Synapsis: Philadelphia Campus (2019)
The 2019 Philadelphia Campus Synapsis includes Orientation, White Coat, Gala, Life at PCOM, Anatomy Groups, Radiology, Family Medicine, Match.
View MoreThe 2019 Philadelphia Campus Synapsis includes Orientation, White Coat, Gala, Life at PCOM, Anatomy Groups, Radiology, Family Medicine, Match.
View MoreThe yearbook includes Class Officers, American Academy of Osteopathy Undergraduate Teaching Fellows, In Memory of Anne Yi Chong, Orientation, Formals, Halloween Party, Student Clubs, Casino Night, Cadaver Ceremony, Student Fun Day, Words...
View MoreThe 2014 Philadelphia Campus Synapsis includes Orientation, Anatomy, White Coat Ceremony, DO Day on the Hill, PCOM Military, Service in the Community, Missions Abroad, Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine Convocation, Relay for Life...
View MoreThis yearbook includes American Medical Association (AMA), American Medical Student Association (AMSA), American Medical Women's Association (AMWA), Association of the American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians (ACOFP), Asian...
View MoreThe yearbook includes Class Officers, White Coat Ceremony, Holiday Luncheon, GOMA Banquet, Cadaver Ceremony, Cardiology, Clubs, Emergency Medicine, Breast Cancer Awareness, Adopt-a-Road, Bowling, Ob-Gyn, Play, Surgery, CMDA, Sigma Sigma...
View MoreIncludes Corley Elementary Health Fair, Student Government Association, Class Officers, Clubs, Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine, Ob/Gyn, Obstetrics/Gynecology, Ophthalmology, Play, Complimentary and Atlernative Medicine, Student...
View MoreThis yearbook includes American Medical Association (AMA), American Medical Student Association (AMSA), American Medical Women's Association (AMWA), Association of the American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians (ACOFP), Asian...
View MoreWhite Coat Ceremony 2010, Retreat at Camp Ockanickon, Halloween 2010, Clinical Skills Day, Lab Skills Days, Classroom candids, PA Olympics, AAPA Conference 2011, Rotations,
View MoreThis yearbook includes Association Of Military Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons, AMOPS, Clubs, Athletic Club, Softball, Football, Soccer, Christian Medical And Dental Association, CMDA, Complimentary and Alternative Medicine, Emergency...
View MoreThis yearbook includes Student Osteopathic Medical Association, SOMA, Research Day, Trips, White Coat Ceremony, Prom, D.O. Day on the Hill, Charity, Military, Date Auction, Parties, Rafting, Basketball, Rugby, Awards, Picnic, Brunch...
View MoreIncludes pictures of PA class retreat 2009, Steppin' Out on the Town, Halloween Party 2009, School Daze, The PA Olympics 2010, AAPA Conference Atlanta GA 2010.
View MoreThis yearbook includes Neuroscience Society, CNS, Kappa Sigma Phi, KSPh, (ΚΣΦ), Medical Students for Choice, National Latino Health Organization, Muslim Medical Association, Yearbook includes National Latino Health Organization, NLHO, Phi...
View MoreThis yearbook includes White Coat Ceremony, Orientation, Races, Formals, Student Government Association, Class Officers, Student National Medical Association, SNMA, Student Osteopathic Medical Association, SOMA, Clubs, Athletic Club...
View MoreIncludes the White Coat Ceremony 2008, PA Week, PA Appreciation Breakfast, PA Class Retreat, Wissahickon Park Clean-up Day, Philabundance Volunteering, Philadelphia AIDS Walk, Broad Street Run, Philadelphia Zoo Volunteering, Classroom...
View MoreThis yearbook includes Clubs, White Coat Ceremony, D.O. Day on the Hill, OMM Fellows, Military, Charity, Runner's Club, Soccer, Volleyball, Flag Football, Baseball, Cycling, Deck Hockey, Men's Rugby, Basketball, Prom, Parties, Student...
View MoreThis yearbook includes the White Coat Ceremony, Accreditation, Student Government Association, Class Officers, Clubs, PCOM Learning About Youngsters, PLAY, Emergency Medicine.
