Study of E-field Modulation in Parallel Fiber Stimulation Induced Purkinje Cell Plasticity


Suwanee, GA

Start Date

7-5-2024 1:00 PM

End Date

7-5-2024 4:00 PM


The cerebellum plays an essential role in movement coordination and balance, and its cortex comprises three layers: the granule cell layer, Purkinje cell layer, and molecular layer. The axons of granule cells are called parallel fibers. The parallel fibers are found in the molecular layer of the cerebellum. The molecular layer is where the parallel fibers synapse onto the dendrites of the Purkinje cell. Damage to the cerebellum or the related pathway can lead to cerebellar ataxia, a condition characterized by impaired coordination and balance. One of the treatment methods for ataxic patients is transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). In this study, cerebellar slices were prepared using Sprague Dawley rats (14 to 31 days old) for whole-cell patch clamp recordings, and tDCS was mimicked by an electric field (E-field). It is hypothesized that direct current stimulation modulates Purkinje cell plasticity. To test this hypothesis, Purkinje cell plasticity was induced with and without E-field. Tetanus stimulation (1 Hz with train stimulation at 50 Hz) was delivered in the molecular layer to evoke long-term depression (LTD). E-field (100 µA) was applied onto the cerebellar slice with the recorded Purkinje cells using parallel sliver wires. Matlab was used to conduct data analysis in I-V curve, firing rate change due to E-field, and plasticity induction. Thirty cells were used to induce LTD without applied E-field. Seven cells were used to induce LTD with applied E-field. Only two of the cells showed partial LTD. This pitfall could be due to the positioning of the stimulation electrode or the intensity control of the stimulation as well as the stimulation paradigms. In the future experiments two alternative stimulation paradigms will be tested to induce LTD more effectively. The positioning of the electrode and the intensity of the stimulation will be adjusted. Lastly, Lucifer Yellow will be injected into the recorded cell to verify if there is damage to the morphology of the Purkinje cell.

Embargo Period


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May 7th, 1:00 PM May 7th, 4:00 PM

Study of E-field Modulation in Parallel Fiber Stimulation Induced Purkinje Cell Plasticity

Suwanee, GA

The cerebellum plays an essential role in movement coordination and balance, and its cortex comprises three layers: the granule cell layer, Purkinje cell layer, and molecular layer. The axons of granule cells are called parallel fibers. The parallel fibers are found in the molecular layer of the cerebellum. The molecular layer is where the parallel fibers synapse onto the dendrites of the Purkinje cell. Damage to the cerebellum or the related pathway can lead to cerebellar ataxia, a condition characterized by impaired coordination and balance. One of the treatment methods for ataxic patients is transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). In this study, cerebellar slices were prepared using Sprague Dawley rats (14 to 31 days old) for whole-cell patch clamp recordings, and tDCS was mimicked by an electric field (E-field). It is hypothesized that direct current stimulation modulates Purkinje cell plasticity. To test this hypothesis, Purkinje cell plasticity was induced with and without E-field. Tetanus stimulation (1 Hz with train stimulation at 50 Hz) was delivered in the molecular layer to evoke long-term depression (LTD). E-field (100 µA) was applied onto the cerebellar slice with the recorded Purkinje cells using parallel sliver wires. Matlab was used to conduct data analysis in I-V curve, firing rate change due to E-field, and plasticity induction. Thirty cells were used to induce LTD without applied E-field. Seven cells were used to induce LTD with applied E-field. Only two of the cells showed partial LTD. This pitfall could be due to the positioning of the stimulation electrode or the intensity control of the stimulation as well as the stimulation paradigms. In the future experiments two alternative stimulation paradigms will be tested to induce LTD more effectively. The positioning of the electrode and the intensity of the stimulation will be adjusted. Lastly, Lucifer Yellow will be injected into the recorded cell to verify if there is damage to the morphology of the Purkinje cell.