The Novel Cardioprotective Effects of Naltrindole to Mitigate Rigor During Ischemia

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences

First Advisor

Dr. Lindon Young

Second Advisor

Qian Chen Ph.D

Third Advisor

Kelsey Kjosness Ph.D


Introduction: Previously, naltrindole (NTI) produced robust cardioprotective effects in both ex-vivo and in-vivo rat myocardial ischemia (MI) injury, and attenuated phorbol 12-myristate 13- acetate (PMA) induced polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) superoxide (SO) release by a novel mechanism of action (MOA) devoid of opioid receptors. To test this hypothesis, we conducted PMN SO release and isolated perfused MI assays using KB-R7943 (KB), a reverse mode Na+/Ca2+ exchange inhibitor. KB should attenuate PMN SO release, MI infarct size, and improve left ventricular end diastolic pressure (LVEDP). Methods: PMNs and hearts isolated from anesthetized male Sprague Dawley rats. PMN SO release was stimulated using PMA (100 nM) ± NTI 10-200 μM, KB 5-20 μM, naloxone (NX)100-200 μM or vehicle control and measured spectrophotometrically. Cell viability was determined using 0.2% Trypan blue exclusion. NTI 1.25-5 μM, KB 10-20 μM, or NX 10 μM was given to perfused hearts, just prior to global I(30 min)/R(45 min). A pressure transducer measured LV function, and infarct size determined using 1% triphenyltetrazolium chloride staining. Data analyzed using ANOVA and Fishers post-hoc analysis, with p<0.05 considered statistically significant. Results: KB (20 μM, n=7) and NTI (200 μM, n=7) significantly reduced PMN SO release by 40.2 ± 7.8% and 53.5 ± 6.2% respectively when compared to vehicle (n=10), whereas NX 10-200 μM, (n=3) did not. NTI 5 μM and KB 20 μM reduced infarct size by 4.8 ± 3%, (n=5, p<0.05) and 2.9 ± 2%, (n=5, p<0.05) respectively compared to vehicle 14.1 ± 2%, (n=9). NTI 5 μM and KB 20 μM significantly reduced final LVEDP to 32.4 ± 11 mmHg, (n=5) and 22.8 ± 4 mmHg, (n=5) (both p<0.05) respectively compared to vehicle 72.4 ± 6 mmHg, (n=9), whereas NX 10 μM 54.2 ± 8% did not (n=3). Conclusion: The novel MOA of NTI cardioprotecton is mediated via a reduction in [Ca2+]in, and may benefit patients undergoing MI procedures.

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