2017 Founders' Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 2017 Founders Day Alumni Association Certificate of Honor Recipient was Dana C. Shaffer (DO '85). The OJ Snyder Memorial Medal recipient was Vincent G. Lobo (DO '65). The Philadelphia Campus Mason W. Pressly Memorial Medal Recipient was Anna Elisa Muzio (DO '17). The Georgia campus Mason W. Pressly Memorial Medal Recipient was Matthew Shelnutt (DO '17).
2016 Founders' Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 2016 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial Medal recipient was Richard Pascucci DO '75. The Philadelphia Campus Mason W. Pressly Memorial Medal Recipient was Zachary Herrman (DO '16). The Georgia campus Mason W. Pressly Memorial Medal Recipient was Jessica Mormando (DO '16).
2015 Founders' Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 2015 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial Medal recipients were Oliver Bullock DO '78 and Joseph Dieterle DO '70. The Philadelphia Campus Mason W Pressly Memorial Medal Recipient was Valerie Moore (DO '15). The Georgia campus Mason W Pressly Memorial Medal Recipient was Lauren Smith, (DO '16)
2014 Founders' Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 2014 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial Medal recipient was Matthew Schure, PhD. The Philadelphia Campus Mason W Pressly Memorial Medal Recipient was Matthew Spiecher (DO '14). The Georgia campus Mason W Pressly Memorial Medal Recipient was Jason Milton, (DO '14) PharmD, MBA
2013 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 2013 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial Medal recipient was Saul Jeck, DO, FACOOG. The Philadelphia Campus Mason W Pressly Memorial Medal Recipient was Mark A. Vila, MBA (DO '13). The Georgia campus Mason W Pressly Memorial Medal Recipient was Annise K. Chung, (DO '13).
2012 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 2012 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial Medal recipient was Kenneth J Veit. The Mason W Pressly Memorial Medal Recipients were Robert Timothy Bryan, DO 2012, and Kaitline Kobaitri, DO 2012 GA-PCOM.
2011 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial Medal recipient was Robert S Maurer, DO 1962. the Mason W Pressly Memorial Medal Recipients were John M Clark, DO 2011, Nilam Shah Vughan, DO 2011, GA-PCOM.
2010 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 2010 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial Medal recipient was John A Cifala, DO 1945, The Mason W Pressly Memorial Medal Recipients were David A Rand, DO 2010, and Helen R Levey, DO 2010 GA-PCOM.
2009 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 2009 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial Medal recipient was John W Becher, DO 1970. The Mason W Pressly Memorial Medal recipients were Helen Anne Chang, DO 2009, and Trupti Ramesh Patel, DO 2009 GA-PCOM.
2008 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 2008 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial Medal recipient was James H. Black, DO 1962. The Mason W Pressly Memorial Medal recipient was Sallee Eckler Jones, PhD, DO 2008.
2007 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 2007 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial Medal recipient was John Simelaro, DO 1971. The Mason W Pressly Memorial Award recipient was Jessica Masser, DO 2007.
2006 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 2006 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial Medal recipient was Robert W. England, DO 1956. the Mason w. Pressly Memorial Medal recipient was Gregory A Skochko, DO 2006.
2005 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 2005 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial Medal recipient was Carol A Fox. The Mason W Pressly Memorial Medal was Nicholas Bower, DO 2005.
2004 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 2004 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial Medal recipient was Herbert Lotman. the Mason W Pressly Memorial Medal recipient was Stacy Franz, DO 2004.
2003 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 2003 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial Medal recipient was Leonard W. Johnson. The Mason W Pressly Memorial Medal recipient was Joshua M. Baron, DO 2003.
2002 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The Founders Day 2002 OJ Snyder Memorial Medal recipient was Joseph M Pellettiere, Jr, DO 1948. The Mason W Pressly Memorial Meal Recipient was Edward J Armbruster, DO 2002.
2001 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 2001 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial Medal recipient was Ronald R Blanck, DO 1967. The Mason W Pressly Memorial Medal recipient was Constance Gasda, DO 2001.
2000 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 2000 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial Medal recipient was Leonard H Finkelstein, DO 1959. The Mason W Pressly Memorial Medal recipient was Alison Leff, DO 2000.
