Date of Submission


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Psychology (PsyD)



Department Chair

Stephanie Felgoise, PhD, ABPP

First Advisor

Susan Panichelli Mindel

Second Advisor

Leslie Fernandez

Third Advisor

Jessica Harpel


Transgender and gender non-binary (TNB) individuals commonly report diminished mental health when compared to cisgender individuals. TNB individuals experience unique stressors due to their gender identity such as gender-based discrimination and victimization, internalized transphobia, and non-affirmation of their gender. Due to these unique stressors, TNB individuals experience elevated rates of psychological distress such as anxiety, depression, and suicidality. Additionally, TNB individuals report body image issues and disordered eating. This study examined if gender minority stress predicts the relationship between body checking behaviors and eating pathology amongst TNB individuals. Simple linear regression models were used to assess the possible impact gender minority stress, as measured by the Gender Minority Stress and Resilience Scale, may have on eating pathology, as measured by the Eating Attitude Test-26, and body checking behaviors, as measured by the Body Checking Questionnaire. Participants in the study reported elevated rates of gender minority stress, which is consistent with the literature. Gender minority stress was found to predict elevated rates of eating and body checking behaviors. Eating and body checking behaviors were found to be moderately correlated.