View MoreThis yearbook includes Military, OMM Fellows, DO Day on the Hill, White Coat Ceremony, Prom, Trips, Class Officers, Dr. Meals' Memorial.
View MoreIncludes the White Coat Ceremony, Classroom candids, Class outings, Fall Retreat 2006, Halloween Party 2006, Christmas Party 2006, Clinical Skills Lab, PCOM Prom 2007, Powderpuff Football 2007, PA Olympics 2007, Senior Fridays.
View MoreThis yearbook includes the White Coat Ceremony, Military, Clinics, DO Day on the Hill, OMM Fellows, Prom, Holidays, Follies, Parties, Trips, Awards, Class Officers.
View MoreThis yearbook includes Dinner Dance, Parties, Picnic, Trips, White Coat Ceremony, Military, Halloween, Charity Events, Clubs, A Capella, American College Of Osteopathic Family Physicians, ACOFP, American Holistic Medical Association, AHMA...
View MoreThe 2005 Synapsis includesTrips, Parties, Formal, Prom, Dinner, White Coat Ceremony, Football, Soccer, Golf, Basketball, Frisbee, Men's Rugby, Women's Rugby, Halloween, DO Day on the Hill, Military, Clinics, Picnic, Physician Assistant...
View MoreThis yearbook includes AIDS Walk, Bridging the Gaps, West Philadelphia Health Fair, Heart Walk, Blood Drives, Halloween, Follies, Football, DO Day on the Hill, Parties, Spring Formal, Prom, Clubs, A Capella, American College Of Osteopathic...
View MoreIncludes Accomplishments, National Physician Assistant Day, Physician Assistant Olympics, Challenge Bowl, Classroom candids, Retreat at Camp Ockanickon,
View MoreThe 2003 Synapsis includes Trips, Parties, Skits, Dinner, Clubs, A Capella, American College Of Osteopathic Family Practitioners, ACOFP, AIDS Walk, American Medical Association Medical Student Society, AMA-MSS, Association Of Military...
View MoreIncludes the White Coat Ceremony, Retreat at Camp Ockanickon, National Physician Assistant Day, Challenge Bowl Jeopardy, Halloween, Classroom candids, Christmas Party, PCOM Prom Night, Physician Assistant National Convention, Alumni...
View MoreThis yearbook includes Trips, Formal, Halloween, Parties, Clinics, AIDS Walk, Clubs, A Capella, American Holistic Medical Association, AHMA, American College Of Osteopathic Family Practitioners, ACOFP, Association Of Military Osteopathic...
View MoreThis yearbook includes A Capella, American Holistic Medical Association, AHMA, American College Of Osteopathic Family Practitioners, ACOFP, Association Of Military Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons, AMOPS, American Medical Association...
View MoreIncludes the White Coat Ceremony, Retreat at Camp Ockanickon, National Physician Assistant Day 1999, Classroom candids.
View MoreThis yearbook includes Physician Assistant Program, Biomedical Sciences Program, A Capella, American College Of Osteopathic Family Practitioners, ACOFP, American Holistic Medical Association, AHMA, Asian Medical Health Association, AMHA...
View MoreThis yearbook covers the Centennial, 100 Years, Trips, Parties, Prom, Halloween, Soiree, Football, Orientation, Biomedical Sciences Program, Physician Assistant Program, Student Council, Class Officers, Clubs, Physicians for Social...
View MoreThis yearbook covers Clubs, A Capella, American College Of Osteopathic Family Practitioners, ACOFP, Ballroom Dance, Community Of Italian American Osteopaths, CIAO, Christian Medical And Dental Society, CMDS, Emergency Medicine, Geriatrics...
View MoreThis yearbook includes Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Phi Sig House, Halloween, Rugby, Show, Holidays, Party, Eli Lilly Trip, Dance, Military, Clinics, Student Council, Class Officers
View MoreThe 1996 Synapsis includes Yearbook Staff, Holidays, Founders' Day Follies, Follies, Pennsylvania Osteopathic Medical Association, POMA, Student Council, Class Officers, Student Osteopathic Medical Association, SOMA, SOMA Officer Party...
View MoreThis Yearbook includes Yearbook Staff, Parties, Skits, Diving, Trips, Student Osteopathic Medical Association, SOMA, Biomedical Sciences Program, Note Service, Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Formal, Big Brother/Big Sister Program...