1999 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 1999 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial medal recipient was Nicholas C. Pedano. The Mason W. Pressly Memorial Medal Recipient was Dana Hamilton, DO 1999.
1998 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 1998 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial Medal recipient was Robert M Fogel, DO 1958.
1997 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 1997 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial Medal recipient was Frieda O Vickers, DO 1939.
1996 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 1996 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial medal recipient was Albert F D'Alonzo, DO 1956.
1995 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 1995 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial Medal recipient was Lester Eisenberg, DO 1938.
1994 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 1994 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial Medal was presented to Fairman L Denlinger, DO 1953.
1993 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 1993 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial Medal was presented to Robert L Meals, DO 1956.
1992 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 1992 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial Medal was presented to Emanuel Fliegelman, DO 1942.
1988 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 1988 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial Medal was presented to Richard S. Koch, DO 1938.
1987 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 1987 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial medal was presented to W. Kenneth Riland, DO 1936.
1986 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 1986 Founders Day OJ Snyder memorial medal was presented to David Heilig. DO 1944.
1985 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 1985 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial Medal was presented to Galen S. Young, Sr. DO 1935.
1984 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 1984 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial Medal was presented to Thomas M Rowland, Jr.
1983 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 1983 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial Medal was presented to George H. Guest, DO, 1936
1982 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 1982 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial Medal was presented to M Carman Pettapiece, DO 1932.
1980 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 1980 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial Medal was presented to Leo C Wagner, DO 1926.
1979 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 1979 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial Medal was presented to Frank E Gruber. DO 1926.
1978 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 1978 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial Medal was presented to Foster C. True, DO 1922.
1977 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 1977 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial medal was presented to A Aline Swift, DO 1934.
1976 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 1976 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial Medal was presented to Mortimer J. Sullivan, DO 1921.
1975 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 1975 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial Medal was presented to William S Spaeth, DO 1925.
1974 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 1974 Founders Day OJ Snyder memorial medal was presented to Herman Kohn DO 1927.
1973 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 1973 Founders Day OJ Snyder memorial medal was presented to to William F. Daiber, DO 1928.
1972 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 1972 OJ Snyder Memorial Medal was presented to George W. Northup, DO 1939.
1971 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 1971 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial Medal was awarded to Joseph F. Py, DO 1926.
1969 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The 1969 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial Medal was awarded to Edgar O. Holden, DO 1922.
1967 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathy
The 1967 Founders Day OJ Snyder memorial medal was awarded to CARLTON STREET, DO 1924.
1966 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathy
The 1966 Founders Day OJ Snyder Medal was awarded to ANGUS G. CATHIE, DO 1931, MSc, FAAO.
1965 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathy
The 1965 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial Medal recipient was GEORGE MICHAEL LEADER, Former Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
1964 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathy
The 1964 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial Medal recipient was Paul T Lloyd DO 1923.
1963 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathy
The 1963 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial Medal recipient for 1963 was H. Walter Evans, DO 1917.
1961 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathy
The 1961 OJ Snyder Memorial Medal recipient was James M. Eaton, DO 1928.
1960 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathy
The 1960 OJ Snyder Memorial Medal recipient was C. Paul Snyder, DO 1910.
1959 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathy
The 1959 OJ Snyder Memorial Medal recipient was Ira W Drew, DO 1911
1958 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathy
The 1958 Philadelphia College of Osteopathy Founders Day recipient was Phil R. Russell, DO.
1956 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathy
The 1956 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial Medal Recipient was Russell C. McCaughan.
1954 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathy
The 1954 Founders Day OJ Snyder Memorial Medal recipient was Margaret H Jones, DO.
1953 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathy
Founders Day Program, Philadelphia College of Osteopathy, January 31, 1953. David S B Pennock, MD, DO was the recipient of the 1953 OJ Snyder Memorial Medal.
1952 Founders Day
Philadelphia College of Osteopathy
Founders Day Program, Philadelphia College of Osteopathy, February 1, 1952.
1936 Founders Day Mid-Year Convocation
Philadelphia College of Osteopathy
Philadelphia College of Osteopathy FOUNDERS' DAY Mid-Year Convocation COLLEGE AUDITORIUM Saturday Morning, February 22, 1936
Founders Day Programs from 1936 to present
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