Philadelphia Journal of Osteopathy Volume 12, Number 4
Philadelphia College and Infirmary of Osteopathy
Articles in this issue include:
- The Osteopathic Lesion by Earle S. Willard
- The Cause and Treatment of Constipation by Lawrence J. Kelly
- Osteopathy for the Infections of Childhood by Edward J. Drew
Philadelphia Journal of Osteopathy Volume 12, Number 3
Philadelphia College and Infirmary of Osteopathy
Articles in this issue include:
- The Osteopathic Lesion by Earlr S. Willard
- Bacterio-Therapy in Diphtheria by Lawrence J. Kelly
- An Osteopathic Profession of Faith by Raymond W. Bailey
- Differential Diagnosis Between Neurasthenia and Hysteria by Charles J. Muttart
Philadelphia Journal of Osteopathy Souvenir Number
Philadelphia College and Infirmary of Osteopathy
Articles in this issue include:
- Philadelphia College of Osteopathy Makes Great Progress Goes on 4-Year Basis
- Osteopath Bill Unfair. Asserts Governor Fort
Philadelphia Journal of Osteopathy Volume 11, Number 12
Philadelphia College and Infirmary of Osteopathy
Articles in this issue include:
- Weather Influences by Eugene M. Coffee
- Mid-Year Class Graduates
- The Anemias by Earle S. Willard
- Heredity and the Doctors by Louisa Burns
- Medical Men Advocate Our Methods
- The Spectacular in the Healing Art
- Christmas Gifts for Dr. Flack
Philadelphia Journal of Osteopathy Volume 9, Number 1
Philadelphia College and Infirmary of Osteopathy
Articles in this issue include:
- "Most Medicines Are Worthless," says the Regius Professor of Medicine, Oxford University, England
- Dr. Charles J. Muttart, Dean of the Philadelphia College of Osteopathy
- New Osteopathic Textbook
- Osteopathy as a Profession by Mason W. Pressly
- The Advantages Philadelphia offers to the Prospective Student of Osteopathy by H. Alfred Leonard
- The Word Osteopathy by Earle S. Willard
- The Choice of a Profession by Arthur M. Flack
- "Chiropractics" A Counterfeit
- College News
Philadelphia Journal of Osteopathy Volume 7, Number 1
Philadelphia College and Infirmary of Osteopathy
Articles in this issue include:
- An Argument Against Intolerance by Edwin Martin Downing
- The Scope of Osteopathy by J. Ivan Dufur
- Good Advice
- One Reason Why Osteopathy Deserves Legislation In the State of Pennsylvania by W.B. Keene
- "Commencing" by Gene M. Coffee
- Colleges of Osteopathy
- Proper Attitude of Medicos
- Osteopathic Legislation
- Medical Factionism
- Choice of a Profession
- As It Might Have Been
- Commencement
- Nerve Regeneration
- "Borrowed Plumage Without Trademarks"
- YE Book Reviews
Philadelphia Journal of Osteopathy Volume 7, Number 3
Philadelphia College and Infirmary of Osteopathy
Articles in this issue include:
- Veto of the Osteopathic Bill. - Necessity For Cautioning the People of the State by O.J. Snyder
- A New Water Cure
- The Opinions of Other Governors
- Oslerisms
- Diseases of Women by Edward D. Burleigh
- Osteopathy vs. Surgery
- Respiratory Affections by J. Edward Strater
- Constipation
- A Supreme Court Decision
- Simple Methods For Complex Conditions
- The Future of Drug Medication
- Beware of Fakirs!
