Executive Functions in Practice: A Survey of School Psychologists



Start Date

11-5-2016 1:00 PM


This study surveyed school psychologists (N = 167) primarily from six different states about their perceptions, knowledge, frequency, and application of executive functions assessment and interventions. The purpose of this study was to explore school psychologists’ practices in executive functions assessment and interventions. Results of the study indicated that school psychologists vary in their knowledge of executive functions, but the majority of them do not include the assessment of and intervention in executive functions deficits in their regular practice. However, school psychologists tended to report executive functions assessment and intervention more frequently when presented with specific disability classifications (e.g. autism, specific learning disability, etc.). In addition, most school psychologists did not rate executive functions as important or relevant in psychoeducational evaluations. Findings also were consistent with previous studies indicating that school psychologists do not frequently use neuropsychological measures (such as the NEPSY) in their evaluations and do not receive adequate training in neuropsychological principals during graduate school. When applying executive functions knowledge to real-world situations, school psychologists reported using a variety of assessment and intervention strategies with children who demonstrated executive function deficits. Finally, the results indicated that school psychologists were more likely to assess executive functions if they were Nationally Certified School Psychologists (NCSPs), had 11 to 15 years of experience as a school psychologist, did not achieve a doctorate degree, and/or practiced in the state of Massachusetts. Based on these findings, recommendations were made about increased training, support, and legislation with regard to executive functions and school neuropsychology.

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May 11th, 1:00 PM

Executive Functions in Practice: A Survey of School Psychologists


This study surveyed school psychologists (N = 167) primarily from six different states about their perceptions, knowledge, frequency, and application of executive functions assessment and interventions. The purpose of this study was to explore school psychologists’ practices in executive functions assessment and interventions. Results of the study indicated that school psychologists vary in their knowledge of executive functions, but the majority of them do not include the assessment of and intervention in executive functions deficits in their regular practice. However, school psychologists tended to report executive functions assessment and intervention more frequently when presented with specific disability classifications (e.g. autism, specific learning disability, etc.). In addition, most school psychologists did not rate executive functions as important or relevant in psychoeducational evaluations. Findings also were consistent with previous studies indicating that school psychologists do not frequently use neuropsychological measures (such as the NEPSY) in their evaluations and do not receive adequate training in neuropsychological principals during graduate school. When applying executive functions knowledge to real-world situations, school psychologists reported using a variety of assessment and intervention strategies with children who demonstrated executive function deficits. Finally, the results indicated that school psychologists were more likely to assess executive functions if they were Nationally Certified School Psychologists (NCSPs), had 11 to 15 years of experience as a school psychologist, did not achieve a doctorate degree, and/or practiced in the state of Massachusetts. Based on these findings, recommendations were made about increased training, support, and legislation with regard to executive functions and school neuropsychology.