View MoreThis yearbook includes Clubs, Dinner, Biking, Parties, Skits, Clinics, Trip, Halloween, Yearbook Staff, Student Council, Class Officers, American College of Family Physicians, American Medical Women's Association, AMWA, American Medical...
View MoreThis yearbook includes Clubs, Clinics, Trips, Note Service, Orientation, Student Council, Class Officers, Community of Italian American Osteopaths, CIAO, CIAOU, Student Osteopathic Medical Association, SOMA, Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG...
View MoreThis yearbook includes Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Dinner Dance, Founders' Day Follies, Follies, Halloween, White Water Rafting, Wheal of Function, Show, Rugby, Eastern Pennsylvania Rugby Union Professional School Division Champions...
View MoreThis yearbook includes Yearbook Staff, WPCOM, Follies, Founders' Day Follies, Award, Golf, Clinic, Basketball, Soccer, Running, Halloween, Trips, Parties, Dinner, Skits, Swimming.
View MoreThis yearbook includes Rugby, U.S.A. Rugby East Coast Graduate School Champions, Eastern Pennsylvania Rugby Union Professional School Division Champions, Soccer, Golf, Men's Basketball, Women's Basketball, Halloween, Student Council, Class...
View MoreThis yearbook inculdes Rugby, Soccer, Basketball, Yearbook Staff, Bridge Club, Swimming, Political Science Club, Poli Sci Club, Gene Banker Society, Student National Medical Association, SNMA, Student Council, Class Officers, Note Service...
View MoreThe 1988 yearbook includes Student Council, Class Officers, Undergraduate American Academy of Osteopathy, UAAO, Student National Medical Association, SNMA, Student Osteopathic Medical Association, SOMA, National Student Osteopathic...
View MoreThe 1987 yearbook includes Student Council, Class Officers, Gene Banker Society, Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Christian Medical Society, Soccer, Rugby, Ultimate Frisbee, Sports Banquet, Yearbook Staff .
View MoreThe 1986 Synapsis includes the Auxiliary Associate, Basketball, Men's Basketball, Women's Basketball, Golf, Rugby, Soccer, Dinner Dance.
View MoreThe 1985 yearbook includes the Dinner Dance, Masquerade, Founders' Day Follies, Flounder's Day Follies, Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Student Auxiliary Association, Gene Banker Society, Yearbook Staff...
View MoreThe 1984 Synapsis includes Yearbook Staff, Student Council, Class Officers, American Medical Writers Association, A.M.W.A. - DO, Student Osteopathic Medical Association, SOMA, Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ)...
View MoreThe 1983 Synapsis includes Student Council, Class Officers, American Medical Writers Association, A.M.W.A. - DO, Student Osteopathic Medical Association, SOMA, American College of General Practice, Christian Medical Society, Lambda Omicron...
View MoreThe 1982 Synapsis includes Christmas Show, Founders' Day Follies, Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Delta Omega, DO, (ΔΩ), H.O.G. Fraternity, Student Council, Class Officers, Student Spouses Auxiliary...
View MoreThe 1981 Synapsis includes the Christmas Show, Student Spouses, Christian Medical Society, Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Dinner Dance, Rugby, Volleyball, Student Council, Class Officers, Yearbook Staff.
View MoreThe 1980 Synapsis includes Student Council, Class Officers, Student Osteopathic Medical Association, SOMA, Undergraduate Chapter of the American College of General Practitioners in Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery, A.C.G.P., Christian...
View MoreThe 1979 Synapsis includes Yearbook Staff, Clinics, Rugby, Basketball, Volleyball, Thespians, American Osteopathic Association, A.O.A., Student Council, Class Officers, Group Leaders, Note Service, Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ)...
View MoreThe 1978 Synapsis includes Student Spouses Association, Students' Spouses Auxiliary, Baseball, Basketball, Rugby, Christmas Show. Dr. Oliver Bullock, DO Class of 1978, recorded an oral history for the College's centennial. The transcript...
View MoreThe 1977 Synapsis includes Christmas Show, Student Council Dinner Dance, Rugby Team, Rugby, Ice Hockey, Rip Van Winkle Club, Gourmet Club, Passover Seder, Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Student Spouses...