- A Few Opinions Worth Considering
Philadelphia Journal of Osteopathy Volume 7, Number 4
Philadelphia College and Infirmary of Osteopathy
Articles in this issue include:
- Summer Complaint
- The Eye
- The Function of the Appendix
- A Substitute for Meat
- An Osteopathic Operations
- The Awakening
- In the Good Old Summer Time
- A Testimonial by Wallace Irwin
- "It's Just the Nerves"
- Principles Govern Facts
- Advertising
- The Mistaken Diagnosis
- The Color of the Liver
- The Osteopathic Significance of the Neck
- Graduating Exercises, Philadelphia College of Osteopathy
Philadelphia Journal of Osteopathy Volume 7, Number 5
Philadelphia College and Infirmary of Osteopathy
Articles in this issue include:
- Osteopathy as Viewed by a Layman by James Benninger
- A Square Deal for the Appendix
- Oslerisms
- Do Drugs Ever "Cure"?
- Salt and Water
- The Pace of Time
- Happiness Dependent on Health
- Sickness a Disgrace
- Osteopathy as a Profession
- The Ideal of Equipment for Osteopathic Physicians
- Osteopathy a Science
- A Suffering Man
- Among the Good Books
- Pennsylvania Osteopathic Hospital
- A Song of Life
- Not Detachable
Philadelphia Journal of Osteopathy Volume 6, Number 1
Philadelphia College and Infirmary of Osteopathy
Articles in this issue include:
- What Osteopathy Comprehends by O.J. Snyder
- Osteopathy Not Massage by Charles Hazzard
- A Study In Physiological Chemistry by C.H. M'Curdy
- The Growth of Osteopathy
- This Journal's Temporary Suspension
- Is Life Worth Living?
- Lung Power
- A New Muscle Test
- Good Blood
- Diseases in Women
- The Merger of the American and Des Moines Schools
- Personality Counts
- The Injury of the X-Ray Treatment
- Dr. Hazzard in Philadelphia
- Legal Standing of Osteopathy
- Personal Notes
Philadelphia Journal of Osteopathy Volume 6, Number 2
Philadelphia College and Infirmary of Osteopathy
Articles in this issue include:
- The Physician's Vocation by O.J. Snyder
- The Diagnosis and Treatment of Disease by Chares W. M'Curdy
- Osteopathy For Children by O.J. Snyder
- Etiology or the Cause of Disease by O.J. Snyder
- Medical Strenuosity
- Osteopathy Not a Common Competitor
- How Does Osteopathy Cure?
- Osteopathy as Prevention
- Osteopathy and Acute Diseases
- How to Treat Internal Organs by Osteopathy
- Electrical Treatment Harmful
- Osteopathy Gives Nerve And Tone For Strenuous Work - To Men
- Why Society Women Take Osteopathy
- The St. Louis Meeting And The World's Fair
- Personal Notes
Philadelphia Journal of Osteopathy Volume 6, Number 3
Philadelphia College and Infirmary of Osteopathy
Articles in this issue include:
- A Summary of the Proceedings of the American Osteopathic Association, Held at the Exposition Grounds, St. Louis by O.J. Snyder
- The Associated Colleges of Osteopathy
- Convention Echoes
- The Hypothesis of the "Pop" as Related to the Anatemo Osteopathic Lesion by Dr. W.J. Conner
- James M. McGee, A.B., M.D., D.O.
- College Life at the P.C.O.
- The Difference by Henry G. Wolf
- The College Changes Ownership
- Commencement
- An Osteopathic Review by Charles W. McCurdy
- College Societies
- Osteopathy Means Adjustment
- Osteopathy as a Profession
- The Hot Water Habit is Healthful
- How to Live a Hundred Years by H.G.W.
