, Heart Disease & Stroke, Responsible Sexual Behavior, Physical Activity & Fitness, Oral Health


Public Health Education and Promotion | Urban Studies


Project Summary

BTG Interns participated in a Safe Corridors project founded by a coalition of concerned city organizations prompted to create safe zones for children to be able to travel to and from school and to prevent possible episodes of violence due to the merging of rival schools as a result of the closure public schools. The base of operations for their WalkSafePHL project was Overbrook High School.

Project Strategies

  • Created and presented interactive learning units on a wide range of health and Wellness topics to promote healthy lifestyles and choices
    • Violence prevention
    • Oral health
    • HPV
    • Cardiovascular health
    • Diabetes
    • Financial costs of having a child
    • Healthy tattoos
  • Conducted walkability audits in neighborhoods
  • Visited Mutter Museum for exploratory learning outing
  • Mentored students through reading and commenting on students’ journals
  • Safe Corridors subway posters and PSA written, filmed and edited by students
  • Fostered team-building, student creativity, and personal self-expression through Safe Corridor projects

Personal Statements

“I believe I’ve grown in my ability to not only recognize the various social and economic factors that impact a person’s health, but a willingness to explore those areas with my future patients in order to better treat them. When we first started working here, I felt like the students were speaking a foreign language that I couldn’t (and would never) understand. As the weeks went on, I discovered that they were only too happy to explain things to me when they realized that I have genuine interest in what they have to say. I’m deeply honored that they students who have only known me for a few weeks are willing to share their stories with me.” Megan DiNapoli

“I have learned how to better relate with people of different socioeconomic and racial backgrounds than me through this program. I have gained a great understanding of the social problems which affect the city of Philadelphia. Despite learning the problems, I’ve thankfully identified some solutions to these problems.” --Kevin Amiri

Safe Corridors