View MoreThe 1976 Synapsis includes Yearbook Staff, Student Council, Class Officers, Student Wives Association, Student Wives Club, Students' Wives Organization, Student Wives Organization, Student Osteopathic Medical Association, SOMA, Sports...
View MoreThe 1975 Synapsis covers Bridge Club, Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Phi Sig, Student Wives Club, Students' Wives Organization, Student Wives Organization, Student Wives Auxiliary, Student Osteopathic...
View MoreThe 1974 Synapsis includes Neonatology Society, Bariatric Society, Radiology Club, Ear, Nose and Throat Club, E.N.T. Club, Orthopedic Society, Dermatology Society, Dermatology Society, Proctology Club, Anatomy Club, Physiological Chemistry...
View MoreThe 1973 Synapsis includes Atlas Club, Iota Tau Sigma, ITS, (ΙΤΣ), Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Decathlon Team, Tennis Club, Tennis, Basketball Team, Basketball, Weight Watchers, General Practice Society...
View MoreThe 1972 Synapsis includes Atlas Club, Iota Tau Sigma, ITS, (ΙΤΣ), Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Student Wives Club, Students' Wives Organization, Student Wives Organization, Student Wives Association...
View MoreThe 1971 Synapsis includes Senior Citizens' Christmas Party, Children's Christmas Party, Atlas Club, Iota Tau Sigma, ITS, (ΙΤΣ), Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Neuropsychiatric Society, Neuro-Psychiatry...
View MoreThe 1970 Synapsis includes Atlas Club, Iota Tau Sigma, ITS, (ΙΤΣ), Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Delta Omega, DO, (ΔΩ), Student Council, Class Officers, Society of Internal Medicine, Internal Medicine...
View MoreThe 1969 Synapis includes Atlas Club, Iota Tau Sigma, ITS, (ΙΤΣ), Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Delta Omega, DO, (ΔΩ), Student Council, Class Officers, Undergraduate Academy of Applied Osteopathy, Christian...
View MoreThe 1968 PCOM Synapsis includes Atlas Club, Iota Tau Sigma, ITS, (ΙΤΣ), Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Delta Omega, DO, (ΔΩ), Student Wives Club, Students' Wives Organization, Student Wives Organization...
View MoreThe 1967 yearbook includes Senior Banquet, Yearbook Staff, Student Council, Class Officers, Neuropsychiatric Society, Neuro-Psychiatry Society, Neuro-Psychiatric Society, Biochemistry Society, Society of Internal Medicine, Internal...
View MoreThis yearbook includes Catholic Guild, Hillel Society, Internal Medicine Society, Undergraduate Academy of Applied Osteopathy, Biochemistry Society, Pediatric Society, Lambda Omicron Gamma Wives. A photograph of the Class of 1966 is also...
View MoreThis yearbook includes Society of Internal Medicine, Internal Medicine Society, Undergraduate Academy of Applied Osteopathy, Biochemistry Society, Pediatric Society, Pediatrics. A photograph of the Class of 1965 is also available online...
View MoreThis yearbook includes the Atlas Club, Iota Tau Sigma, ITS, (ΙΤΣ), Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Christian Osteopathic Society, Hillel, Hillel Society, Catholic Guild, Undergraduate Academy of Applied...
View MoreThis yearbook includes Atlas Club, Iota Tau Sigma, ITS, (ΙΤΣ), Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Christian Osteopathic Society, Hillel, Hillel Society, Catholic Guild, Undergraduate Academy of Applied...
View MoreThis yearbook includes the Atlas Club, Iota Tau Sigma, ITS, (ΙΤΣ), Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Christian Osteopathic Society, Hillel, Hillel Society, Catholic Guild, Undergraduate Academy of Applied...
View MoreThis yearbook includes the Atlas Club, Iota Tau Sigma, ITS, (ΙΤΣ), Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Christian Osteopathic Society, Hillel, Hillel Society, Catholic Guild, Undergraduate Academy of Applied...
View MoreThis yearbook includes Atlas Club, Iota Tau Sigma, ITS, (ΙΤΣ), Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Christian Osteopathic Society, Hillel, Hillel Society, Catholic Guild, Undergraduate Academy of Applied...
