Death Investigations in the State of Georgia: Understanding Medico-Legal Aspects



Start Date

16-5-2017 1:00 PM


The purpose of this topic is to address the events of death investigation and to further elucidate the unique roles of the medical examiner and coroner in the process. As such, this report will describe major points associated with death investigations. These include: (1) defining what a death investigator is; (2) identifying specific manners of death that come under the jurisdiction of a medical examiner/coroner; (3) detailing the tasks accomplished by a medical examiner and/or coroner; (4) elucidating the purposes for a post-mortem examination and (5) detailing different autopsies.

In addition, this report will also provide points as to how a large body farm is accelerating forensic research dealing with the decomposition of cadavers. This research has given death investigators additional tools for examination.

Specifically, the work of Dr. William Bass will be explored in regard to how environmental conditions contribute to decomposition. Overall, this report will demonstrate that today’s death investigators are more knowledgeable about cause and manner of death issues due to the advancement in forensic research.

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May 16th, 1:00 PM

Death Investigations in the State of Georgia: Understanding Medico-Legal Aspects


The purpose of this topic is to address the events of death investigation and to further elucidate the unique roles of the medical examiner and coroner in the process. As such, this report will describe major points associated with death investigations. These include: (1) defining what a death investigator is; (2) identifying specific manners of death that come under the jurisdiction of a medical examiner/coroner; (3) detailing the tasks accomplished by a medical examiner and/or coroner; (4) elucidating the purposes for a post-mortem examination and (5) detailing different autopsies.

In addition, this report will also provide points as to how a large body farm is accelerating forensic research dealing with the decomposition of cadavers. This research has given death investigators additional tools for examination.

Specifically, the work of Dr. William Bass will be explored in regard to how environmental conditions contribute to decomposition. Overall, this report will demonstrate that today’s death investigators are more knowledgeable about cause and manner of death issues due to the advancement in forensic research.