Date of Submission


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Psychology (PsyD)



Department Chair

Stephanie H. Felgoise, PhD, ABPP

First Advisor

Bradley M. Rosenfield, PsyD

Second Advisor

Robert A. DiTomasso, PhD, ABPP

Third Advisor

J. Russell Ramsay, PhD, ABPP


Adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) experience many difficulties in executive functioning and mental health. The literature supports cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) as an evidence-based treatment, for many mental health disorders, including the cognitive and behavioral issues associated with adult ADHD. There is evidence that some of the problems associated with adult ADHD are related to cognitive distortions, functional impairment, and deficits in executive functioning. Previous studies have found a preliminary relationship between cognitive distortions and ADHD, but these studies did not assess overly positive cognitions, the latter, also theorized to be related to this disorder. The purpose of the current study is to understand the relationship between overly positive cognitions, as operationalized by the ADHD Cognitions Scale (ACS), and negatively valenced cognitive distortions, as operationalized by the Inventory of Cognitive Distortions (ICD), determine the most frequently endorsed cognitive distortions, and identify a which of these predictor variables are associated with overly positive distortions. Ultimately, it is hoped that this study will inform how this style of thinking (i.e. overly positive maladaptive cognitions) may impact impulsive and avoidant behaviors. Results of the current study found a significant and positive relationship between the ACS and ICD, identified the most frequently endorsed cognitive distortions of the sample, and the ICD and Barkley Deficits in Executive Functioning Scale (BDEFS) significantly and positively predicted higher scores on the ACS. It is hoped that the results of this study will provide clinical insight into the role overly positive maladaptive cognitions play in the functioning of adults with ADHD to better inform the assessment and treatment of these complex conditions.

Included in

Psychology Commons