View MoreThis yearbook includes Atlas Club, Iota Tau Sigma, ITS, (ΙΤΣ), Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Hillel, Hillel Society, Linacre Society, Linacre, Christian Osteopathic Society, Undergraduate Academy of Applied...
View MoreThis yearbook includes Student Council, Class Officers, Atlas Club, Iota Tau Sigma, ITS, (ΙΤΣ), Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Catholic Guild, Hillel, Hillel Society, Christian Osteopathic Society, Academy...
View MoreThis yearbook includes the Atlas Club, Iota Tau Sigma, ITS, (ΙΤΣ), Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Hillel, Hillel Society, Linacre Society, Linacre, Christian Osteopathic Society, Student Council, Class...
View MoreThis yearbook includes Atlas Club, Iota Tau Sigma, ITS, (ΙΤΣ), Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Christian Osteopathic Society, Hillel, Hillel Society, Linacre Society, Linacre, Glee Club, Student Council...
View MoreThis yearbook includes Student Council, Class Officers, Glee Club, Basketball, Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ob-Gyn Society, Obstetrics and Gynecology Society, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Society of Internal Medicine, Pediatric...
View MoreThe 1950 Synapsis includes Yearbook Staff, Atlas Club, Iota Tau Sigma, ITS, (ΙΤΣ), Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Junior Women's Osteopathic Association, Christian Osteopathic Medical Society, Dig-On...
View MoreThis yearbook includes the Yearbook Staff, Neo Senior Honorary Society, Atlas Club, Iota Tau Sigma, ITS, (ΙΤΣ), Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Junior Women's Osteopathic Association, Dig-On Society, Student...
View MoreThis yearbook includes Interfraternity Council, Inter-fraternity Council, Atlas Club, Iota Tau Sigma, ITS, (ΙΤΣ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Junior Women's Osteopathic Association, Student Council, Class...
View MoreThis yearbook includes the Atlas Club, Iota Tau Sigma, ITS, (ΙΤΣ), Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Yearbook Staff, Neo Senior Honorary Society, Dig-On Society, Student Council, Class Officers, Interfraternity...
View MoreThis yearbook includes Atlas Club, Iota Tau Sigma, ITS, (ΙΤΣ), Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Theta Psi, ThPs, (ΘΨ), Sigma Alpha Omicron, SAO, (ΣΑΟ), Junior Women's Osteopathic Association, Yearbook Staff...
View MoreThis yearbook includes the Freshman Dance, Seventh Annual Charity Ball, Atlas Club, Iota Tau Sigma, ITS, (ΙΤΣ), Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Theta Psi, ThPs, (ΘΨ), Sigma Alpha Omicron, SAO, (ΣΑΟ), Neo...
View MoreThis yearbook includes Nursing, Alma Mater, Class Officers, Holidays, Charity Ball, Senior Night, Formal, Junior Prom, Hay Ride, Bingo Party, Yearbook Staff.
View MoreThis yearbook includes Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Iota Tau Sigma, ITS, (ΙΤΣ), Atlas Club, Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Theta Psi, ThPs, (ΘΨ), Junior Women's Osteopathic Association, Yearbook Staff, Cardio-Vascular Society, Pediatric...
View MoreThis yearbook includes Nursing, Yearbook Staff, School Song, Parties, Dances, Holidays, Amateur Show, Capping, Charity Ball, Formal, Class Officers, Variety Show, Fashion Show, Class Ring, Pledge.
View MoreThis yearbook includes yearbook Staff, Student Council, Class Officers, Junior Women's Osteopathic Association, Atlas Club, Iota Tau Sigma, ITS, (ΙΤΣ), Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Theta Psi, ThPs, (ΘΨ)...
View MoreThis yearbook includes Nursing, Yearbook Staff, Dances, Formal, Charity Ball, Parties, Capping, Holidays, Amateur Show, Weiner Roast, Teas, Trip, Pledge.
View MoreThis yearbook includes Iota Tau Sigma, ITS, (ΙΤΣ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Theta Psi, ThPs, (ΘΨ), Atlas Club, Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Inter-Fraternity-Sorority Council, Junior Women's Osteopathic Association, Student...
