Date of Submission


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Psychology (PsyD)



Department Chair

Robert A DiTomasso, PhD, ABPP, Chair, Department of Psychology

First Advisor

Diane Smallwood, PsyD, NCSP, Chairperson

Second Advisor

Jessica Glass Kendorski, PhD, NCSP, BCBA-D

Third Advisor

William Young, PhD, NCSP, ABSNP


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex and multifaceted, neurodevelopmental disorder that severely impacts children and families across a variety of settings. Prevalence rates of ASD are continuing to increase rapidly, with sizeable intervention and treatment costs placed on families and society. Further complicating the matter, many individuals with ASD also evidence co-occurring anxiety symptoms or disorders and tend to be at a higher risk for developing such problems when compared to other clinical populations or typically developing children. This study investigated the effectiveness of a computer-assisted CBT program, Camp Cope-A-Lot (CCAL), in regards to reducing anxiety symptoms in four participants diagnosed with ASD. Data from quantitative measures revealed inconsistent results, yet informal, qualitative feedback from parents as well as information from the researcher’s observations and progress notes appeared more promising for use of the CCAL intervention for this population of children.