- Alumni Notes
- The Wrong Department
- An M.D., Ph. G., D.O. for Fifty Dollars
Philadelphia Journal of Osteopathy Volume 6, Number 4
Philadelphia College and Infirmary of Osteopathy
Articles in this issue include:
- The Physiological Effect of Color by Chas, W. McCurdy
- How Osteopathy Treats The Nerves by Chas. J. Muttart
- Insanity by Myron H. Bigsby
- Odd Things Used in Medicine by Henry G. Wolf
- Why Do We Eat Salt? by Chas. W. McCurdy
- Our Curriculum
- A New Era of Progress
- Osteopathy Prevents Disease
- Kirk Edward Smith
- Resolutions
- The Indiscriminacy of Drugging by Henry G. Wolf
- The Body a Vital Mechanism
- The Wister Institute of Anatomy
- Our Weak Backs
- Our Monogram
- Mrs. M.W. Pressly
- Qualified Osteopaths
- Beware of Catarrh Cures
- It's All in the Pronunciation
- Alumni Personals
- State News
Philadelphia Journal of Osteopathy Volume 5, Number 1
Philadelphia College and Infirmary of Osteopathy
Articles in this issue include:
- Loyalty to the American Osteopathic Association and State Organization by O.J. Snyder
- Osteopathy as a Profession by W.B. Keene
- The Scientific Implications of Osteopathy by Prof. C.W. M'Curdy
- How Osteopathy is Popularizing the Study of Anatomy by Dr. R.H. Dunnington
- What Osteopathy Owes to Medical Science and the Future of Osteopathic Science by Dr. J.E. Burt
- The Ideal od Equipment for Osteopathic Physicians by Dr. Charles J. Muttart
- Special Announcement
- Greeting to the Profession
- The Associated Colleges
- Inter Collegiate Comity
- Students from Unrecognized Colleges
- U.S. Senator Dillingham on Osteopathic Education
- Our Professional Ethics
- The Discipline of Students
- The Wister Institute of Anatomy
- Living Anatomy
- Reasons for the Study of Osteopathy
- American Osteopathic Association
- Conditions of Admission to Osteopathic Colleges
Philadelphia Journal of Osteopathy Volume 5, Number 2
Philadelphia College and Infirmary of Osteopathy
Articles in this issue include:
- W.B. Keene, M.D., D.O.
- The Policy of this Journal
- The Philadelphia College. Only Enlarged, Not Changed
- A Three Years' Course and a Higher Education
- The Development and Oversight of Osteopathic Colleges
- The Reorganization and Expansion of the Osteopathic Curriculum
- Physiological Chemistry
- Professional Self-Respect
- How Complex We Are
- Broader Osteopathic Education
Philadelphia Journal of Osteopathy Volume 4, Number 1
Philadelphia College and Infirmary of Osteopathy
Articles in this issue include:
- The Drug Treatment for Constipation
- Leprosy at Honolulu
- To Our Readers
- An Opportunity to Do Good
- Our February Class
- The Greatest Work Yet. Deaver's Surgical Anatomy
Philadelphia Journal of Osteopathy Volume 4, Number 11
Philadelphia College and Infirmary of Osteopathy
Articles in this issue include:
- Paralysis Permanently Cured by Osteopathy by O.J. Snyder
- An Interesting Case. An Acknowledgement by James Johnson
- The Physical and Biological Sciences in Osteopathic Training by Charles W. McCurdy
- Osteopathy by S.H. McElhaney
- The American Osteopathic Association. Department of Case Reports
- Bloodless Surgery. Dr. Lorenz's Method and Osteopathy
- Pseudo-Osteopathy
- The Herring Case in Asbury Park in Relation to Osteopathy
- What is Osteopathy? by Carl P. McConnell
- The Ultimate Constitution of Matter
Philadelphia Journal of Osteopathy Volume 4, Number 12
Philadelphia College and Infirmary of Osteopathy
Articles in this issue include:
- The Physical and Biological Sciences in Osteopathic Education by Dr. C.W. McCurdy
- Higher Education for Osteopathic Physicians
- Life Thoughts
- A Nut for the Anti-Vivisectionists to Crack
- Is Nature a Complete Ideal
- Osmosis, Lymphacosis and Phagacytosis
- Nerve Affections
- Physiological Dirigibility, an Explanation of Osteopathic Treatment
- The Significance of Diastasis in Osteopathic Procedure
- A Personal Appreciation
- The Philadelphia College of Osteopathy