View MoreThis yearbook includes Kappa Psi Delta, KPHD, (ΚΨΔ), Iota Tau Sigma, ITS, (ΙΤΣ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Axis Club, Theta Psi, ThPs, (ΘΨ), Atlas Club, Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Inter-Fraternity-Sorority Council, Student...
View MoreThis yearbook includes Kappa Psi Delta, KPHD, (ΚΨΔ), Iota Tau Sigma, ITS, (ΙΤΣ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Axis Club, Theta Psi, ThPs, (ΘΨ), Atlas Club, Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Inter-Fraternity-Sorority Council, Student...
View MoreThis yearbook includes Kappa Psi Delta, KPHD, (ΚΨΔ), Iota Tau Sigma, ITS, (ΙΤΣ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Axis Club, Theta Psi, ThPs, (ΘΨ), Atlas Club, Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Inter-Fraternity-Sorority Council, Student...
View MoreThis yearbook includes Kappa Psi Delta, KPHD, (ΚΨΔ), Iota Tau Sigma, ITS, (ΙΤΣ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Axis Club, Theta Psi, ThPs, (ΘΨ), Atlas Club, Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Inter-Fraternity-Sorority Council, Student...
View MoreThis yearbook includes Kappa Psi Delta, KPHD, (ΚΨΔ), Iota Tau Sigma, ITS, (ΙΤΣ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Axis Club, Theta Psi, ThPs, (ΘΨ), Atlas Club, Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Inter-Fraternity-Sorority Council, Yearbook...
View MoreThis yearbook includes Kappa Psi Delta, KPHD, (ΚΨΔ), Iota Tau Sigma, ITS, (ΙΤΣ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Axis Club, Theta Psi, ThPs, (ΘΨ), Atlas Club, Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Interfraternity Council, Inter-fraternity...
View MoreThis yearbook includes Kappa Psi Delta, KPHD, (ΚΨΔ), Iota Tau Sigma, ITS, (ΙΤΣ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Axis Club, Theta Psi, ThPs, (ΘΨ), Atlas Club, Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Interfraternity Council, Inter-fraternity...
View MoreThis yearbook includes Kappa Psi Delta, KPHD, (ΚΨΔ), Iota Tau Sigma, ITS, (ΙΤΣ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Axis Club, Theta Psi, ThPs, (ΘΨ), Atlas Club, Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Neurone Society, student publication "The Axone"...
View MoreThis yearbook includes Kappa Psi Delta, KPHD, (ΚΨΔ), Iota Tau Sigma, ITS, (ΙΤΣ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Axis Club, Theta Psi, ThPs, (ΘΨ), Atlas Club, Lambda Omicron Gamma, LOG, (ΛΟΓ), Neo Senior Society, Newman Club, Sigma Alpha...
View MoreThe 1926 yearbook covers Student Council, Class Officers, student publication "The Axone", Neurone Society, Kappa Psi Delta, KPHD, (ΚΨΔ), Axis Club, Iota Tau Sigma, ITS, (ΙΤΣ), Phi Sigma Gamma, PSG, (ΦΣΓ), Theta Psi, ThPs, (ΘΨ), Atlas...
View MoreThe 1925 yearbook includes yearbook staff, Soph Play, Tennis, Junior Prom, Baseball, Senior Society, Frosh Banquet, Track, Dance, Student Council, Class Officers, student publication "The Axone", Neurone Society, Kappa Psi Delta, KPHD...
View MoreIncludes yearbooks from the DO programs, the former nursing school, and the Physican Assistant program. DO yearbooks were not published by the College between 1951-1953, and are missing from our collections for the years 1943, 1945-1949, and 1955. The Library will gratefully borrow copies of any missing years, digitize them, and return them to their owners.
DO Yearbooks (1925-2019)
Synapsis: Phildelphia Campus, 1925-2019; Georgia Campus, 2009-2015
Nursing Yearbooks (1937-1939)
(The Cranium: Osteopathic Hospital of Philadelphia School of Nursing, 1937-1939)
Physician Assistant Yearbooks (2001-2012)
(Philadelphia Campus, 2001-2012)
Virtual Yearbooks (2020-)
Photograph collections from classes of 2020 and later.