- A Day's Work by One Operator
Philadelphia Journal of Osteopathy Volume 4, Number 3
Philadelphia College and Infirmary of Osteopathy
Articles in this issue include:
- A Few Reasons Why Osteopaths Eschew Drugs by O.J. Snyder
- Osteopathy Defended
- Medical Legislation
- A New Book With Pro and Con Criticisms
- A Broad View of Osteopathy
Philadelphia Journal of Osteopathy Volume 4, Number 5
Philadelphia College and Infirmary of Osteopathy
Articles in this issue include:
- Osteopaths Trace Grave Ills to Slight Jolts of the Backbone
- Next Annual
- The Household Physician
- Osteopathy
- High Testimony
- Senator Foraker on Osteopathy
- To the Osteopathic Profession
- Alcohol and Insanity
- Acute Aortitis and Arteritis
Philadelphia Journal of Osteopathy Volume 4, Number 6
Philadelphia College and Infirmary of Osteopathy
Articles in this issue include:
- The Chemistry of Digestion, Together With Osteopathic Suggestions by O.J. Snyder
- Osteopathy at Asbury Park
- The Neuron Society
- The Osteopathic Operation For Bright's Disease
- Parthenogenesis
- Specialization and Over-Specialization
- Another Place
- Philadelphia College of Osteopathy and a Higher Standard of Osteopathic Education
- Osteopathic Surgery
- Dr. Henry E. Patterson
- The Head in Relation to the Body
- Acute Appendicitis
- From Pupils and Patients
- Acute Coccygodynia
- Personal
Philadelphia Journal of Osteopathy Volume 4, Number 7
Philadelphia College and Infirmary of Osteopathy
Articles in this issue include:
- President O.J. Snyder's Address. Graduating Exercises Philadelphia College of Osteopathy
- Commencement Exercises
- Some Nerve Functions
- Osteopathic Action and Reaction. Physiological Kinesthesia
- Atmospheric Electric States in Relation to the Nervous System, and the Physiology of Fear in Disease, with Neuropathic Suggestions
- The Sex Function
Philadelphia Journal of Osteopathy Volume 4, Number 9
Philadelphia College and Infirmary of Osteopathy
Articles in this issue include:
- Take Notice
- Curing Without Medicine
- The Osteopathic Significance of the Neck
- Critical Cogitations on the Philosophy of Scientific Cure
- The Electrical Theory of Physiological Action
- Food as an Electrical Supply to the Body
- The Foods that Carry Electricity
- How the Food-Ions Affect the Nerves
- Osteopathic Simulation by this Method
- Effect of Drugs on the Electrical Conditions
- Some Osteopathic Principles Relative to Muscular Contraction and Nerve Action
- American Osteopathic Association
- Why I Became an Osteopath by the Editor
- Important Notice
Philadelphia Journal of Osteopathy Volume 3, Number 10
Philadelphia College and Infirmary of Osteopathy
Articles in this issue include:
- The Osteopath as a Neurologist
- Order is Heaven's First Law
- From Nerves to Nerve Centers
- Why Hug Sickness?
- Dr. Stills Autobiography
- The Seat of Wrong
- They Can Be
- Standards
- The Real Higher Education
- The Mind a Factor
- Why We Are Here
- A Valuable Expounding
- A Question of Responsibility
Philadelphia Journal of Osteopathy Volume 3, Number 12
Philadelphia College and Infirmary of Osteopathy
Articles in this issue include:
- Modern Medical Practice
- A Liberal Education
- Physiologic Therapeutics
- The Nerve Force
Beginning publication in 1899 and ceasing around 1914, the Philadelphia Journal of Osteopathy was the college's first publication, and served as a general interest journal promoting the emerging science of osteopathy as well as providing news about enrollment and study at the newly-founded College and Infirmary of Osteopathy. Typical issues included articles about recognition of osteopathic practice and educational programs in various states, uses of osteopathic techniques to treat common ailments, and class notes, teaching appointments, and announcements regarding the college's facilities and equipment.
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